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Things that I haven't seen or done are becoming few and far between. I may have finally killed Fallout 4.


Hopefully Mass Effect: Andromeda will keep me busy until RDR2. This radioactive goose is cooked.

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i haven't played fallout 4 in months! it's just not as replayable as new vegas or 3, even with mods... they missed an opportunity here... it's a shame that obsidian probably wont pick up these assets for another romp out west...

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the dialog is shit and ends up in the same place...

i think if they keep up with that dialogue system for the next one  i'll just wait until it gets discounted a bit (39.99) before i buy it...

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Nipped on as was going to do a bit more work on my latest build and the mods had been updated.  Unfortunately since the author of the mods I use re-categorised everything, it meant my build has been messed up and most of the flooring has disappeared. :( 


Will take an age to put right and I'm not sure I can be bothered with carrying that build on or just starting afresh.

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got the itch to play fallout 4 again... started over with a new file for delilah... having fun being a sassy bad ass meanie, and cheating with some mods and stuff... so now i don't have to scrounge thru every desk and washing machine anymore, i can just play... i got a nice mod that added a basement quarters for a scientist named dr. mobius... sound familiar? :lol:... i have like a 100 and/or 1000 of every item in the game down there... not sure if they regenerate or not, but i've started the game with some bad ass weapons, and this cool looking outfit...




i also added some mods, like slightly more greenery (which lags the game a bit at times) and one that makes the dark gray hues, black... which in turn made the game much darker in poorly lit areas... but in return, made the lighting even cooler B)...


here's a random bad ass snap i took... never been in this location, i've had that happen to me a couple times already on this playthrough...




i miss you, fallout :wub:... probably gonna play an institute file here, she is after all looking for her son lols...

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On my file I just downloaded an apartment mod with the building right next to Cabot house.Reminds me of our GTA apartments but more functional and useful. :lol: with a full pantry in the kitchen,full lounge and storage with workbenches and chemistry station in the attic.




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i still plan on building a nice home somewhere, the mod i downloaded is more of a small bunker with a wall full of containers... i'll take a snap of it next time i visit, but since i am not unloading a bunch of scrap like in previous plays, visiting a home right now isn't really important as my carry weight is maintained by selling off what little i have to vendors... plus i want to wait a few days to see if the stock replenishes. if not, i'll just have to sell off a bunch of it to make some caps...


your post in the PSN chat reminded me, that i need to take up a chem habit, lol... i forgot that my previous delilah was a chem junkie, lol...

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I haven't downloaded any mods yet, want to start a separate file for that (DiO sent me a link to cat's eye glasses!).


Most recently, on my main generalist file, I started going for collectibles (bobbles and magazines), which in some cases meant re-exploring already-cleared venues to find that one room/desk/shelf I didn't see the first time around, but just as often meant finding undiscovered locations and missions to go along with the collectible item. Then I was repairing power armour so often that I kept running out of I started looking more closely at the workshop DLCs that I'd pretty much ignored when they came out (too focused on Far Harbor and Nuka-World to care much about crafting...Far Harbor is complete, Nuka-World is done except for the final mission to burn it all to the ground, cause who the fuck would turn it over to Raiders??). Now my village at the Starlight Drive-In has selected crafting tables, and I'm this close to finding the Mechanist after turning Red Rocket into a robot workshop and haven. 


I have loads of screens on my console, will share some of the best ones soon. 

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I never did carry on with that build.

I have been planning on going back to Fallout 4 but that'll have to wait until I've finished with Uncharted 4.

My initial plan is to start a brand new game/save file, mods and all!  Oh and I do intend on a new build project - I have Starlight Drive In in mind as a possible location.

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I was given Fallout 4 as a gift over a year ago and I have yet to play it properly.  I usually overthink it when it comes to massive open-world games, especially with a lot of crafting.  I found myself picking up the Uncharted Collection, replayed through TLOU+DLC, and plan on picking up Uncharted 4 soon.  Not sure if I'll ever get around to immersing myself in the 4 wasteland.


Fallout 3/NV/Skyrim were better experiences for me - I don't remember being overwhelmed at all with those titles.

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2 hours ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

there's a mod that lifts build restrictions ;)...


Excellent - that's me building some fuck off construction again & testing the frame rate to it's very limits! :D

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20 hours ago, JustAn808 said:

I was given Fallout 4 as a gift over a year ago and I have yet to play it properly.  I usually overthink it when it comes to massive open-world games, especially with a lot of crafting.  I found myself picking up the Uncharted Collection, replayed through TLOU+DLC, and plan on picking up Uncharted 4 soon.  Not sure if I'll ever get around to immersing myself in the 4 wasteland.


Fallout 3/NV/Skyrim were better experiences for me - I don't remember being overwhelmed at all with those titles.

I've only got one character so far and haven't bothered playing any of the endings yet with her, she's similar to my Khajiit character in Skyrim, a non-committal generalist who hasn't really picked a faction. She's ended up more Minutemen than anything else by default. I suppose eventually I'll start a new file with a pro-Institute or pro-BoS male character, or a survival mode character, frankly I'm just enjoying the sandbox and trying not to think too much beyond that. I've made it through Uncharted 4 once and would like to replay that again at some point too. 

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I have learned that if you entirety bypass Concord and head straight to Diamond City, therefore never encountering the Minutemen, it pretty drastically changes the entire feel of the game. As an added bonus, you never have annoying settlement rescue quests and there's no boring, default, 'good guy' faction, which, as my homegrl mentioned above, neutral characters are guaranteed to be herded into.


