
Post a picture of yourself

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Ahhhh fried Mars Bar another English (technically Scottish) delicacy.


That is slow suicide for the extra patient ones.

Thats a doubletriple baconator..............and this is 'Post A Picture Of YOURSELF' - Not 'What are you fucking EATING'. :jumpy:

But in all fairness, people ARE what they eat. In that sense we're on topic. It's just that the pictures shows what they're going to look like next year and not what they look like now.

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I wonder if Vicey does....

*Slowly stalks Vicey down back alley*

Hey there sailor you can taste me any time you like. *pulls trousers down and waves genitalia around*

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Guest Marney1

'Hey there sailor'? You know they used to execute sailors for sodomy don't you?

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Guest Marney1

They seem to be cool with it nowadays.

There's a pic of me in the old 'Post A Pic Of Yourself' thread on a ship, is it still there?

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Quick, Vicey, pretend your an American Congressman :buttsecks:

But I am an American Congressman... *confused look*

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I was in London so I was trying to fit in with the local douche's because I didn't want to be hassled.

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I enjoy freaking em out, Nobody expects a pink shirt wearing ponce to come out with a primitive East Midlands accent like my own.

Howzziittgoinonnthenserri... I'm not proud.

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