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You get hit all over the years, your joints get damage, your muscle tissue starts fading, all of a sudden - a punch you're used to take hits your nervous system like never before and you're out...

It's true that you get used to hits, but a body can only go so far... a lot of K1 fighters have to retire because their shins can't take it any longer, and these are guys that build shins like baseball bats. Tibia damage and whatnot.

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First of Decembers big cards tomorrow anybody watching?


Bendo/Diaz - I want Diaz to win but I think Henderson is going to aggressive lay and pray him to a 5 round UD, ofc aparantly Nate has some decent jiu jitsu so it may be a bit of a challenge for Henderson.

Shogun/Gustaffson - Shogun because I think he's a better all round fighter and is motivated now.

Penn/McDonald - Penn is back in a big way. Think he might struggle at stand up but if he can take him down he has the fight in his hand.

Swick/Brown - Swick has some serious rust on him and Brown is unstoppable at the moment.

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I'll be watching albeit delayed

I agree with your Bendo/ Diaz prediction but I really want Diaz to win because he is a more exciting fighter and a pothead!!

It depends if the fit, motivated Shogun turns up for him to get a victory - I really hope he does but could easily see him dominated if he is off his game

BJ Penn is one of my all-time favourites but the modern game has caught up with him a bit - possibly the best lightweight of all time but hasn't fought well at WW lately. Apparently he has put in the effort this time and McDonald is an exciting young prospect so it should be a ripper!!!

Swick has looked a bit skeletal lately, trying to cut too much weight, maybe he has got a bit better at it and has the tools to win but yeah, Matt Brown is on a pretty good roll - too close to call for me.

Can't wait

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Prelims have been crazy so far. The Nam Phan fight was scored 30-26, 30-25, 30-24!

Edit: Yves Edwards is a beast. Just a shame he really started gathering steam so late in his career.

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Round 1:

Shoguns submission attempts and slightly better striking edge him the round

Round 2:

Shoguns 10,000 haymakers over a few ineffective takedowns

Round 3:

Obviously Gus


Decision (unanimous) (30-27, 30-27, 30-26) (for MacDonald)

Seriously, 30-27's when he clear won Round 1, and even a 30-26. Cecil Peoples and Co. were clearly in Judging attendance tonight. Especially when Gustaffson grabbed the fence.

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Judges were complete shit last night.

Firstly Diaz/Bendo

I had Bendo winning the fight but not the way the judges did but his point fighting is becoming ridiculous. He's a talented guy but has too much of a "go to decision" gameplan, getting a bit like GSP.

No way Bendo was flawless in that fight, period, and I'm surprised I wasn't the only one who though it. Sherdog was lit up with the same. Checked /sp/ and some thought Bendo didn't take it flawlessly (maybe I'm wrong and he did but 50-43?).

But fuck, the diaz brothers need to get a gameplan. The game plan seems to be walk forward and take everything on the chin while try to knock them out. They don't change it either. Nick kept doing it even when Condit kept running and Nate seemed to give up too easy on the toe holds he had.

BJ Got his shit wrecked, and yet one judge scored every round 10-9. They could've EASILY been 10-7 rounds.

And then Shogun fight was odd too. I had him winning round 1 minimum, and many others agreed, Round 2 and 3 are up in the air. I think Takedowns have too much weight in scoring, but definately not a 30-27/6 fight at all.

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Judging in MMA is probably the one thing they don't have right yet...

I thought Shogun ultimately lost but 29-28 - he didn't get his arse wiped like the judges seemed to think.

Point scoring fighting is the way of the future and it sucks... Henderson is crazy good though - does enough to hold my interest but doesn't seem to have a way to end a fight..

And you are right about the Diaz's but at least they go out there to finsh their opponent. Considering they can act like spoilt brats, I thought nate was classy in defeat...

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Well Sal D'Amato and Dave Hagen were two of the judges. You might know them from the Jackson/Machida and UFC 130/1 robberies respectively. Not to mention Hagen is wank (0-3 (to guys who don't exactly have great records, one even is 2-2) at MMA)

I expected the Cesar Gracie camp to be up in arms about the toothpick thing, something along the lines of "wah, Nate didn't want to seriously hurt Ben" but very classy. Work on a game plan and he'll be a champ.

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Tonight, atleast the main card should be a night of finishes. Good lineup of people skilled in sub's and striking. Roy Nelson is probably either gonna punch the face off Mitrione after how pissed off he's been all season or his Chin will finally crack. And I seriously doubt its going to be the latter.

Nelson/Mitrione - Mitrione isn't going to be able to T/KO him and I think Nelson has the ground game here.

Smith/Ricci - No idea here who will take it here but if I flipped a coin and it landed on Heads which I predetermined to be Ricci.

Barry/Rosario - Barry is a beast but makes ridiculous mistakes. He needs to refine his game. On the other hand Rosario is a beast and knows what the FUCK he's doing.

Guillard/Varner - Guillard has this I think. The guy is an animal and I think will just be too much for Varner.

Poirier/Brookins - I think Poirier is just better overall. I can't really explain this one.

