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Posts posted by Pothatuu

  1. I was thinking it would be nice to have a topic regarding features in previous GTAs or other R* games in general that could potentially carry on into GTA V.

    Features such as:

    - GPS in selected vehicles

    - Good Citizen bonus

    - Car Crusher

    - Car/Boat/Bike/Flight Schools

    - Saving anywhere (RDR)

    - Fighting mechanics

    - Recruiting Allies

    - Horses (ability to ride them)

    - Vehicle Missions

    - Picking up Prostitutes

    - Hidden Packages

    - Night Clubs

    - Gambling/Betting

    - Work out at gyms (Increase strength stat)

    - Import/Export vehicles

    - Stadium events (races, dirt bike trials, etc.)

    - Ability call 911 for emergency services

    - Attend shows/performances

    - Ability to switch between dim and bright headlights

    - Use car washes

    - Go to bars and drink

    - Play pool, darts, bowling

    - Roadside construction

    - Eat at hotdog stands, vending machines, restaurants, etc.

    This are just some I've thought about lately. What other existing features do you think could make an appearance?

    The good citizen bonus should be called the "Snee-i-itch Bonus".

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  2. You and me both pal, I predicted that we'd have multiplayer info last week, but at this stage it looks more promising that we'll have it on the 17th...

    Game Reactor a Swedish Website said that they themselves will be uploading a trailer next week.

    Heard you should put up a new preview next week. True or false?
    It's not true. We will put up a trailer, but no preview. :)

    source: http://www.gamereact...cka%2C+sant%3F/

    What is that even? It's not an article. It's just two unrelated comments...

  3. As per usual, Rockstar's gone super quiet again. I thought we may get multiplayer details this week, since they said to expect a bunch in August after these screens, but so far not a peep.

    Knowing Rockstar, they'll probably just keep quiet, updating non-GTA related news posts until the 17th (one month from release), then give info.

    Although, saying that, since Take Two are attempting to get ownership GTAV.com, I smell an upcoming website launch/update...

  4. With the edition of Michael listening to earbuds in a latest pic, do you think we may have a portable radio on the iFruit? (I know this concept has been brought up before a few times, but let's get the ball rolling)

    If not a radio, an MP3 player of sorts. If so, how do you think it would function within the game world? Would you download radio tracks to the phone (like VIP ringtones) via an in-game computer, or would they go as far as having you access your console's music collection.

    It would also be kinda cool that if the switch radio track became a skip forward/back button on the player too, or maybe throw in a play/pause option?

    Of course, I could just be looking too far into a cosmetic thing. It may just be part of a cutscene, but we can dream, right?

  5. In one of the heists, I want to be Trevor in the back of a Security Van with a dying guard that I can throw onto the chasing police cars. Just before I throw him out, I want Trevor to say to the guard, "Can you fly, Bobby?" Clarence Boddiker FTW!!

    And if you mess a heist up, call in a fixer like the Wolf character from Pulp Fiction...

    If you mess up a heist, you'll probably just hide in a warehouse like in Reservoir Dogs...

  6. Yeah, I saw that CVG video too...


    And I doubt it. Rockstar usually throws us into the present and the backstory is explained in the first few hours of gameplay through dialogue (with the exception of L.A Noire, different writer). That seems to be the style of direction that Sam and Dan Houser cling to.

    Plus that prologue in Mafia 2 (and Saints Row 3) kinda threw off the pacing for me... my opinion, though, I guess.

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  7. Yeah, I have no idea where they'd go with a new Bully game. I mean, it would HAVE to be set in a High School again, right?

    I mean, it could be set in a college, with drinking, lotsa weed and skipping class to bang fat chicks during a dry spell, but that essentially a toned down GTA, and where can you go plot-wise that hasn't been done 100% in movies.

    I loved Bully, but when I first saw footage of it pre-release, I thought it took place in the mid-80's since the students were such tired cliches.

  8. Regarding censorship in Aus, they've always flip-flopped with certain issues throughout the years, but I always knew that V would be fine due to the fact that our system (believe it or not) is becoming more lenient.

    Interactive sexual assault (without context) and the ability to take morphine for power-ups (general interactive, consequence free drug-use) are still not allowed, as I'm sure you've noticed, but most other things are peachy keen.

    Back when IV was about to be released, the game was edited for violence and sex scenes (pooling blood and tire tracks, bouncy bouncy fun with fat hookers ect.) but keep in mind that they replaced the visual in-car sex scene with a more traditional GTA close up on the trunk (something that was actually CUT OUT of the PS2 versions in earlier titles). A few short months after IV's release, the Classification Board changed their mind on the issue, and Rockstar released an update that restored all of the removed content. Episodes From Liberty City and the PC release of IV were all UNCUT by release.

    So essentially, we've had uncut versions of the games since late 2008, contrary to popular belief. Since then, all of our Rockstar releases have gone unscathed. Now, with the shiny new R18+ rating, games can be a little more extreme and still be released.

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  9. Alright, I read the calendar wrong, and yes, we do get the game a few says early (I got RDR on the 16th - three days before the release in the US) depending on if our game retailers decide to release it to pre-orderers early or no. Either way, whether it's released early or on the 17th, we still get it before the US.

    Now that's out of the way: whooo screenshots!

    Edit: I'm from Australia

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