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yea, i need to watch the ending of season 6 real soon because i need a refresher for sunday night... so much went down this past season, and unlike other shows i try to watch *cough walking dead*, this series is ready to finish... season 7 is the start of the final wars to fight... this series is actually gonna try and end it on their own note, not like other HBO shows... you can't ask for better support for the next 2 years than you will get from HBO here...

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As a good network? None. So many incredible shows in the past, and even currently, have gone to shit because the network overstepped and forced the show to continue long after the creators felt it should have ended, because they want to keep making money from it. If TV is going to be worth watching, the networks all need to step back and let the creators have their run, end the show when they see fit, and move on to their next epic idea.


I have a lot of faith in the upcoming spinoffs. FTWD is so much better than TWD at this point, because they're not limited by any source material. GoT has been one hell of a ride, even having to adhere to certain plot points, so seeing the creators of the spinoffs do their own thing will be beautiful.


Fingers forever crossed for a Khal Drogo prequel.

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Which shows did you have in mind, that the network forced the writers to keep writing... or got replacement writers?


breaking bad? Sons of anarchy? Dexter? Was it Lost? Mmmmm



In general, writers get paid to write... they aren't the ones who decide to end a series for that reason... not because the network wants to keep paying them to write hackneyed material..

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I didn't mention writers at any point. The writers for a show are mostly filling out the creator's idea, but ultimately have little say in the actual direction of the story, or how long it goes on. Guillermo del Toro is ending The Strain after only four seasons, because his story is done. Kurt Sutter ended Sons of Anarchy after seven, because the Sons' story was done. He's working on a spinoff about the Mayans MC because he still has stories for them, not because FX sat him down and demanded more. SoA was over, and Kurt went to them with his new idea because there was no way they'd turn him down.


As for shows that overstayed their welcome, Lost is an excellent example. That story wasn't long and needlessly convoluted because the creators were so clever and deep, it went on because people inexplicably liked that drivel, and the network kept drawing things out. Another great example is pretty much any sitcom. Although those are mostly garbage from the start, sitcoms go on for a decade or more (seriously, can The Simpsons just fuck off, already? It hasn't been good in 20 years), and only keep going because they appeal to the lowest common denominator. Friends, The Big Bang Theory, Two and a Half Men (they fired their star and still kept that pile of shit going for another few years), etc.


If the stars of a show are renegotiating their contracts and doubling their pay every other year, it's not because they want a fair share of the money the show's making, it's because they don't want to keep playing the same role they've spent ten years playing, and the network execs are piling money on top of them because those paychecks pale in comparison to what's going into their own pockets.

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i know that some series are drawn out.. i was asking for examples where the writers/creators wanted to end the series and the studio said no....

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as far as HBO goes, boardwalk empire should of stopped after season 3... instead they created some other story for 2 seasons that just wasn't good at all... but those first 3 seasons were fucking epic... i dunno if there's a series where the writers wanted to call it quits, because money talks, but there's plenty of shows that should of ended on a high note instead of trying to milk it for another season or 2... game of thrones announced their end date 2 years before it happens, i can't recall a show ever saying we have two seasons left, it's usually one of those "eh the network green lit one final season since we're not getting the ratings anymore" situations... game of thrones will have the ratings all the way to the end...


the spin offs are gonna be super interesting too, since there's no blueprint for them...


then there's the wtf cancellations like deadwood, that makes no sense...

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she should have lost one. I don't really feel like the lannisters aremthe "bad guys" any more, especially after last season... 

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they're all bad, except jon snow, who is trying to save this realm... and as boring and stern he is to his beliefs, his war is the only war that matters... let the rest of westeros tear themselves apart, so long as he has a dragon (or 2) and some extra soldiers to win winter... its a crap shoot who'll be sitting on the iron throne at the end, but if we keep getting awesome battles like this for the next season and a half, then have at it :lol:...


the chess pieces have already been layed on the board, the story is finally being told... i just want more epic stuff like this till the end... and this season has yet to disappoint me... i guess the only disappointing part is there's only a measly 3 episodes left <_<... and this awesome episode is surprisingly the shortest episode of the series yet! weird how that works, at least they made every minute count...



please let jamie die, it would be a worthy death befitting of him... rushing in like a fool, as he has done since the beginning... he's one of my favorite characters too, as well as his buddy bronn, but it's about that time when we start offing some main characters... there's no way he survives what happened, sinking to the bottom with his heavy armor... and if he did, the army is right there... tyrion might try to keep him alive, but like i said, it's time to start offing main characters...


end spoiler...

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I think Jaime will ultimately kill Cersei and Tyrion is Aerys son, not Tywin's...  based on what I have read.  I don't watch the series so don't know what is happening there...

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About Jamie:


My two cents about Jamie dropping into the water in full armour: If they'd wanted to kill him off, they could have simply let the dragonfire burn him to ashes. Bronn or Dickon will find a way to drag him out. I think they need to keep him around: to become Kingslayer a second time, he's the only person close enough to Cersei that could end her reign of terror; or convince her that the Winter War is more important; or die alongside her in some way, to mirror how they came into the world. 



The duel between Arya and Brienne was so cool to watch, they must've had a blast rehearsing that fight sequence. AND, the continuous shot that follows Bronn during the attack on the army and wagons was a beauty to behold.




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I reckon the duel between Arya and Brienne is a build up to Arya taking on the Mountain at some point. That would be cool to see.


Jaime isn't dead.

Anyone think Jon Snow bent the knee off camera in the cave? I can't decide if they would have shown it if he had, or if he did it when no one else was watching - so that Danny knew, but the northerners wouldn't.

 I'm thinking something will kick off between Bran and Littlefinger at some point... Although Bran should see it coming.

 Finally, where the fuck is Gendry?


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this episode was satisfying on so many levels... comedy, drama, action, plot twists... it had it all...




my two scenarios for westeros is 1, the obvious, jon and dany ruling... my 2nd tho is the knight king laying waste to westeros... and now that he has a dragon, the plot thickens... also, this cracked me up :lol:...







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