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No game changers really. Thinner and lighter, bigger screen, changed the dock connector, improved the front camera, 4G, and faster processor (iOS6 launch in Oct). I think that's pretty much the major changes.

Some more info here.


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Guest Marney-1

I won't be buying one because I only use a phone to make phone calls.....and to take the odd photo.

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Huge update on front camera to 720p, somewhat better battery life, bigger screen, higher resolution, better processing with new A6 chip, phone comes with new headphones and a traveling/storage case for them, new charger, etc.

Just naming some things that may get people in general to consider.

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Am i the only one here who doesn't like iphones? The interface is terrible, and the content isn't worth £600 or contract equivalent... Especially when you have to pay for any of the decent apps anyway. I'd much rather buy a tablet PC for that price. Like Marney, i don't really use my phone for much else. I do occasionally use the internet on my phone when i'm out, but not that much... i'll just do that when i get home from work or wherever I've been. But again, if i knew i was traveling somewhere, i'd bring a Vita or a tablet for games, and apps etc.

Was just voicing my opinion btw.

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No, there are plenty of iphone haters here.

The Iphone is basically a tablet pc.... And idk what you mean by terrible interface...

600 pounds? The phone costs 199.00 here which is like 140 pounds... Sure you have to sign a two year contract, but you'd pay that anyway, one say or another...

Also, iphones dont loose there value the way other, lesser phones do. My iphone is worth around 350.00 Basically, once i sell this phone to buy the new iphone, ill recieve 150.00 net, excluding the contract ofc, but i'd have to pay that anyway...

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No, there are plenty of iphone haters here.

The Iphone is basically a tablet pc.... And idk what you mean by terrible interface...

600 pounds? The phone costs 199.00 here which is like 140 pounds... Sure you have to sign a two year contract, but you'd pay that anyway, one say or another...

Also, iphones dont loose there value the way other, lesser phones do. My iphone is worth around 350.00 Basically, once i sell this phone to buy the new iphone, ill recieve 150.00 net, excluding the contract ofc, but i'd have to pay that anyway...


The desktop format is ugly. It's simple, but not nice to look at imo. The only thing the iphone5 has that makes it appealing is 4g internet. Apps are app, they're never really that useful to have, people just collect them for the sake of it. Some are useful to some extent, but nothing you couldn't live without before you had an iphone. This app frenzy is just an addiction.

To be honest, it's not just the iphone, i actually dislike the entire smartphone genre. They're all designed to take maximum profit from every person that owns them, and they don't really benefit you guys in any way. The only tablet PC i'm interested in is the windows one, because you can switch to traditional mode, and still use Windows 'programs and applications'. Which for me is perfect.

Anyway, that's my view on smartphones.


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Hmm. Well, i dont use computers anymore so im not sure what you talking about...

The charge for apps on computers too...

Here is a list of free apps on my phone which are useful...



Nbc sports talk






Capitol one banking

Chartway banking


Intuit credit card processing

Assorted news apps...

Now for paid

Ignition remote pc

Ftp pro



Game Informer

Weatherbug plus


Assorted photoshopping programs


Assorted games

But youd have to pay for those on a pc aswell, and they cost a lot less on the iphone

There are a lot of apps that are shitty, but there is a lot of crapware for the pc aswell...

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Contracts might be worth it in America, but here in Portugal, the asshole of Europe, the contract is extremely shady - you're basically getting into a monthly (high) fee, that feed get added to calls/texts/browsing, and all of these things cost a lot of money with the plan they set you up with.

Right now my contract gives me free calls and text messages to other people on the same plan and 250 free text messages to any other operator every month, all of that for 5 euros a month. If I were to get into these iPhone plans I'd be giving out 20 euros every month just for having that plan AND I wouldn't have any free calls or texts, the fees for that alone can easily escalate to 20+ euros, and I don't even want to talk about internet browsing fees.

I'll keep my shit phone, out of principle.

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$200 actually isn't that much for a pretty decent phone. Don't get me wrong I like iPhones, but the iPhone 5 has hardly any improvements from the iPhone 4. Personally I think now is the best time to get an iPhone 4 or 4S.

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I use my phone for everything.

I get a lot of emails, having them straight to my phone is very useful, and being able to reply on the go is great too.

Maps. Probably the single most used app on my phone, I cannot stress how lost (literally), I would be without it.

Checking train times, planning journeys, surfing the web for quick references. Being on the go all the time, my phone is my number one resource!

