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I think I'm not going to get this until much after release, when people confirm it actually runs correctly. I just refuse to support a company that releases broken game after broken game. If people stopped throwing money at them and kissing the ground they walked on, they might consider releasing a functioning game. The concept looks great though and I look forward to playing with the crew, just not in slow motion with a blue screen every hour...

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People always mention the bugs but I have never noticed them, maybe it’s because I play the game too slowly and by the time I get to the bug it’s been patched.


im more worried about this game being something no one wants because they’ve focused on not alienating fallout fans while at the same time wanting to develop a microtransaction cash cow, like gtao. I think they are stuck in a middle ground and that isn’t every a good place to be.

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so they've been granting early access to a "stress test" on xbox to a number of people who met the criteria... i am trying to avoid anything they share for now because i don't want the spoils at this point in the cycle... after the greenbrier presser, i've seen all the footage i need to see until my turn at the helm...


so just a friendly warning that potential story and location spoilers are bound to start popping up here if you're seeking news :)...

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I've only watched one vid about it recently, in all honesty I think i'll be forgetting about this until it turns up on my doorstep one day and I go "oh yeah I preordered it." Whether i'm burnt out on RDRII by then is another matter.

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i guess the stress test was under the NDA rule and anyone caught mentioning anything about it will seriously have problems... bethesda doesn't fuck around with that... so i guess we're all safe until the BETA drops next week... Q, did you preorder it, are you getting in on the BETA?

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i did preorder it, but in order to get access to this beta you have to be chosen so it’s not too many people that are playing. It’s a private beta...

i am getting in on the beta, depending on when it is and how often i have to work.... been working 55hrs/week recently. Next weekend i’m out of town so we’ll see.

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yea i was just checking to see if you were getting in on the one next week... i think the stress test beta goes to xbox insiders, whatever the fuck that means lol... i believe the main beta will be running for 2/3 weeks so you'll most definitely get a chance to at least check it out once or twice before full release...

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reclamation day is finally upon us! i hope we can all enjoy ourselves out there. it's going to be a work in progress game, hell day 1 comes with a 50GB update according to the internet lol... which just tells me that they are going to certainly try to get this thing going, even if some aren't on board with the idea...


don't forget to share snaps and experiences here too, they get lost on discord anyways, those chats move too fast... see you in the wastelend ;)...

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I certainly hope to see some friendly faces out there!!


I enjoyed playing the beta more than RDR2 so will be picking this up on my way home from work today.  Made some rookie survival mistakes in the beta so will probably start again with a new character... 


Can't wait!!

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you know, i'm just gonna roll with my mistakes for now... my lack of stimpacks is a big concern, as the next big encounter i have will be devastating... but we'll see what happens... i do plan on starting a fresh character for the story since everyone you play with is at a different place, and reading terminals in a group is quite different, i tend to skim thru them lol...

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Yeah  I changed my tune once I reloaded my beta save - wasn't as bad as I thought.  


Enjoying my time with the game so far.  I haven't run into a single person since the game went live but then I have been exploring NW of the vault, where no-one else seems to go.  I have travelled as far north as the map allows me so am making my way east - I hope to circumnavigate the map before heading in to do some of the missions. 


I like the camp system better than I thought - it works really well.  Perks, I am still getting used to the system but have started to be a bit more strategic with them now I understand the system a bit better.


I have got used to the survival side of things, especially now I have a water pump, so thirst isn't such a big deal anymore.  


If you see a pastor wearing a chef's hat carrying a serrated machete around the northern area of West Virginia, come over and say hi... especially if you have ammo to spare!

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