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bethesda would do their fans a great injustice if a new fallout wasn't announced this year... you don't out of the blue decide to do your own conference if you didn't have something to show for all of your IPs... ubisoft and EA do it every year, they showcase all of their titles, and their new titles... they've always got something to talk about, even if the game is a year or two away... i would understand if a new elder scrolls was left off the list with TESO being the focus last year and this year, but if they don't show fallout, then the conference would just be a huge waste of time, and i don't think they want to piss off their fans...


every single aspect of this announcement has everything to do with fallout... every gaming journalist expects it, every fan expects it, hell, every developer expects it... it's gonna happen, it has to happen...

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Rockstar's handling of GTA V and GTAO ruined any chances of me giving major studios the benefit of the doubt, anymore. Bethesda is on my shit list until Fallout 4 is announced.

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I never played New Vegas. After being addicted to Fallout 3, it's weird how I never got New Vegas. Not gonna make that mistake again. :P

No excuse now. I got GOTY edition for less than $10

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I never played New Vegas. After being addicted to Fallout 3, it's weird how I never got New Vegas. Not gonna make that mistake again. :P

No excuse now. I got GOTY edition for less than $10


My PS Triple is dead. Guess I could get it on PC tho. If it is on PC...

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My money's on the Commonwealth. Cambridge/Boston.

Remember the androids in Rivet City in Fallout 3? They're from the Institute, which is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

iFallout is nowhere near done, but I've been photoshopping pictures of Boston to look post-apocalyptic for months now. We're ready.

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Since the site isn't ready, but the forums are, I disabled posting for regular members, so I wouldn't have to deal with spam accounts. Now that we have a reason to resurrect the site, I'll fix it.

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i don't have time to work on that site anymore... sorry...


my money is on boston as well, or, the commonwealth... it's gonna revolve around technology and robots i'd imagine... where does a place like that fall into the fallout cannon? i know it was mentioned in fallout 3, but anywhere else? in the fallout bible?

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