
Medical Topic

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Just needed a topic for this post. Sorry, really stressed and just need answers so this is a rushed post. It might seem like rambling or whatever.

My grandmother is in the hospital. She has diabetes, which gives her neuropathy or whatever in her feet. She was admitted because she refuses to let me or my dad clip her toe nails, so she went through the skin and cut it, and now has an infection. No biggie, just antibiotics and she's out. But now she's been admitted to Oncology. Any time she's ever been sick she always lies about it and pretends its no biggie, and she claims it's because the part of the hospital she was in was overcrowded. She won't give us anymore info.

Can somebody give me some possibilities as to what is going on? Can she be telling the truth? Just stressing.

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They don't admit you to different departments just cause it may be overcrowded. That will understaff doctors needed in the department they actually work in.

Likely they ran tests and she has shown to have a benign or malignant tumor.

Also, the doctors can not legally tell you or anyone else what is wrong if she doesn't want them to.

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I'd like to also send my condolences, hoping that she pulls through and it just winds up being a false positive or something in that manner.

If not, just know my grandmother had stage 4 cervical cancer and has been clear for over 8 years now.

Edit: Quick question, my friend's dad is a paramedic and he said that when they take blood pressure the bottom number is more important than the top. For the past two years (2012 & 2013) my at annual physical my blood pressure was 110/70.

Today when donating blood it was 120/60. Any reason for the possible change?

Edited by Brian
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Well my pulse was 86 and I'm usually 60 flat. I didn't feel nervous but that could be it. I just found it odd the top number went up and the bottom went down.

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That's not much of a difference. "Good" BP is 120/80. To me both numbers are about the same in importance. As long as both are near where they should be you should be okay. Both typically move in sync with each other (both are high or both are low). Your personal scale may be a little different than the standard.

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I hope that we are wrong about your grandmother Jizzy. My sister was in hospital a few years ago and was moved from the acute clinic to another ward very far away because they needed that room so it does happen here sometimes however to be put into a ward ward with cancer patience I haven't heard of.

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Turns out it is also a medical ward, and there was a miscommunication between my grandmother and her doctor.

She's fine... Wicked pissed myself though. Was really stressed...

Really appreciate the support, guys. Thought I'd just get a cynical quip from Massacre and QD being an asshole.

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Massacre cares

when it benefits him

I'm confused how this benefitted him but sure.

What is a joke

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Medical topic? That's cool cause I got some wired bumps on my balls, what do yall thing they might be?

Use a washcloth and good soap when showering.

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Don't know how it is in the states, but we often move patients onto other wards if the current one is full. They're called outliers. But it's good to know that it's all resolved. Although, foot care in diabetics is so important I cannot stress it. Needs to check her feet daily for any damage as she won't feel anything due to the neuropathy.

In terms of the blood pressure, top number is systolic and represents pressure during the ejection phase of your heart beat. Bottom pressure is diastolic and represents the pressure during filling of the heart. It should be less than 120/80 ideally, it will raise normally in certain conditions. You probably had some white coat syndrome, causes raise in BP and heart rate. Any heart rate below 100 is okay.

QD, you should seek medical attention.

Or preferably just take a picture and let us admire it.

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How much sleep is too much? Assume that I am being active and healthy, when not in a dreamless, snoreless, drooling, death-like slumber.

Oversleeping has been linked to a host of medical problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and increased risk of death. Researchers are careful to note, however, that two other factors -- depression and low socioeconomic status -- are strongly associated with oversleeping.

When it comes to how long, most studies conclude seven to nine hours is best for adults. A visit to the doctor is recommended if you tend to average more than seven or eight a night.

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