
Higher Education

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Pshhht, whatever dawg... Is u runnin the hood or is the hood runnin you? Ima not gonna b thug-trippin my whole life. I'm going to move to the Bay Area, invest in real estate, and escort some skinny smooth small-penised Chinese men around.

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I've got several college credits through SUNY now, can someone explain how you'd go about transferring credits to out of state public colleges? Like for instance, were all your credits accepted, only some, etc.

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So I can find out definitely before applying, good. Not sure if you just saw the shit with SUNY promoting Common Core but I'm really steering clear as of right now.

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The school looses money if they give you the credits, also, i dont kow why you'd want to go out of state, unless you like debt. Havard is really the only school worth paying extra for, imo.

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The school looses money if they give you the credits, also, i dont kow why you'd want to go out of state, unless you like debt. Havard is really the only school worth paying extra for, imo.

I'm switching residence to Florida if I get accepted down there, so I can pay in-state tuition after my first year (and if they take all my credits I'll walk into college with at least half a year done). I have family in Orlando and a couple other cities. Plus connections.

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I think you don't need a degree to have a good career. Plenty of people have built profitable companies without being educated.

I don't have a degree, I don't have student debts and I generally enjoy my job. I'm a little confused why people are getting a degree to be an administrator but still.

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So I scratched the idea about enlisting in the military out of high school because I got a good thing going with attending college in Florida with a few friends of mine who live down there and getting my own apartment. The biggest decision for me right now is choosing what to major in (still thinking of going the finance route) and whether or not I should stay in Florida or move back to New York. Financial managers in Florida make a nice salary, and the cost of living is cheaper down there as well as no income tax. However, average and starting salaries are much higher in New York. 


While I love living on LI and being so close to the city, there's too many people, cost of living seems to be too high for the salaries anyway, etc. I also love Florida and have friends and family there already. 


Any input?

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My input is

What college?

Do you want a lot of debt?

I'm not sure but I think I remember that you have to live in a state for two years before being eligible for in state tuition at a public school, and if your not attending an Ivy League school I don't see a reason to pay more.

Plus Florida is full of horrible people...

I personally like the idea of joining the military... But you can't smoke pot..

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It's a community college, was attending there and then transferring to UCF probably. No dorms, but renting an apartment would be cheaper than room and board for an instate college, and honestly since this is only a community college it would cost the same out of state as it would in state here. 


The military would be nice, and I will likely join the reserves, but so many people have told me that you put yourself another 4 years behind those graduating high school, and once you leave the military college is another 2-4 years.

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Going to a community college in Hicksville ain't going to get no one ahead of nothing...

Besides, no one really gives a shit that you spent 4 years behind a desk at some no name college.

Military looks good on a resume.

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It's a state college, not community college, my mistake. They offer 1, 2, and 4 year degrees. I was going to go for the two year program and transfer as said. They have nearly 20,000 students and it's located on the coast. 


It isn't a no name college, and neither is the school I plan to transfer to. 


Part of the reason I'm choosing college is because I am eligible for many grants and as said, I will likely still do reserves which also may look pretty good on a resume. It brings in some extra money and good benefits compared to being a civilian in college. 

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I live in a country where the government funds the public schools very well, so even they are just as good as the private ones.


I was educated at mainly private schools nevertheless, purely on the basis of my friends attending them, and rest assured education-wise they were just as good as the few public ones I went to.


Obviously there are countries, however, that put almost zero into their public education system, just speaking on my own person experience with them

Edited by Linx

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