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In Far Harbor, I had just gotten to the spot where you drop meat in the water to start an epic wave of mirelurk carapace collection...I got to the final queen and died without saving...but then reloaded and explored a new route along the way, which led to finding a legendary supermutant - now I have an explosive harpoon gun and the Bloodletter (upgraded so it now has 4 hooks), that should make short work of those huge creepy bugs when I go back. I'm thinking I'll clear all the other locations and save the Children of Atom for last.  

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Really enjoying Far Harbor so far - quite surprised at just how many quests/side-quests they are and the good thing is I've been able to collect a good amount of weapons, armour etc so I've been able to build my caps up again by selling them on.


Got some decent legendary weapons and armour along the way but think I'll be making good use of the weapon and armour racks once the next DLC comes out.


On a side note, I really wish you could kill Preston Garvey.  Talked to him for the first time since I destroyed the institute and he had a go at me "what you did amounts to mass murder!".  Fuck off!  No-one speaks to me like that in one of my own settlements! ;) 

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2 hours into OWB....still haven't been outside. Talking to the Think Tank is just too amusing. This is my first female character, so I wasn't expecting Doctor 8 to give me some microfusion cells to use as a vibrator. Also need to make a priority of getting The Sink running again. I really like that toaster. 

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old world blues was really awesome... and to be honest, i thought the DLCs for new vegas were all pretty top notch... with fallout 4, far harbor is amazing, but the other two so far, and the the 3 teased at E3 don't seem as cool... i like more story and places to visit, i am kind of tired of workshop add-ons... automatron was decent...


is nuka world a new place to explore, or is it a theme park that we have to maintain?? lol, is this roller coaster tycoon now?? :P...

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Oh man, you're poking the two-headed bear now. We all know my opinion of F4 is...less than positive, but these DLC's are too much. I've heard Far Harbour is cool while still limited by the complete lack of RPG mechanics. These new ones? Building your own vault? Really? How in the fuck does that make any sense whatsoever? I get it, Bethesda doesn't care but come on. 


As for Nuka World my understanding is that in the midst of the Boston Wasteland is a working theme park. Apparently it'll let you be a raider...which doesn't make a whole lot of sense given the story doesn't seem to let you be evil but this is my problem. I keep trying to use logic. I believe it's a theme park you can run with some quests added on, but I'm not certain. 


NV DLC was fantastic, and while I don't like F3 as a Fallout game, the DLC was big, varied, and worth playing. I'd be pretty disappointed if I'd bought the season pass.


Also I thought about joining NMA so I could talk Proper Fallout with Proper Fallout People as most of you don't care about my ramblings about NV...all I found was a dead community with a bunch of new 20 year old members endlessly saying F4 sucks and they wish Black Isle never folded. I don't disagree with them but I want to discuss 1, 2 and NV in depth, not concur for the 1000th time that yes, Preston Garvey sucks. 

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i'm not disappointed in the season pass... i got it for $30, and far harbor is a $20 add on, and automatron was more like $5 instead of the $10 they charged for it... but toss in anything else they make and it practically pays for itself... it's just, i want more stuff like far harbor, not workshop stuff...


fallout 3 DLC was tits... fallout 3 in general, is probably still my favorite fallout game (and before you say something, i haven't played 1 or 2)...


you can go on about new vegas here all you want, i don't mind the trip down memory lane...



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Based on Bethesda's history of pretty decent DLC (F3, Skyrim) I'm stunned there isn't more stuff like Far Harbour. I guess the newer generation of gamers is more interested in pretty flashing lights and wall ornaments?  


On the plus side, Todd Howard has admitted the new dialogue system didn't work out as hoped so there's a chance they'll ditch it in future. I want my pages of answers, dammit! 

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nuka world is apparently gonna be a decent sized place with themed areas to explore... but yea, previous games gave us at least 4 new areas to explore... we're only getting two here... and far harbor is a pretty deep add-on, but i kinda feel a bit let down with the workshop stuff...


the dialog tree did suck, lol... i miss the new vegas list of choices, where perks and skill levels could get you different dialog... perhaps because they used a voice actor/actress this go around, it was too much work to create even more dialog trees... ?

