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Aliens: Coloniel Marines

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I love aliens and will be buying this. I loved the multiplayer game wear one person starts as an alien until all people are dead. The best map is pyramid.

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Holy shit where did you get that info.

an issue of OPM from 2001.

I'm not sure but I think they were gonna make this game for last generation of console's but it got canned.

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Next month mother fuckers! YEAH!

Unless it's gone gold, - don't count on it. The game was incredibly close to completion (final stages i believe) when it was scrapped before.

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With this game I'm not going to believe shit until it's in my hands. Frankly I got too excited over the PS2 and 2008 Xbox releases that I'm not going to get my hopes up.

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They already have a set release date and have been coming out with gameplay videos on a consistant basis. If it was canned you would have heard something by now considering it's only one month away from release and most likely already in the process of manufacturing hard copies for launch.

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Meh. I would have been excited to play this back in 2002 or even 2008, but the whole Aliens franchise has gone to shit, and I have zero interest now. Plus the whole selling point of this game, playing as Colonial Marines, is stupid. I've only played as a Marine in EVERY FUCKING Aliens game. Except Alien 3. That shit was sweet.

Needs MOAR Ripley

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Not looking good so far:

  • Games TM - 4/10: "Mechanically, the game functions, but the fun of the Aliens universe is quickly drained away by what amounts to a mundane shooting gallery through a drab and lifeless world."
  • - 5/10: (Translated) "We expected a lot from this project. And unfortunately, our disappointment was all the greater."
  • ITNewsAfrica - 7.9: (Pulled)

Don't think i'll be picking it up. Maybe when it drops down a bit.

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I just watched a complete playthrough on youtube. Everyone, avoid this game like the plague. The graphics are abysmal, the AI is shit, and the story... I'll just say the ending makes Mass Effect 3's ending look award-winning.

Rapes the franchise, and let's the resulting demon-child rape your mother, and kill your fucking dog.

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