All of these can be dealt with, without a smartphone, but it's just a lot easier to be able to do everything from my phone. It all depends on how much you need these various things in your everyday life. It's just not relevant for some people.

I also have an iPad. I use it to make notes when i'm in lecture or clinics etc. In fact, it's one of the best learning tools I have. It also acts as a great medium between a doctor and a patient. For example, I could show people a 3D brain, and explain the anatomy (and maybe even physiology) of their brain condition. As well as various other technological advances, I think tablets are a part of the future for medicine. In fact, at the University of Manchester, i'm pretty sure they give iPads to 3rd year medical students.

Anyway, back on topic. I like the look of this, and since my lock button is broken on my current iPhone 4, I'll probably need to buy this one quite soon.

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$100 for an iPhone 4s (shown on the apple site) seems like a fantastic deal, I'll probably get that if I get a new phone. I don't really see much of a point of spending an extra $100 for an iPhone 5. Sure it has some minor improvements, but at the end of the day it's nothing that really stands out, at least to me. And personally I think it's retarded how they changed the docking port, but hey, they need to make money in any way they can.

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Tempted to buy one. Not even had my Lumia 800 for a year but thanks to no upgrade path to WP8, it won't be long before I can't get new apps/updates. The 4" screen is what the iPhone needed, the 3.5" screen on my 1st gen iPod touch is just too small. My Lumia has a 3.7" screen which is better but not brilliant for reading websites in portrait mode (Pentile screen tech doesn't help with this either). 4" is probably the perfect size for me/my hands without getting into silly screen size territory where it's impossible to reach the entire screen with one thumb.

Don't know when I'll get one exactly, I can live with my Lumia for a while longer since it hasn't put a foot wrong so far. Though if I leave it too long I'll end up waiting for iPhone 6 anyway...

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$200 for the iphone 5 looks like a bargain for people in the US.

I guarantee the UK price will be no less than £500. I've always been annoyed by high prices for electronic goods in the UK compared to the US.

I have an iphone 4 and that does it's job for now, battery life will as always be crap on the ip5.

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$200 for the iphone 5 looks like a bargain for people in the US.

I guarantee the UK price will be no less than £500.

You're comparing the US price on a two year contract to the UK price unlocked/off-contract.

And yes it's £529.

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$200 for the iphone 5 looks like a bargain for people in the US.

I guarantee the UK price will be no less than £500.

You're comparing the US price on a two year contract to the UK price unlocked/off-contract.

And yes it's £529.

hmm, what is the US price then for a pay as you go ip5, because I am sure the cheapest one was $200.

Peoples don't realise but it's actually cheaper in the long run to not buy phones with a contract. It can save you about £150-200 in the uk.


Just checked the US apple website, and it says from $199 for the iphone 5.

Annoys me that people from the UK have to pay much more than others.

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$200 for the iphone 5 looks like a bargain for people in the US.

I guarantee the UK price will be no less than £500.

You're comparing the US price on a two year contract to the UK price unlocked/off-contract.

And yes it's £529.

hmm, what is the US price then for a pay as you go ip5, because I am sure the cheapest one was $200.

Peoples don't realise but it's actually cheaper in the long run to not buy phones with a contract. It can save you about £150-200 in the uk.


Just checked the US apple website, and it says from $199 for the iphone 5.

Annoys me that people from the UK have to pay much more than others.


See the 1?


Won't know what the unlocked price is in the US until tomorrow.

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Its definitely 199 with a 2 year service agreement, but contracts over here are priced about the same as month to month..just dont cancel it... Verizon has a 1200.00 cancelation fee....

As far as iphone 5 not being an upgrade over 4, i disagree.

You get 8mp camera in the back, 1.3mp in front, larger screen, processor that is twice as fast, and siri...

Iphone four had a 5mp camera back and a .3mp camera front, and no siri...

Unlocked is usually 599.00

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Its definitely 199 with a 2 year service agreement, but contracts over here are priced about the same as month to month..just dont cancel it... Verizon has a 1200.00 cancelation fee....

As far as iphone 5 not being an upgrade over 4, i disagree.

You get 8mp camera in the back, 1.3mp in front, larger screen, processor that is twice as fast, and siri...

Iphone four had a 5mp camera back and a .3mp camera front, and no siri...

Unlocked is usually 599.00

AT&T has no cancelation fee, you just pay full price on the phone when buying a new plan.

So for instance it's like $700 instead of the $500 for early upgrade or $300 for regular upgrade after two years. This includes the phone itself.

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