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Sony, Microsoft, and EA all had their conferences today. I missed EA. Xbox has finally been thrown a bone, got some decent exclusives. Didn't catch the title of the new IP from Platinum, looks similar to Monster Hunter, in a sense.

Bioware rocked pretty hard. Dragon Age: Inquisition looks amazing, and the Mass Effect tease was enough to get me hard. Really looking forward to a real Mass Effect announcement in the future.

EA Sports always drags on too long. Same shit every year, don't waste my fucking time.

Oh, and Sims 4 looks identical to Sims 3 in every way.

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Not anything that'll get major coverage. They'll have something at their booth for people to see, and smaller sites will cover it. Major sites will cover it when the big news is done.

It's also nice to know The Division isn't dead.

Who wants to assassinate French nobles with me?

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Holy shit, did you see that Witcher 3 shit?? He blinded that one guy and just chopped him like a tree or something, badass.

Witcher 3 looks fucking cool.

The fuck was that phantom something exclusive game, literally got nothing from it.

The UI on The Division is very cool.

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The Division looks amazing, the UI is great, gameplay looks well fun, graphics are sick...

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I hope they have a "bloodier" option, I want to see guts flying when grenades get thrown, it looked too friendly when someone got shot.

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when's that due out? because i am still not interested in jumping ship just yet...

The Division? Don't think there's a date, not this year I don't think.

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i think brian is in love with battlefield hardline...

Nah, just another FPS.

They need a modern sandbox cop game with multiplayer to get me all hard.

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Did you guys get wooed by MS? There's a couple of exclusives that look pretty great, but I'm thinking Sony will rock the shit later.

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Isn't Sony later tonight?

Yeah, my bad, they are coming in later on.

E3 Schedule:

  • Microsoft: 9 June; 17:30pm GMT or 09:30am PDT
  • EA: 9 June; 20:00pm GMT or 12:00pm PDT
  • Ubisoft: 9 June; 23:00pm GMT or 15:00pm PDT
  • Sony: 9/10 June; 02:00am GMT or 18:00pm PDT
  • Nintendo: 10 June; 17:00pm GMT or 09:00am PDT

Dawngate, yet another MOBA game. Looks exactly like that wankfest LoL - the only decent new MOBA game was Heroes of Newerth, played a few good games of that back in Uni, a true Dota evolution.

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Ubisoft better deliver on this, it looks amazing. Saving hostages and destroying peoples homes at the same time? Yeah.

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Ubisoft better deliver on this, it looks amazing. Saving hostages and destroying peoples homes at the same time? Yeah.

That got me hard

This looks amazing too.

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Wtf is this crap, where's my fucking games. Playstation TV? What?

Well, I guess MK looks ok. Last time I played MK I don't think I had pubes.



Last of Us remake coming end of July.

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