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Everything posted by Santiago

  1. I do hope they do make the biggest map ever with scuba diving gear to stab them sharks like in Far Cry 3
  2. and then they start shooting at you, but considering your demi-god like health and access to health cheats you overpower them and they end up dead. That;s what I'm talking about
  3. Kinda late but I hope the dog has a command to eat people up and shred them to shit Tank maybe but I think there will be the mini tank like in TBoGT and Jetpack does not seem likely. Maybe a Jetpack company easter egg
  4. I know what you mean with the RDR focus but they should do what Farcry 3 did since you could see perfectly with/without camera and only a few things were in pixel form or dissapeared.
  5. So realistic up to the point where you have to take a piss and a dump. Go to the ghetto with Franklin and start calling them black honkys and they act G on you.
  6. Yeah the final game will have better graphics but loo at the pic I posted in the start and then at Michel's left side. It looks like square pixel crooked things
  7. Just thought we should hate this guy one more time. Like the good ol' days Let's just get some hates piled up then lock this post up
  8. "In December 2012, in light of the Sandy Hook massacre, U.S. senator Joe Manchin suggested that the sale of violent video games, particularly pointing out Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto series and its upcoming video game Grand Theft Auto V, should be banned." That has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard
  9. Im fine with flying cars, random car appearances, and cars flipping over with a normal real life turn but please.... Make the AI drive good
  10. Lol but back on-topic I would like to see an improvement on the graphics for the 3rd trailer
  11. Guys off-topic here but... What if I told you Grand Theft Auto V got delayed?
  12. Makes complete sense. And if it does look like MP3 then I have no problem since the graphics were decent but if they did release GTA V on next gen like Qdeath* said then I expect WAAAAYY better graphics then RDR and MP3 combined
  13. Could be a possibility but I don't think next gen consoles will be released until 2014 Wow
  14. I saw the trailers for GTA IV and the graphics look the same as the actual game but Trailer 2 had some better looking graphics. But how come GTA V's Trailer 2 didn't match or be better than Trailer 1's graphics when T2 came out a year later. IMO I don't see why they can't show graphical improvements with the story like Craze said. Hope they do some major improvements by launch date
  15. ^ Yeah but I saw nothing like this on the first trailer. Either that or I'm just blind
  16. I looked at both GTA V trailers and IMO I think Trailer 1 has better graphics. Look at Trailer 2 in the beginining when Micheal is in the pool his side is a bit weird. Otherwise than that the rest is good. But in the first trailer, the graphics of the game looked more stable I would say
  17. Santiago


    2013 Still nothing new about this game. Still can't wait for it to be release though
  18. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas baby!! Its the best IMO with a beast story line and when it was summer I purchased a PS2 just for it. Took me 3 days to beat it with no cheats. Awesome Game
  19. I did hear somewhere that it is 4x larger than IV's map and bigger than RDR SA and IV combined This page has received 64 pages of comments. Let's Bounce.