Also, power armor Nazis are still the best faction. Fuck Lyons.

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if you dont follow preston to santcuary or engage him about his issues, you never have to worry about him... i gave him shit when i made it to concord because my trusty robot from the old world told me to go there... but i made a run to diamond city after, without entering any buildings, blew off piper at the gates, and now on the fast track to kellogg right now with the help of the only friend i've met so far, valentine... which will put me in line with the institute playthrough as i am comfortable being around a very trusting synth... plus i am a mom who is menstruating across the wasteland looking for her son...


this is shaping up to be a fun playthough... although, i'll have to sneak back to sanctuary from time to time to get more free supplies :P... just gotta remember to avoid preston... but mama murphy tho, i'll chat with her a few times... share some good times over chems :shifty:...

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22 minutes ago, Massacre said:

I have learned that if you entirety bypass Concord and head straight to Diamond City, therefore never encountering the Minutemen, it pretty drastically changes the entire feel of the game. As an added bonus, you never have annoying settlement rescue quests and there's no boring, default, 'good guy' faction, which, as my homegrl mentioned above, neutral characters are guaranteed to be herded into.


Also, power armor Nazis are still the best faction. Fuck Lyons.

Things I wish I'd known, those fucking settlement rescues are Fallout's version of LJT in GTAOnline. Last weekend I answered one of those pesky calls, at one of the family farms where you can't relocate the settlers, and a named character died; normally I'd load the previous save and at least try to keep them all alive, but am so over it now. My character's now up to 76 and has sooooo much inventory, so too late for her, but next time....Minutemen keep away!

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damn, this file is moving fast! already seeking out the institute and i'm like level 9 lol... i'm just gonna keep pressing until i hit one of those walls and have to slow down and actually play the game for a bit before i tackle more story (probably will happen when i have to venture into the glowing sea)... might try and go find currie, so i can have my own synth follower/lover... just spending time out here in the wasteland with delilah, and i can tell she is just looking for good honest company... i'd romance nick at this point, but he puts his job in front of everything else :rolleyes:...

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I spent a lot of time with Valentine, he's pretty awesome. McCready and I have a love shack now, though. One of these days, I'll go get Strong and hang out with him for awhile. :lol:

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me and valentine aren't seeing eye to eye now tho, he doesn't like my brand of justice... just about every time i say something, i get a negative strike... i guess a girl can't be suspicious of everyone, and rude with strangers... fuck you, valentine, delilah is who she is... ain't no man or synth gonna change her...


P.S. maccready and me on my main file have a bromance :wub:... my girlfriend piper gets jealous, but then again, that's pretty typical of all women... they eventually get jealous because you took him on a long adventure, meanwhile not understanding that you left her behind to protect her... even if she could handle herself, we do that to protect... piper isn't going to die by ghouls and super mutants on my watch... i love her too damn much...

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becoming friends with curie is damn near impossible on this file... picked up a new chem buddy tho, hancock... i think we'll have some fun B)... decided to just move into the red rocket, as i needed a place to send drinking buddy, and fuck sanctuary (so tired of that settlement)... so i built a wall around it, put up some defense, and will call it the place i store power armor and companions :lol:...


here's some recent snaps...







the nice thing about the dr. mobius bunker mod i installed is i discovered how to reset the containers with all the stuff... so i pretty much have unlimited resources now, and it makes my journey thru the wasteland so much easier knowing i don't have to check every single damn container i pass... as much as i love looting in this series, i just wasn't in the mood... this'll probably help in the long run, because now i'll probably play more characters and see more faction endings...

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On 10/4/2017 at 10:40 PM, gtagrl said:

I spent a lot of time with Valentine, he's pretty awesome. 


Nick is easily one of the best companions in the game over all.
He is also invaluable during the interaction with DiMA.
IMHO Far Harbor is the best DLC of F04.


On 10/9/2017 at 2:48 PM, CaPn bOnEs said:

becoming friends with curie is damn near impossible on this file.


The only way you cannot have CVrie as a companion is if your intelligence is like, zero.


I've cycled through every companion until their perk unlocks on almost every file.

Level 188 of Survival Mode now. This file, haven't bothered getting Deacon's worthlessness.
Only love interests are all the females stashed at different settlements.


Each file the real challenge in the end, is getting the Freefall Legs from Mass Fusion.
Everything else is pretty easy after 6 play throughs. 
After 2 mod authors removed their mods, I don't use them anymore. Thought about designing a few though.


I can't recommend the Survival Mode enough to you guys, it's the best. After getting the anti-rad perk, I would just swim everywhere.

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my problem with curie is she didnt like my responses and actions... i needed someone who i could get along with on this file... i'll save her for my good guy file...


i do plan on, before RDR2, to beat this game 3 times to see all the factions thru to the end... currently on an institute file, and already did railroad... and with the mods, its making it a whole lot easier to just enjoy myself...


i've been playing on hard since the start, not sure i want to play on survival... i tried it out for a bit but its just not really my thing...

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I really wanna play FO4 again. Problem is i've only just got round to taking the GTA disc out of the drive and putting AC Syndicate back in, so i'm committed to that now.

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Right, I'm back and now committing myself to another save file. 


I said I really wasn't going to build anything else, well I changed my mind!  I now know exactly what I'm going to build and where I'm going to build it.  Now to see if there's any new goodies in the mods!

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