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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. The CFO in CFO Charles doesn't stand for chief financial officer... in fact, I think I seen some sorta highly homoneurotic costume he sports in another topic. He isn't the one saying his purchase of furry costumes is justified by your decision to buy a keyboard. don't attract the mods, that's the last thing we need.
  2. I think we all agree that your high dollar keyboard is a waste, and youre being overly defensive about it. You can spend your money how you want, and we can call you a fool. Bringing up someone's weed habit as an excuse to justify your keyboard purchase is laughable.
  3. I'm so busy lately but imam try.... seems my dji phantom is occupying all my free time...
  4. Why do you keep the gun around if you have the hammer?? I imagine you're more inclined to ruthlessly club your foes. And maybe eat them as well. also, few people are edible.....
  5. who wants a 50 pound keyboard.....
  6. I got three dollars on the gtagrlps4fund six if she flashes her tits, 24 if she flicks her twit.
  7. I'll aim to be on longer than 15 minutes for this one!
  8. Oh. Figures. I'd just just delete it....
  9. I thank you for posting this in the correct place, but we'll let you know if this is spam or not. Eg you post and never return. We only share with people who post.
  10. I got Sony golds so I would think the Mic was pretty clear. I think that was when I was doing the capture mission, so maybe it only played for people on my side
  11. long enough to punch me in the face and do a playlist .. I thought about it for a second before realizing it was only a virtual girl and therefore ok to hit..That was me who yelled "HALLO" into the mic... Was answering a phone call.... Everyone mades fun of my vocal talent
  12. Qdeathstar


    I didn't say uncharted wasn't good just that I never played it.... I never played half life till tob....
  13. This is a website problem though. If mods are going to troll, they shouldn't ask other members not to troll. Durr. Professionalism? Moderates should moderate, not troll for likes. There used to be a rate the moderators topic, but likeminded people got rid of that.
  14. I don't mind the CNN news links. Get educated and stuff. Enjoy your animated crotch shots, tho i suppose. let me troll, then tell you to stop trolling.
  15. to be fair, CSI was pretty good 5 years ago, but they are running out of ideas....
  16. Guys And Girls. This forum is inactive. We need fewer rules, not more. Cheers.
  17. I wish people would say what they are posting about.....
  18. Were battleships already in gta 5?
  19. Thanks Brian I might just give that s try! I'm glad it not cancer. I thought it might be cancer.
  20. Medical topic? That's cool cause I got some wired bumps on my balls, what do yall thing they might be?