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i need to find a legendary combat shotty or combat rifle so i have something worthy of showing off... mine is (modded) stock, but devastates anything in its way... but i wouldn't mind having a cool little perk to make "the ol' bastard" or "the jack" that much more of a bad ass... to be honest, 99% of the legendary weapons i've found don't fit my play style, and the ones i do have, just aren't worth the effort of re-modding...

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After mastering 3 wives now stashed in their locations, then Preston, Strong, Hancock (MIA/ OD'd), Macready, Danse, and Deacon....
I'm back to my boy. Time to play before getting Nick to perk completion....

A girl loves her dog am I right gtagrl? Look at him with his Teddy Bear....Awwww.  :P 

Now we will fuck some shit up, and he takes a dump everywhere. He is also a Master Pickpocket......




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Synch, my syringer was fully upgraded. Its the syringes themselves that don't work, although i've only used the berserk syringe, the others seem quite pointless. I tried going up against the mirelurk queen and her kin on Spectacle using only my shotgun, a jet and psycho. She took about 10-12 hits to go down but I took almost no damage as she was always reeling from the hits.

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i need to find a legendary combat shotty or combat rifle so i have something worthy of showing off...

I'm just trying to find an unlimited hunting rifle. The only unlimited ammo weapon I've found was a 10mm pistol... I have over 3000 10mm rounds.

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Synch, my syringer was fully upgraded. Its the syringes themselves that don't work, although i've only used the berserk syringe, the others seem quite pointless. I tried going up against the mirelurk queen and her kin on Spectacle using only my shotgun, a jet and psycho. She took about 10-12 hits to go down but I took almost no damage as she was always reeling from the hits.


My sniper girl has an endurance of 1. 


Mindcloud and pax syringes save my ass all the time. If a deathclaw is rushing me I shoot him with one of those. Stops them in their tracks. They turn around (usually) and I am then "hidden" and can sneak attack them for 5.4 x damage with my Legendary "shoot an additional projectile" .50 sniper rifle. 

10mm rounds are caps, as far as I'm concerned.

get vats perks with the gunslinger and the deliverer and you wouldn't be saying that. 





I'll have to post some screens of my kick ass character builds 

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My 50 cal hunting rifle had unlimited ammo capacity on it, but it fired so slowly, I think it's fire rate was 3. I changed it for one that fires 25% faster and reloads 15% quicker, now it has a fire rate of 4.

I rarely use it though, stick to my combat rifle with improved VATS hit and 25% less AP cost. Was considering changing that for one that causes enemies to frenzy though, so I don't have to use my 10mm for that any more.

And 50 cal rounds are caps for me, got over 4000 of 'em and i've only got the second rank of scrounger. That plus 5mm and 5.56.

Edited by ViceMan

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10mm rounds are caps, as far as I'm concerned.


get vats perks with the gunslinger and the deliverer and you wouldn't be saying that. 

I will keep that in mind for my next playthrough.

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Playing a stealth character, the rate of fire was never an issue for me. I would clear entire raider camps from a neighboring rooftop and never be spotted.

The Last Minute has served me well, but shadowed armor and a silenced .50 hunting rifle are all you need. Hell, I dropped Swan in three hits at level 12. Didn't even have the stealth mods unlocked yet. Never spotted.

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i had to dump strong off at sanctuary, i was tired of hearing him talk every 3 seconds at my drive-in hideout... it was annoying as fuck, he always sat down at the cooking station and repeated his half dozen lines over and over and over and over and over and over and over and...............


i finally snapped! i couldn't take it anymore :lol:...

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Same problem with Cait on the Constitution. "How the hell did this thing get up here?" two seconds later, "how the hell did this thing get up here?" Rinse and repeat for duration of stay.

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I just roam alone or stick with Dogmeat, once I've gotten all the companion perks I need. The bonuses from Lone Wanderer are more useful than a companion, anyway.

The most use I've gotten out of a companion was sending them to attack a super mutant suicider, while on a melee character. Suiciders are really the only issue I run into, as melee.

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I have three unique combat shotguns; one (my current) has critical shots do double damage and critical meter fills 15% faster. Second has 50% more limb damage and third has bullets explode on impact doing 15 AOE damage. Wondering whether to stick with this one or swap it out, I tend to not use criticals with it since it oneshots most (human) things anyway, if going against deathclaws and the like I just pop a jet and psycho and aim for the belly.

Oh also there's the Le Fusil Terribles, hadn't considered that.

Edited by ViceMan

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I have the limb damage and the exploding bullets shotties too, and the one with exploding bullets is both more effective and more satisfying. It's so much fun blowing enemy legs to pieces, lots of flying bloody chunks, and I don't even have the bloody mess perk or whatever it's called.

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Yeah its pretty fun but can kill you too if your enemy is at point blank range. Quite satisfying entering a room, firing one shell into a group of enemies and wiping them all out.

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Blowing yourself up by accident is par for the course for gamers, for me it's usually with an RPG though...bOnEs did it last night during one of the most epic fail as an accidental suicide bomber was the first time I made to the very end of the final mission of GTAIII...I nailed the helicopter with the RPG but Claude didn't make it. :wall:

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