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Everything posted by DozyGamer

  1. Assassin's Creed, The Crew, Far Cry 4, and GTA V all coming out between the 11th and 18th. This November will be a busy month.
  2. If they add garages, gang attacks, peagasus and the mechanic to sp I'll never need to play GTAO ever again.
  3. Noooooope, I ain't playing that. I couldn't bring myself to play PT so I ended up watching a let's play video on YouTube. Outlast is going to be the last horror game I play. Although, if Outlast becomes compatible with morpheus or oculus or whatever veearus headset, it'd be interesting to see how they handle the buzzsaw vs scrotum scene from the whistleblower DLC.
  4. I bet the other guy's injury looks worse, Heisenberg. You are the danger.
  5. But that's how wall street works, some asshat "analyst" makes a statement, and the media blows it up. Next thing you know the markets react to said bullshit and all of a sudden you're dealing with something real.
  6. So some jerk-off analyst made comments that Activision should buy Take-Two and Take-Two's share price went up. This is bad. Let's just hope Take Two tells them to fuck off like they did with EA 6 years ago. If this happens Activison will milk GTA to death, Rockstar doesn't need corporate publishers to oversee their work and fuck things up.
  7. It just occurred to me that in the detailed interior of the flight tower in Fort Zancudo, there was a classroom on the ground floor. Some of the early leaked info even mentioned that the new missions would be solo missions. And considering that this is the only DLC pack to be announced with a trailer, I think this may be a little different than what we're used to. I hope we'll be able to unlock certain vehicles by completing the new missions without having to blow a fortune buying them. Let's see what we get tomorrow.
  8. I'm so excited about this next update. My only complaint is that I won't be home to play it for another week.
  9. Just drove up from San Diego to Beverly Hills, and in the 2 hour drive I must have listened to half the songs in GTAV and San Andreas on the radio. Rockstar really does a great job of capturing the essence of the cities they recreate with their music selection. Rockstar also introduced me to plenty of great songs from different eras that I otherwise never would have been able to enjoy. It's been one hell of a journey playing GTA games all these years.
  10. In the Lost and Damned when I had to flee the botched heroine deal with Nicko and Playboy X, this song came on the radio as I was fleeing on my Hog. I remember telling that story to a friend and another guy overheard the story and was all like Bullshit!
  11. This short dev diary series should get us back on topic. No gameplay though, just 2 Ubisoft devs and vice documentaries guy trekking through Nepal.
  12. Upcoming DLC leak? Either Rockstar are being more cautious about how they release DLC, or this next DLC is meant for story mode. Hence the generic name.
  13. It's a big jump from the letters ZMB in a string of code to all out zombie apocalypse GTA. I'm more excited about the new assassination missions and Casino stuff. The mission titles: 'Cable car' and 'Skydive' sound very promising.
  14. It probably means you haven't met HER yet. I've had dreams about people I hadn't met.. I think..
  15. Gtagrl: thanks I appreciate that. Dupzor: Muslim men aren't allowed to wear gold or silk, even if many break that rule. I did have a solid gold phone once but it was stupidly heavy and the Internet browser was shit so I switched to an iPhone. QD: I would commission a solid gold bust of those magnificent man mammaries of yours if you're up for it. You can have one for your trouble. And just to get back on topic: I'd place Q's beautifully bodacious boob bust right under the empty area under my 360.
  16. Ok my family is obscenely wealthy, I don't exactly hold the family purse strings and everyone in my family thinks I'm a colossal fuck up. Which I kind of am, hell I didn't even buy that car it was a graduation present.
  17. Nothing gets past you, huh Massacre. While I'm not a Saudi Prince per se but I am from an old aristocratic Arab tribe, and that is indeed one of my cars. You see tribes that made their fortunes before the discovery of oil in the region have pretty much turned into the WASPs of Arabia. I didn't really want to share all that before because most of our kind have turned into entitled douchey show-offs and I didn't want to come off like an asshole. Just go to the high end shopping district in any major city in the world and you'll probably see some of my relatives.
  18. This is my set up. I can't tell if the image is too small. I'm posting from my phone as I'm on vacation at the moment. It looks tiny on my screen. Anyway I've got my custom rig on the right that's hooked up to my 45" Samsung TV. Under that I've got my 360 on the left, my PS3 to the right, and my PS4 under that.
  19. I got stuck like this trying to get out of my car. Ginj saw the whole thing.
  20. That makes perfect sense. You'd think Rockstar would've fixed it with a patch.
  21. I'd love that, I'll try to get online in maybe 10 hrs. It's noon over there, right?
  22. I don't get rooftop rumble at all. First; huge payout for little work, it doesn't unlock until level 70 something, and finally there isn't even a rumbling on any rooftops!
  23. I played 'the Los Santos connection' mission from Madrazo for the first time today and my God it was epic. Would love to play it again with friends rather than the idiotic randoms I played with. My only problem with this (and most GTAO missions) is the crappy payout. There were six of us in the mission playing on hard, and some asshole died and used up the only team life (or maybe he died twice, didn't really notice how many team lives we got.) at the first Vagos stop where we got the coke. Next there was the fuel depot and everyone was still alive when we got there, but that's when the shit hit the fan. Initially we were fine and managed to fight our way towards the laptop to hack it, but after one guy managed to get the info from the laptop and backup showed up. Everyone except me and one other guy who drove straight to the airport were alive. I got there to find the last guy sniping at the smugglers from a distance and got up close to take them on. They had a fucking army in that hangar, but we had managed to get all the guys inside except for the two on the elevated platform guarding the last of the coke. I had avoided getting to the Buzzard because I knew I'd get shot before I got to it or while I was shooting at the guys in the hangar, but the sniping dude went for it after we had thinned out the ranks of the enemies. Still though the last two managed to kill him while he was flying above the runway. I killed the last two guys only to see several cars headed my way with air support from another Buzzard. Managed to get to cover and killed some of them while blowing up all their vehicles with sticky bombs. I thought the mission was over, but next I had to go after the kingpin who was fleeing in a Shamal! He flew away as I had to deal with what was left of his men AND their fucking Buzzard. After I sniped the Buzzard's pilot, I made my way towards the first Buzzard that the last guy I was playing with tried to use. It was badly damaged and I was sure there was no saving this mission since either my chopper would crash, or the kingpin would get away. Caught up to the bastard as he was flying above Raton Canyon and as soon as he was in range of my missiles I shot the son of a bitch down. All I had to do now was to get to Madrazzo's. The helicopter went down just a outside of his house and I walked the rest of the way. I loved that mission, but all that work for a measly 13k? I know everyone bitches about the crap payout, but it really is a justified complaint. With all the money spent on ammo and new guns and weapon upgrades as I level up, I'm burning more money than I'm making.
  24. You're welcome in Bahrain anytime man.
  25. I met this girl in college and she frienzoned me when I asked her out. Though every time we went out people thought she was an escort.