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Home Plate looks like another "settlement" but doesn't function the same way. That's super frustrating, I have so much junk stored in my Sanctuary network, I'd like to use it to do trade with the vendors in Diamond City. I'd be able to upgrade armour/weapons for higher resale value in the city, and scrap the rest for building materials to use in the country.  I was hoping to link all my save & storage points via supply lines so I don't have to keep lugging shit all the time. Maybe my next few perks will have to go to strength.

home plate?



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Home Plate looks like another "settlement" but doesn't function the same way. That's super frustrating, I have so much junk stored in my Sanctuary network, I'd like to use it to do trade with the vendors in Diamond City. I'd be able to upgrade armour/weapons for higher resale value in the city, and scrap the rest for building materials to use in the country.  I was hoping to link all my save & storage points via supply lines so I don't have to keep lugging shit all the time. Maybe my next few perks will have to go to strength.


i was severely disappointed in home pate too... the lack of options pissed me off... basically its a cool home in the city, but it's also a place that i got so excited about that i am glad i saved before buying it because i just didn't feel like it was right... no mod benches, and no supply line... endless power tho...

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I never bought it, I saw the disappointment coming from a mile away. I knew it would just be a house like in Skyrim.


Settlements are pretty fucked by the way, apparently I have 31 people at Egret Tours. I couldn't assign supply lines to go to it from anywhere, I moved Paladin Danse out and suddenly I can assign lines from everywhere. I don't see why the population should affect your ability to send provisioners to it. I actually only have 17 people there, it never goes any higher despite having high happiness and resources.


Other random gripes;


No shadow in first person - WHY?! This is the only game series I can play in first person and it not feel weird, in fact I can't play it in third.


I never encountered any of the level 4 vendor in the wastes, or encountered them early on in the game (like doctor Anderson) before you can build shops and never see them again. Or just the general bugginess of them (Holt Combes, never got a speech option for him to join me.) I got the vault-tec rep to go to Sanctuary in my first game (not that he actually did anything when I told him to move elsewhere,) but in my second I didn't wait after telling him to go there, I never saw him after that so i'm assuming he died somewhere travelling. The only other vendor I managed to get was Anne Hargreaves from the radio station.

Edited by ViceMan

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anne is my only vendor, she wanders around my drive in settlement with nothing to do lol... and yea, this is one of the very few games that i actually enjoy playing in first person... it makes aiming at enemies much easier, and i'm not forced to play in first person so i can switch out of it whenever i want to...

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Agreed, all the GTAOers know bOnEs and I both generally loathe FPV, but I actually switch back and forth all the time in Bethesda games. I use FP during combat or to look for goodies in dark corners, and third-person zoomed out as much as possible for sneaking around.

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Really? I've always played Bethesda/Obsidian Fallout in first person. It did kinda suck in 3 as there were no iron sights but a mod fixes that. Only time I switched to third person was to admire how pretty I was. 


I will confess in GTAO I always played first person, and I still do when fucking around. But these days I play third person as I'm a lot better at it. I blame Mass Effect. 

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Yeah no, I've tried a couple of FP-only games and can't do it. Even in Fallout/Skyrim, as soon as I start trucking along, I have to switch back to third-person or else I get nauseated. Lame, I know, just not my cuppa tea. Whenever we do playlists in GTAO and a race or DM has been locked onto first person, I'm even worse than usual. :( I'm in it for the sandbox, not the competition.

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For me, it comes down to camera quality. I find myself playing Fallout in first person a lot because the camera is shitty and there isn't a cover system (unless you're an NPC <_<). If Fallout's third person camera were on par with, say, GTA V, I would use that exclusively.

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Got into a little disagreement with one of the presenters of 'Videogame Nation' (on Challenge).  They've put it in their 'top 20 games' of 2015 but ridiculously low down on their list (7th for fuck sake!  :lol: )  Yet he spent most of the time criticising it!


Now claims it's a 'flawed masterpiece' - now granted there are some minor problems, but describing it as flawed is going too far.


Surely the whole point of a 'top 20' is to talk about how good a game was, but yet they spent the majority of time criticising it.  For one other game they had in the top 20 all they talked about was how they liked the look of the English countryside?!



Edited by shabbagaz

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Got into a little disagreement with one of the presenters of 'Videogame Nation' (on Challenge).  They've put it in their 'top 20 games' of 2015 but ridiculously low down on their list (7th for fuck sake!  :lol: )  Yet he spent most of the time criticising it!


Now claims it's a 'flawed masterpiece' - now granted there are some minor problems, but describing it as flawed is going too far.


Surely the whole point of a 'top 20' is to talk about how good a game was, but yet they spent the majority of time criticising it.  For one other game they had in the top 20 all they talked about was how they liked the look of the English countryside?!



You really won't like me, then. That said rating a game 7th and only criticising it is weird. 

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What, you phoned in? I just missed it on +1.


Nah, over Twitter.   I accused them of being 'fucking stupid' and said their criticisms are damn well wrong (and I used their hashtag) - next had one of their presenters replying saying "It's in our Top 20 games of the year and you're still complaining. Brilliant."


Yet he/they put in the top 20 games of the year yet spent most of the time criticising it!!  Surely the whole point of a top 20 is you actually praise the games?

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I don't know what games are supposed to be better than Fallout 4. The only close competition this year was Witcher 3, but the setting is so fucking bland and the combat and controls are so tedious that it really doesn't hold a candle to Fallout 4.

Witcher fans are mostly obsessed with Triss and Yennefer, anyway. It has nothing to do with the actual game.

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I never played the Witcher 3, saw footage of it and the characters looked bland with about as much personality as a sack of potatoes. Plus the fps kept taking frequent dives, kinda like trying to navigate Boston around the North End area.

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Lost strong. But not before I gave him everything in my misc inventory. Including all 160 odd Bobby pins. Didn't realise until I had switched companions and had no idea where I'd sent him. Two hours and a great deal of expletives later I found the big green bastard. Long story short. I have to stop drinking when I play this game.

Edited by Rob
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Lost strong. But not before I gave him everything in my misc inventory. Including all 160 odd Bobby pins. Didn't realise until I had switched companions and had no idea where I'd sent him. Two hours and a great deal of expletives later I found the big green bastard. Long story short. I have to stop drinking when I play this game.

I find it best after a drunken session to post commentary here so I can come back in the morning and figure out why I'm in such a ridiculous situation. 

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That's pretty much what I did. The Mrs asked me what I was doing in my game playing till 2am. I didn't even remember this happened until I read it here. I fucking looked everywhere for him even went up and down trinity towers looking for him. Turned out I had sent him where I thought I had. red rocket. But for somereason he wasn't showing up. I had to dismiss my current companion and choose cait who was also at Red rocket. The. He appeared.

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I find this game to be a lot harder than fallout 3 or Nv...

I've got no ammo, no caps, and only found two doctors, I constantly find myself irradiated(which never happened in the first two) and in general I'm sucking at being a wonder.. If resorted to crawling around sneakily...

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Water didn't irradiate you in previous games though, but even with the aquaman perk I agree I still take a lot more rads, mainly from bloatflies and such. Ammo is a problem starting out, have to really think about getting into a firefight if it's worth wasting the ammo, once you get the scrounger perk though it gets easier.

Edited by ViceMan

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Swimming did irradiate you, in 3. It didn't in New Vegas because most water sources were clean.

Now that I think about it, how were Lakelurks a thing in New Vegas, when Lake Mead and the Colorado River weren't irradiated?

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More to the point how would the water sources not be irradiated, I mean House shot down most of the missiles but not all of them.

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