
Epilogue Part 1 (spoilers!)

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So things in the main story were hinting towards what happened.


Big question is: Who did you guess it would be after all the shit that happened? I was actually a little surprised. Figured they'd go with someone else.

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I still maintain he looks like Keanu Reeves with a beard. Was quite annoying, i'd shave his beard down to a level 3 so it looks similar to his Redemption appearance, then start a mission, get a timelapse and he'd have the fucking thing back again.

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i figured that we'd end the game playing as john... it was fun to watch him learn how to run a ranch, then build beecher's hope... as soon as i took over as john, i figured that it would set up up to shortly before the events of the first game... however, as cool as it will be to play as john, i really want to go back and do more exploring with arthur, so i might just start over... i rushed thru the story before the internet would spoil it, so i didn't do a lot of stuff like hunting and fishing, bounty hunting, crafting, etc... it would feel empty doing it as john... or maybe it won't i dunno lol... i liked arthur...

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Same story for me as with bones, tore through the story (which was fucking stupendous) immediately missed Arthur, and as nice as it is to be back in john's boots i think i Arthur seemed more real. In think the epilogue reminded me too much of a mod. 

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I didn't exactly rush through the story, I spent a lot of chapter 2 and 3 hunting, looting and exploring. But Chapter 4 and beyond it felt less and less important keeping the camp in shape as it was all going down the pan anyway. As Arthur became more cynical towards Dutch's schemes I had him spend less time providing for the camp, less time messing around and just getting through missions. I had a similar mentality in that I wanted to get it over with so nothing could be spoiled for me but also just to see the outcome.

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