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Our character artist made it. The world is set in an alternative London, where the sun has rapidly expanded, changing the climate among other things.

The main character is a girl called Sable, surviving in a wasteland with her father (The bus camp). Her father is wounded by that lizard, and she wants to take revenge, by proving herself. She tracks it down, and attempts to kill it with a crossbow, but realises it's stronger than she expected. It ends up hunting her, and has her cornered amongst some rubble. She has to make some rapid decisions or face death.

That's about it really. We've spend a long time re-thinking the story, so many times, to the point we're sick of it. But we've been pushing it a safe direction, as our tutors keep telling us. Which i think is good.

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I think the story sounds good, having a female lead for that role will work effectivley as the player will want to protect her etc.

Its nice seeing all the pieces fitting together :)

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Lol^ That will be my backup plan if i fail at getting into the games industry!

I need some decent crit/tips on my title design for my fmp film.


Also here is the pre-vis of our film:

We're collaborating with 3 Musicians/sound artists now, so the beta film will have some music and sound effects. :D

And a more polished render:


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Title definitely needs scratches/dust/etc to make it fit the world. Basically steal the Uncharted logo. :)

I kind of laughed at the pre-vis because it reminded me of the leaked unfinished Xmen movie where the major visuals weren't complete and most of the CGI was untextured. :P

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Yeah, Pre-vis always look shit as lol. It's mostly for timing the pace and camera angles. The models get put into place afterwards, and the lighting is set up and it's rendered to look more like my final render i posted above. We're still in-between, the transitional period.

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The group decided on that font after going through literally hundreds of them, as we felt it reflected London's upmarket shopping districts. We've been playing with colours for a while, and this one just stood out from the rest.

Here's something like what Fitty suggested:


/edit i dunno why the vignette has turned into a Loony Toons Hole xD bloody online compression!

I'm starting to think of doing an animated sequence now, where the font cracks.. What do you think?

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XD lol, Its from, so it could be based on it.

Just found this though


It's actually called Market Deco. Dunno what it's meant to be from, if it is from anything in particular.


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I think there should be less sand (time wise), more sand (quantity wise) across the letters, and more "pop" for the big cracking. Like if you took something brittle and broke it. The crack doesn't slowly happen it just goes BANG and breaks. The "pop" is when the sand should fall out as if it was shook loose. And then it shouldn't pour out for a few seconds like someone's shoe. A second or two and it's done flowing.

I think you should get what I'm saying. :P

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I was thinking that right after the title cracks up, the black background dissolves into a scene in the game (like the words are a sign on a building or something). Then the girl walks/runs by and things kick off from there. :mellow:

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^ Similar to what I was thinking. I pictured the title sequence as a sped-up version of what led to the creation of the wasteland. I pictured a pristine building with the title on it, then a flash of light (the expansion of the sun), followed by the screen filling with sand, then the sand receding (just enough to make the lettering visible), revealing the dilapidated, ruined building and worn lettering, then the giant lizard wandering past.

Expanding on that, to start the game, the camera could pan out and have the lizard moving farther into the open wasteland, then cut to the bus camp.

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Hey guys. Just a quick update. I'm working on the pre-title sequence, or establishing shot for our film's setting.

Just thought i'd post it up, and try and get some feedback on it so far. The backplate is still work in progress, but it's about 80% complete. And we still have to add higher quality assets in places. (replace game low poly)

I've also done some beauty renders of what we have so far in scene. And an example of how we want to use the zdepth focus shift.



Give us some tips or suggestions if you can,



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