Oh and a dude just got choked on the prelims. People need to start tapping out because getting choked out is far too fucking dangerous. Keeping your pride (if your an idiot) or Tapping and conceding that you were bested (which is ultimately keeping your pride because the first result makes you seem like a brat)


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What a night. Even the prelims fucking ruled.

As predicted Nelson punched Mitrione's face off.


Barry pulls out the shocker (never going to under estimate him again)


(Rosario looked like a rockem sockem robot)

and a fucking awesome Suplex. Dude pulled it off 3 times, barely even gassed.


the KO should have been KO of the night, but Barry's was pretty awesome too.

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UFC 155!

JDS/Velasquez - While Velasquez is a worthy competitor and has wicked wrestling if standup isn't working for him, JDS's standup is just nasty, and his has BJJ to back it up if he gets taken down. JDS has spent less than 12 seconds on the ground in his entire UFC career. Says something about his takedown defence.

Lauzon/Miller - I think Lauzon is better at grappling here, standup is pretty much a stalemate.

Boetsch/Phillippou - Boetsch is going to wrestlefuck him and might even get a tko or sub.

Belcher/Okami - Belcher is a beast recently and is fairly annoyed that Okami got the better of him @ 62,

Leben/Brunson - Leben is so one dimensional, the guy seems a total ass and is too one dimensional, Brunson is going to take him down and beat him further down. Unless Brunson bests him on the stand up (which might happen anyway,) and Zombie Leben makes an appearence.

Oh, and the fans are booing already on the prelims because during the standup nobody was really besting them. They're in for a bad night, lot of wrestlers on the card.

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i'm done predicting fights. I seem to fucking jinx fighters and more importantly underestimate them.

JDS raped cain in the first.

Cain raped JDS in the second.

Can't wait for the rubber match if there ever is one.

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What I meant was JDS raped Cain in the first fight (albeit a Cain with an injured knee), amd Cain raped JDS in the second fight

Cain was all over Junior dos Santos. Seriously, JDS did NOT look alert at all. Reminiscent of 101 Forrest Griffin (Griffin took a xanax the night before and it carried into his performance).

One step behind everything and never really offered any offence. Cain even dropped him but never finished him.


Oh and Okami's went sleep sleep for a few seconds but aparantly wasn't noticed by the referee. Didn't recognize him so don't know if its a repeat offender, but Kim Winslow was on point last night, didn't make an error that I saw.


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Gomi got well robbed - Greg Jackson sucks balls

Jackson is actually a great coach IMO. He obviously has his major players who are very fight smart themselves, GSP, Jon Jones etc. But then he takes in smaller players like Diego and Jardine who don't really have anything going for them (Diego entered with a background in wrestling and frankly isn't very good at it and Jardine had some pretty god awful striking) and utilizing gaps in the judging makes them successful. Gaidojutso encompasses just about everything worth using from Wrestling, BJJ and the like and is a pretty impressive martial art in itsself.

That said, that fight was all Gomi. Diego got a few takedowns that he didn't do anything with because his ground game leaves something to be desired for and that was it really.


- Greg Jackson

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Don't get me wrong, he gets results but his point scoring gameplans, while effective, can be boring for the casual fan. Take his comment after the first round of the Gomi fight - "3 takedowns to none - you won that round" to Sanchez even though Gomi essentially took no damage, got to his feet pretty quickly and was overall more effective on his feet than Diego.

Clay Guida was one of the most interesting exciting fighters around until he went to Jackson, now he bores the pants off me

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It's the issues with judging.

A one dimensional wrestler could take a guy down then stand back up and rinse and repeat all of the day bro and he'd win despite not doing anything with the takedowns. Too much weight is put into takedowns. It just so happens that garbage fighters train them all day so they can win via points.

I'm ok with wrestling. Weidman is great for it, he has a solid stand up game and if he isn't comfortable striking he'll take him down and beat the piss out of them. Its when you get guys like Guida and Jon Fitch who recognize the gaps in the rules and abuse it.

There's rules in there that basically halt boring fights. Referees don't bother to use them.

The first is Rule 23 - Timidity. If somebody is legitimately laying and praying, they can take a point for timidity, they aren't attempting to engage. Schaub would have had a point taken away every single round in his last fight.

The second is the stand up rule. I think it's 30 or so seconds with no actual work being done (I.e. bettering the position or attempting ground and pound and submissions) they can be stood up. The referees just aren't bothering and are perfectly content with letting these guys lay on top of each other for 3 fucking rounds without the slightest warning.

Dan Miragliotta is horrendous for this, the only time I've seen him enforce timidity was Anderson Silva, and he did it in the last minute of the fifth round, he should've warned him and then taken points when he carried on. He stands them up either unfairly or just doesn't bother. Kim Winslow is probably the queen of unfair stand ups, and the guy who refereed the Schaub fight is a repeat offender for letting guys lay there for 3 rounds.

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So uh yeah, Second time in a few months a fighter who could easily have finished the fight/coasted to a decision gets ktfo because they got stupid cocky.

Weidman was completely absorbed into the Anderson routine and was well content to stand and bang. Anderson had got in his mind by then but too much cockyness and he got put out.

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