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I'm guessing that's the case, but removing skills also killed a lot of the varied dialogue chances. It would have taken longer and been more expensive (I can't believe money is an issue given how well Bethesda games sell) to voice more dialogue options, but they didn't do it for some reason. That said a few friends who love Fallout 4 have told me they skip all dialogue in 3/NV/4 because who cares? So maybe that's why. Not much point putting all the work in if people don't care when you do. 

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speech checks are pretty much the only valued place to sink perks into if you want to smooth talk your way thru hairy situations... intimidation rarely comes up, same with intelligence, perspective, etc... i looooved new vegas in that regard because they took what people liked in fallout 3, and basically gave almost every conversation a perk dialog option that either you had or didn't have...


skipping dialog tho, that's a big no for me in RPGs lol...

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Obsidian was really clever with NV. Guys like Avellone and Sawyer worked on F2, so they took what people liked about F3 and gave it the classic Fallout treatment. Hence the amount of skill/SPECIAL checks, quests which involve killing, negotiating, problem solving etc. Multiple ways to finish a quest to the point where the number of finale slides is crazy. Even tiny things you did are mentioned.


I love F1 and 2, but despite the average combat and animations in NV, and the fact a lot wasn't finished (Caesar's Legion was meant to have a lot more. Apparently Ulysses was meant to be an early game companion who drip fed info until he lured you into The Divide), it's probably my favourite Fallout game.  


And yeah I'll debate you until one of us dies that F4 isn't an RPG...but skipping dialogue in any game is unforgivable. What's the point? It's like watching the lightsaber fights in Star Wars and announcing you know what was actually going on. 

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Anybody had a crack with the new Contraptions stuff?  looking at you Gaz....  Fireworks, music makers, manufacturing machines, paint ball guns...  logic switches and all sorts of shit I will probably never use


The only thing that excited me were the new display cases and the weapons and armour (incl power armour) display units...

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i'm still in far harbor :(... i finished up most of the children of atom quests last night so now i can focus on uniting the three factions, which should ultimately put me near the end of the far harbor story... then there's a few more quests to wrap up and i'll make my way back to the commonwealth... i heard you can make ammo machines, which sounds like a great idea because i am constantly having to buy shotgun ammo, i use the fuck out my bleeding shotgun...

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19 hours ago, Ginginho said:

Anybody had a crack with the new Contraptions stuff?  looking at you Gaz....  Fireworks, music makers, manufacturing machines, paint ball guns...  logic switches and all sorts of shit I will probably never use


The only thing that excited me were the new display cases and the weapons and armour (incl power armour) display units...


Had a look through all the stuff and it got my mind racing with ideas!   Not used any of it yet as I've decided to use some of the stuff as part of a much larger (and my most ambitious yet) project.


I've decided to rebuild my Sanctuary Hills settlement now I've got better stuff to work with plus I've always used it as my 'main base' (for my character's sentimental reasons!).  I've cleared everything away and have decided to build a castle... well something based on a castle anyway!   I'm not using the whole settlement space - just the 'main' bit to the right as you enter via the wooden bridge.


Anyway, I've so far built up a perimeter wall which involved covering/blocking off/building over the old houses whilst the central area will act as a 'courtyard'.   I'm intending on building a little factory or two at the bottom near the river and may just make a conveyor which will travel upto the main 'castle' building to deposit whatever I decide to manufacture!


This will take me a while! ;) 

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What's weird is that there isn't any chemical fertilizer in the game. Only chemical fertilizer is explosive. Otherwise you're just stuffing cow shit into a shell casing.


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so i finally finished far harbor last night... it was a straight grind for the final 8 hours to reach the end... but finished it with all factions getting along and learning to live peacefully amongst themselves... i left longfellow back at his shack and took all my loot and piper back to the commonwealth with me... built an ammo assembly line with a tub at the end for all the stuff to fall into :lol:...


now where'd i stash preston so i can put him in a pillory...

