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Basically while I was in Kenya last month I visited a Maasai village that had absolutely nothing except houses made of cow poo and a couple of goats. The children had to walk for hours all by themselves to get to school, in the baking hot sun and with the dangers of wild animals such as lions and elephants just wandering around.

I'm trying to raise enough money to build and kit out a nursery in the village that will benefit the whole community and provide both girls and boys with an education, as the Maasai culture is that boys are educated but do nothing whereas the girls cannot go to school as they need to collect water, build houses, cook, look after the children etc.

During lent if you've given something up please donate the 50p you would normally spend on chocolate or crisps so that we can give these children their nursery as soon as possible, and also ask your family and friends. If you gave £5 all it would mean is you went without one drink on a night out. If you gave £10 it would mean giving up a take away for one week, but it would change the lives of the people in the village forever.

I know normally when you give to charity you don't know where the money is going or what it is being used for, but 100% of the money raised will be going directly to the village to build this nursery and there will be a visable difference as they have nothing at all now, but hopefully within a few months or a year they will have a solid brick nursery complete with furniture and equipment.

Every single penny would be greatly appreciated so please give anything you can, even if it is just a bit of loose change.

There's more information about the village and the project on my Just Giving page.

My Just Giving page

Thank you.

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I don't normally do this, but since you're a wimminz an' all i'll say what the hell. As long as when the village becomes a booming commercial metropolis they'll build a 50ft statue in my honour and perhaps give me a place to stay on the city outskirts, preferably with a swimming pool and a home cinema.

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I don't normally do this, but since you're a wimminz an' all i'll say what the hell. As long as when the village becomes a booming commercial metropolis they'll build a 50ft statue in my honour and perhaps give me a place to stay on the city outskirts, preferably with a swimming pool and a home cinema.

Bugger off, I replied first. <_<

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I don't normally do this, but since you're a wimminz an' all i'll say what the hell. As long as when the village becomes a booming commercial metropolis they'll build a 50ft statue in my honour and perhaps give me a place to stay on the city outskirts, preferably with a swimming pool and a home cinema.

Bugger off, I replied first. <_<

I donated first, plus my reply was longer to type.

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I don't normally do this, but since you're a wimminz an' all i'll say what the hell. As long as when the village becomes a booming commercial metropolis they'll build a 50ft statue in my honour and perhaps give me a place to stay on the city outskirts, preferably with a swimming pool and a home cinema.

Bugger off, I replied first. <_<

I donated first, plus my reply was longer to type.


(I don't know how to do accents with this keyboard...)

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I don't know this charity but their site looks very professional.

I had hoped to see you picture here, but you're shy? ;)

*waits for boobs* :D

Sorry, I mis-clicked. I didn't mean to give you bad rep. :( I'll give you a refund tomorrow, it seems I can't give any more positive rep today.

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Hmm. Listen, i don't mean to hurt your feelings but we've been dumping money into Africa for 50 years and we have nothing to show for it. Until they get their own shit together I'm out.

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I agree with you that millions of pounds have been given and there is hardly anything to see from it but that's because the government is so corrupt unless you give the money directly to a community the government pocket it.

Last year I went to Kenya for 5 weeks to work in a tiny rural village in their hospital and schools, which were all funded by charity and had the charity (Kenya Acorn Project) not gone directly to the area to build and help then it would have never happened, but it made such a massive difference to the lives of the people there.

To get into the police or army in Kenya you have to be from the right tribe, and you then have to pay your way in. They work by receiving bribes from people... If you don't have car insurance they demand a bribe and then you're free to go. There was a girl on an exchange program, where a school in America was going to pay for her to be educated in America, but to get a passport her dad had to bribe 3 different people in the passport office at every stage of the process, even though there was absolutely no reason why she couldn't have a passport.

So when raising this money it will be given directly to the Masai Village and the project is being overseen by one of the owners of the charity, so it will make a difference in the lives of these people, even if it's only a small change on the scale of things.

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To get into the police or army in Kenya you have to be from the right tribe, and you then have to pay your way in. They work by receiving bribes from people... If you don't have car insurance they demand a bribe and then you're free to go. There was a girl on an exchange program, where a school in America was going to pay for her to be educated in America, but to get a passport her dad had to bribe 3 different people in the passport office at every stage of the process, even though there was absolutely no reason why she couldn't have a passport.

That corruption is awful. I have heard similar examples about Russian officials, even officials operating on Norwegian territory. I know a man who needed a Russian visa, and the Russian office that grants visa tried to extort extra money from him by mailing the visa in the very last second so that he risked receiving it too late and missing the flight. He had a Russian girlfriend and I'm not sure if she warned him about it so that he could lie about the date of departure, or if he actually had to pay. This is how they operate. Russia is almost as good as the average African country, and that's not a compliment.

I give money to other charity already, so I won't give to your organization. Sorry. But I wish you the best of luck. :)

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They should protest against the government, I've heard it's really popular nowadays in Africa.

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No, flies are a special effect. The corrupt actually steal the donations to import extra vibrant blue bottles when the film crews come in to town!

That wasn't a dig at the poor staving people btw. I'm not that evil.

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Guest Marney1

I used to use African kids as target practice, hard as fuck to hit when they're running though. Don't worry, they were only rubber bullets - I'm not that evil either.

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Guest Marney1

"...please donate the 50p you would normally spend on chocolate or crisps..." But I only buy multipacks, and they cost pounds not pence.

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I used to use African kids as target practice, hard as fuck to hit when they're running though. Don't worry, they were only rubber bullets - I'm not that evil either.

Plus there's really not that much of them there to hit in the first place.

Oh and Massy don't deny your benevolent side, i've seen you taking clothes and food down to the homeless shelter you big softie.

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Of course I brought food and clothing to a homeless shelter. Have you ever seen the look on a homeless person's face when you're wearing eight sweaters and eating a bucket of KFC in front of them? Fucking priceless.

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Guest Marney1

And I'm American, so I buy chips, not crisps (and fries, not chips).

And they cost dollars, not pence.

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