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Just Cause 3 was officially announced today with more info coming throughout the month by Game Informer. They put together a video with some screenshots of some of the madness we've come to know from the series.

This time it will be set in a fictional archipelago in the Mediterranean and it should come out at some point next year according to Gamestop


I've always enjoyed the Just Cause games and I'm really looking forward to what they have in store for us.

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Looking forward to hearing more. Very fun series.

In Just Cause II, there was an achievement/trophy for crossing the entire map using the grappling hook/parachute, without touching the ground. I unlocked it without realizing that the achievement existed. When a game rewards me for things I do without being told to do them, it earns a special place in the writhing mass of tentacles where my heart should be.

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Yeah the entire island despite how beautiful it was felt a bit devoid of actual life. A good example set this would be Sleeping Dogs older game but the scripting felt unique and Hong Kong Itself felt alive. You never had a point where the character was detached from the story. One of the plus points on the upgraded GTA 5 I might add.

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This game was mindless fun, but hopefully we get a radio, something other than copy/paste bullshit, and npcs that are useful for something other than dragging behind a car or blowing up with explosives.

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Mad Max is still coming. Avalanche started a studio in New York to work on JC3 3 years ago, while the main office in Sweden(?) started on Mad Max.

This is where i read about Mad Max still being developed

The Swedish developer set up a New York studio for Just Cause 2, but the company is also working on a Mad Max game, which is likewise set for release next year. It looked pretty rad when I previewed it at E3 2013..
Edited by DozyGamer

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I could never get on board with the series, the gameplay was fun as fuck but it got a little boring when I'd wander a little off the path and have to fucking grappling hook myself out of 4 square miles of jungle...

If the map is more city, and less jungle filled with nothing and I might give it go.

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That's the thing with gameplay, cool story and character, a ridiculously huge map, points for blowing shit up!...but your "empty jungle" comment stands for all environments. Sure, there's a wide range from tropical jungle to village, military outposts, cities, hot beach and snowy mountain...but it all felt empty and copy/pasted. I liked the wide range of vehicles to choose from, but the handling couldn't hold a candle to the grappling hook/chute combo and the moves you could pull off. That plus chaos points kept me coming back. I am definitely interested in playing the next one!

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Here's a video with the devs and all that shit. I was listening and walking away from the computer and back so I didn't see everything but I think there was a screenshot or 2 in there.

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