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i had a hard time caring about the children of atom and their blind faith... but i wanted to keep the peace in this foreign land, and since i keep getting called mainlander, i figured it wasn't my place to swing things in one factions favor over another... plus i wanted the synths to be free, because i was a railroad guy back in boston... and i also liked the people of far harbor too...


it was a good addition to the fallout 4, here's hoping nuka world delivers more of that goodness B)...

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28 minutes ago, bOnEs said:

i had a hard time caring about the children of atom and their blind faith...

The same can be said about every religion. At least the Children have some basis for their beliefs, as the vast majority of them are immune to radiation. Evolution doesn't run its course over 200 years, so no one has a scientific explanation for their immunity. 


People making up bullshit to explain what they don't understand (and to enforce their will and opinions on others) is what religion is all about.

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well that's true... they at least do have something they believe in that does ring true, kinda like my religion.... i'm a dudeist, we're a relaxed religion of taking it easy... nothing blind about being lazy lol :lol:...


i replaced their leader tho, he seemed like a prick...


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5 hours ago, bOnEs said:

i had a hard time caring about the children of atom and their blind faith... but i wanted to keep the peace in this foreign land, and since i keep getting called mainlander, i figured it wasn't my place to swing things in one factions favor over another... plus i wanted the synths to be free, because i was a railroad guy back in boston... and i also liked the people of far harbor too...


it was a good addition to the fallout 4, here's hoping nuka world delivers more of that goodness B)...


I went the same way, although it was very tempting to blow them (Children of Atom) up!   Worth saving though as there's a good trader where I can buy more concrete for my next monster build!


Getting ideas for conveyor belts though - think I'll have a number of things being manufactured and have everything running into my 'castle' to a centralised dropping off point.


7 hours ago, bOnEs said:

now where'd i stash preston so i can put him in a pillory...


That was my idea! :lol:  I wonder if you can set up one of those contraptions to fire stuff at him?  I want the fucker to suffer!!

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On 6/24/2016 at 11:18 PM, Massacre said:

What's weird is that there isn't any chemical fertilizer in the game. Only chemical fertilizer is explosive.

Otherwise you're just stuffing cow shit into a shell casing.




Well, cow shit makes Jet. According to the Fallout history. It's skewed on dates, and the inventors, but in the end, it's made from shit.

This is why I jumped on the chance to build Brahmin Cages from the Wasteland Workshop DLC, over buying them from that lady.

I've been making and selling dope throughout Fallout 4. All my Commonwealth settlements make fertilizer, besides money.

The settlements have been pulling in an average of 500 caps and there was always enough fertilizer to make dope.
What I needed was bones to make oil. So I always grab any bones as well as any aluminum, etc. while scavving.


After Contraptions, I just re-channeled all my stash of fertilizer into my Ammo Manufacturing for awhile rather than drugs.
i set up an ammo shop in all of the 4 settlements on Far Harbor, just like penning the Brahmins. Now I have all the ammo I need.

Never really needed any since all the ammo types are abundant everywhere on the Island.


I mean, the Island has so much resource I've built 4 empire farms without going back home.
Basically I use 10mm for the explosive, 5.56 for the night vision, .308 and .50 cal for the snipers, and shotgun for the 

explosive mutant, explosive bugs, explosive ghouls, and the WarwhoreoftheWastes Shotguns, all around 225 DAM.

Still on the female file, she's had too much fun and success to let the dude have his run on the Island yet. :)


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someone on twitter inspired me to try something with the new contraptions DLC... create a museum in diamond city B)... i think i'm gonna take a stab at it tonight, but basically it's gonna be a shrine showcasing all my accomplishments and rare gear and items... perhaps telling stories of things i've done in the wasteland...


being in diamond city will make it feel like a public museum :D...


i wish still had that wooden statue mccready gave me :(...

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i didn't take a snap but i put some initial work into it, this is gonna be super cool!! B) i decided against making it a museum dedicated to me and my findings... instead it will just focus on the cool stuff found out there... i'm building scenes, similar to what museums do, and i'm calling it "Home Plate Museum" :)... i'll snap off a screenshot before crew night and share it so you can get an idea of what it's gonna look like...


it's gonna be awesome to see the final product, i'll have to do a video walkthrough!

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