Darth Sexy

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Posts posted by Darth Sexy

  1. 2 hours ago, Massacre said:

    Trump has decided that legalization of marijuana, just like pretty much all the other progress we've made over the last 8 years, is a no-go. Gotta make sure those privatized prisons are meeting their minimum occupancy quotas, after all. Can't let that totally unjustifiable source of income die, even though legal marijuana would make significantly more money.


    Fun fact: Legal marijuana sales totaled $6.7 billion, last year.

    In his defence, I smoked a joint once and I got leprosy!


    In seriousness, the guy is a fucking moron who seems to have no respect for personal freedom.*


    *As a stoner I'm likely biased but still. Fuck him. 

  2. I'm playing through Mass Effect again. First time on PC so I don't have any of the bonuses for multiple plays I'm used to. Forgot how hard playing Adept is early in the game. My female Shepard looks bad arse when she pulls her pistol out....until it overheats and the fucking Krogan Battlemaster's shields aren't even down. I'm also finding the PC controls to be awful. Thinking I'll use the 360 controller mod. 

  3. On 1/29/2017 at 5:42 AM, CaPn bOnEs said:

    concert in the bathroom?? sounds intimate :shifty:...

    I take it you've never listened to Bob Log III? He often plays gigs from the ladies bathroom. Nice beard. Given some of the ones recently posted we should have a contest. Or at least a beard discussion thread. 




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  4. On 1/30/2017 at 1:06 PM, CaPn bOnEs said:

    vaping burns my lungs... it hurts to breath after a hit... at least with joints/bowls, the smoke always masked the burn... with vaping it's straight to the feels :(...

    My issue with vaping is, especially after I gave up cigarettes, that it gets me high, but it feels wrong. I like the feeling of smoke slowly killing me, and vaping doesn't satisfy that urge. 


    A friend recently made up some weed honey and holy fuck. Two spoons of it and you can barely remember your name. I am sleeping better, at least. 

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  5. 4 hours ago, Brian said:

    Rough week for my mom. Monday night was at my girlfriend's for about 10 minutes after dropping my mom off at home from the cancer center where she got two bags of IV. Her face had been turning very red and she was getting very dry red rough patches (drug rash basically) on her skin after starting a new type of chemo since the first kind was giving her neuropathy. The prior week she kept going home from work early because she'd get so dizzy and double vision. RN for the oncologist calls her and tells her get an ambulance or someone to drive her to the emergency room ASAP. Jumped in my car and rushed home, luckily have emergency lights in my car window. Got her and got through rush hour traffic to the hospital because of the lights in roughly 10 minutes.


    She was put in the critical part of the emergency room where they ran various tests. She was critical on 5 electrolytes on her blood work and was at the beginning stages of kidney failure. 24 hours in the emergency room she finally got a room on the oncology floor of the hospital. She was released Thursday. She went through 12 potassium horse pills, over 10 IV bags of potassium, IV magnesium, IV saline, etc. I spent 22 hours awake Monday night, barely got any sleep all week trying to be by her side as much as possible. Slept in plastic chairs and my car in the hospital parking garage. She's going back tomorrow to see if her electrolyte levels held up, and has an MRI Tuesday to see if the chemo hopefully helped.


    We've all dealt with a lot of shit, I've had my fair share growing up, but nothing has ever come close to this. You hear of people watching their loved ones go through cancer all the time, it's affected my family before, but my mom is my only parent. It's just her and I. Watching her go through this after a life of struggling, it's so hard. 


    Never thought I'd be a caretaker, but this is one thing that will make you grow up. Just needed to do a little venting, things get lonely sometimes. I'll post how she does this week. 

    Please do keep updating. Stay strong man, shit's fucked but your Mum needs you more than ever. Try to keep her thinking positively. You guys can beat this.  

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  6. I'm prepared to give Trump a chance but the wall is fucking stupid. They'll just build tunnels Gaza style or, you know, buy a ladder. Also I'm led to believe most illegals fly in and over stay their visa. The wall won't help that. US$15 billion is also an underestimate, I fear. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

    it's the politics topic, of course we're gonna be a bit serious in here :lol:... but yea, one of the worst cabinets ever assembled IMO... what is ben carson, the head of the urban housing?? lol wtf? :lol:...

    I struggle being serious. If I took things seriously I would have splattered my brains on a wall by now. 


    I assumed Ben Carson was in charge of religious genocide. His work as a neurosurgeon is worthy of respect. His views on everything else are insane. 

  8. 1 hour ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

    i kind of like sean spicer :lol:... press secretaries have one of the hardest jobs, but some of them bring a bit of humor and personality... i think this guy's got it, but we'll see... knowing that he has to be the voice of trump, he knows he'll be saying some ridiculous stuff... i love his fued with dippin' dots, lmao...


    a lot of his picks for cabinet spots, either don't have any experience in the field, or are completely the opposite of what is needed... the man appointed to the EPA does not give a shit about the environment... betsy devos has ZERO experience as an educator, just watch videos of her getting grilled by the senate committee... i could keep going...


    like i said, his best decision was secretary of defense, james mattis... there isn't anyone else more qualified than him... he's gonna have his hands full with how trump plans to run this ship, but he brings humility and respect to probably one of the most important cabinet positions... hell, he's liked so much that congress waived a rule that stated you had to be retired X number of years, which he wasn't, just to get him appointed... and the senate voted nearly unanimous, which goes to show you how much respect both parties have for him... and he's well respected by his peers in all branches of the military... like i said, easily the best move he'll ever make in the 4 years he has to ruin run our country...

    I feel bad. I was just talking shit. I can't disagree with anything you've said, I just didn't expect you to respond seriously. I will make one statement where I am being serious, and one alone. Trump is a fucking creep and his competition was no better. It is sad that politics (world wide) has gotten to this. Now, back to being a jerk. 


    PUT UP THIS WALL! - Lindsay Bluth Funke

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  9. Be careful Jizzy, he will torture you. I mean he isn't wrong, it does work. You electrocute my balls for long enough and I'm sure I'll say whatever you want to hear, whether it is true or not. 


    Gonna be some interesting times. 


    bOnEs: What is your opinion of his cabinet? Yeah, I'm a jerk. 

  10. I never said you watched Fox News. However, if Trump did shut it down I can't believe anyone with a brain would give a fuck. Also, just because Trump attacks Fox doesn't make it an illegitimate source. As QD said, they do a good enough job of that themselves, but even that is up to the individual to decide. 


    As long as Fox Sports is left alone I couldn't care less either way. They're showing the Australian cricket tour of India so it must be untouchable. 



  11. I may have to stop using the internet. I'm not sure I can handle 4 years of people whining that Trump won, while others crow that he did win. The election is done, there is nothing you can do about it* so shut the fuck up and let me read news stories about dogs like I usually do. I used to discuss hockey with my friend in Geneva. Now all he does is bitch and moan about Trump and tell me which pointless rally he went to...in Geneva. Genius. 


    Also think for yourself. Don't just blindly follow some media shill as almost all of them have an agenda to push. 


    *Well, there are a few things but if I mentioned them I'd be on a terror watch list. Assuming I'm not already. 

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