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I don't recall there being any mention of siblings. Given that his mother was a prostitute and died during his birth I doubt he has any unless his father had previous relationships, which would make more sense actually because this game takes place earlier, meaning his siblings would be somewhat older than John.

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That was my initial assumption, don't think R* would let John's appearance in the game be revealed in artwork advertising a trailer. They like to tease us, if he's going to be in the game we might get a single frame of him in the trailer so we can all cream our collective pants simultaneously.

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The whole "NPCs have lives, you can follow them around and watch them do their thang" thang has been going on for years, I seem to remember they touted it in San Andreas and GTA V but at the end of the day it really wasn't anything spectacular. NPCs were still dumb, mindless robots who were obviously obeying a predesignated set of commands, they didn't feel like humans - Follow a car in GTA V and it just drives around a few blocks going in circles aimlessly. I'm very skeptical about this now but as AI gets smarter perhaps each NPC will become an individual who you'll learn to recognise, know their routine etc. Until NPCs each have unique faces (or in Skyrim's case they don't all have the same voice) they won't be anything more than car/wagon fodder.


Also it seems it is Javier in the bowler hat after all.

Edited by ViceMan

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i like the part about him having his hat blown off his head... you can go back and get it, or say fuck it and just buy a new one next time you're in town :lol:...


i feel like perhaps because of the smaller scale of population, it might be possible to give NPCs a proper schedule... even in the first RDR, i recall shop owners and stuff going thru the routine of closing up shop for the evening and etc... it's probably much easier in a game like this...

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Yes RDR wasn't too bad in that regard, like you say the less population the easier trick it is to pull off. But the article made it sound like a new, revolutionary way of handling AI which I very much doubt it'll be.

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Perhaps they've invested all their shark card profits into an AI so smart, so advanced... what am I saying of course they haven't.


Also on a different subject, I would like a game to not 'wait for the protagonist' for events to happen. In Skyrim the world was frozen until you entered the scene, I can just imagine the people of Solitude standing around for weeks by the front gate to execute Roggvir waiting for the dragonborn to show up, muttering "he/she'll be here soon" to each other. I know R* handles such events differently to Bethesda and R* games are a lot less buggy in that regard, but I think part of a believable world is one that does not revolve around the protagonist. It's a difficult thing to balance, you don't want a player to potentially miss important story events and at the same time you don't want a situation where for example "oh don't worry this wagon full of bullion will hang around in town for as long as it takes, even if you spend weeks getting here because you're picking flowers and hunting deer."


Finally I hope the fucking railway makes more sense this time, in the first Redemption it was ok and had an actual purpose but in GTA V there was little point to it outside of a few missions, there were no passenger trains and no actual stations (well one if you can call it a station.)

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i really like what i'm hearing about the hunting aspects of RDR2... they knew people loved hunting in the first one, and it sounds like they've decided to flesh out being a hunter... you carry dead deer back to camp for food or to sell, or you can skin it right there for the pelt... arrow shots sell more than if you pumped it full of lead, and the animal begins to decompose the second you kill it... so the longer you take bringing it back to camp or town, the less money you get, and the less food you get from it...


makes it sound like you wont just be spending all day in the woods hunting, you'll have to head back into town to unload today's catch...


and you build a relationship with your horse, another cool concept B)...

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I think I got everyone that seems important: http://www.ireddead.com/reddeadredemption2/characters/


Dutch's gang is pretty damn big. I'm sure more people will be introduced as we get closer to release.



....................................^this chick might not be in the gang itself but I'm putting her here for now.



And I just found this interesting piece of info from Redemption: http://reddead.wikia.com/wiki/Blackwater_Massacre


Says there was a large gunfight in Blackwater in 1899. The third trailer stated 1899. Landon Rickettes was at the massacre and the only surviving law person. Then he moved to Mexico. Hmmm....

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I'd say about two thirds of those people are gonna get killed or abandon the gang during the course of the game, a sixth is going to stay loyal to Dutch and a sixth is gonna join Arthur's gang when Dutch inevitably betrays him. Wonder if there's any hierarchy to the gang other than Dutch and Arthur, although Arthur is Dutch's right hand man i'm not sure if he outranks the other members.

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rockstar doesn’t make revolutionary games anymore guys, sorry, don’t get your hopes up. The last game that moved the needle,was the first san andreas....

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I don't think any games in the last 10 years qualify as revolutionary, however i'm very selective with which games I play. Still, a brilliant game doesn't necessarily need to be revolutionary; Skyrim definitely wasn't.

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Its hard to pin it on one game but I think there are a few games that came out in the last 10 years that really stepped up the story telling aspect of games. Red Dead Redemption had an epic feel with moral themes, references to historical events and literature like the bible, and satire that was more subtle than what we were used to in GTA. I know AI behavior seems to be at a slow crawl, but maybe we will see something a little bit better and more interesting as far as how varied the pedestrians can act, and maybe it will nudge rival companies to step their game up.

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R* desperately trying to get me to preorder the ultimate edition with a tempting extra 250k!! GTA dollars. Me: "Nah i'll just sell another duped car for 900k."

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lol yea... i don't need any of that either, i'm loaded...  i haven't pre-ordered yet, so i missed out on whatever that single player treasure map was all about... i'll probably just wait until a couple of weeks before release before i buy it... i have zero interest in any of the other editions either, i'll just stick with basic... mainly because i know most of the other incentives, especially the online stuff, will be stuff no one uses a month later because of better and cooler gear...


the online horse is probably the only thing i'll regret slightly... but i get the war horse in single player for pre-ordering, so that should suffice...

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I will of course check out the online, but i'm not hopeful it'll be anything other than the same shit we've been subjected to for the last 5 years. Only this time i'll be able to get out early before i'm invested in it. By the time i'm finished with the single player 76 will have released anyway, so my online time might be more deserving of that.

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I guess Susan is the whore that all the new recruits get stuck with, they have to work their way up to Molly.


Can we infer anything from those backgrounds or are they just generic backdrops?

Edited by ViceMan
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I'd say they come from actual spots in the game, but they've been played around with too much to be usable in the mapping analysis.


Micah looks like a true badass in that artwork. 

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