Ku Zi Mu

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Everything posted by Ku Zi Mu

  1. Massecure- "Also, for someone who calls the 360 and PS3 users graphics whores, it's ironic you used the Wii U's graphics in your example. Only a graphics whore is going to buy a Wii U for that "upgrade." No one with a 360 or PS3 is going to buy a Wii U to play GTA on." I don't get it. If PS3 & 360 users are graphics whores, then wouldn't they buy a Wii U because there graphics whores?
  2. @Marcus "Also, you're trying to deviate from the point which was originally part of his "hispanic" accent because he comes directly form Spain." Never said he came directly from Spain "I was saying his ancestors could have, and he wouldn't have kept their accent if being born in America." And? Stop trying to argue. Thats what I said./p> "Niko and Roman weren't born in America I'm pretty sure Jacob wasn't either.Also, I'm pretty sure Packies parents or grandparents were raised in Ireland, so they infulence him and his culture. The Yakuza and Triads are organizations of people that was created in Japan and other parts of Asia where they are centred. The branches in America are just expansions of their business. EDIT: And still, the American triads (Woozie) and the McReary family that were born in America have American accents, not Chinese/Irish accents." And? Ku Zi Mu 789, on 28 March 2012 - 06:10 PM, said: Accents aren't genetic. If you grow up around "Americans", you sound American.
  3. Police Horses, A Carnival that roams all over the map from city to city, town to town on a repetitive schedule. Kind of like the shows in GTAIV but waaaaaaaay better. Lions, Tigers, ELEPHANTS, Monkeys, RatMan etc. could all be apart of the Carnival, and being able to break the animals out of there cages would awesome, especially the ELEPHANT. Id love to see a dozen ELEPHANTS trample everything in sight. EDIT 4/25/12: I just thought about how A carnival/circus could also give you way more options for different animals. Though anything more than Dogs, cats, rats, bears etc. could be a little to much.
  4. So you agree he has spanish in him? And no. American caucasian is not specific enough. They all came from Europe, so I wanted to know wich part of Europe did you think he decended from. Thats all. I wouldn't expect R* to make the main story revolve around some old American caucasian that doesn't know wich part of Europe, hes from. Most of the time, the most important characters acknowledge there homeland alot, even if they were born in America. Like Niko, Lil'Jacob, The MacCearys, Roman, Yakuza, Triads, Mafia, & Russian Mob. The games always have a sense of diversity, mostly among Europe.
  5. Im starting to doubt this contest is legit... again.
  6. funny you posted that cause i posted last night on youtube i pretty much posted the same thing I posted that on YouTube some time in late November-early December. Thats why I typed "(again)". As far as I know, I was the first to make the 5/24 for sale trailer prediction, while everybody else was making the 5/24 release date prediction. -_-Yeah. Im being.. "That Guy"
  7. How about instead of looking for an argument every five seconds, you tell us what you think he is. Don't say white, American, or caucasian because thats not specific enough.
  8. Are you STILL bitching about the hispanic thing?! STFU already. We already said we think he might be from Spain. The discussion evolved from that shit a long time ago.
  9. I thought that there were alot of mature, intelligent members on this site who choose to not ride any consoles electronic dick, or beat a console 1 year from release that that they barely know anything about to death. This thread really opened my eyes... alot. Ostrich boy just give up, there to stubborn to understand your easy to understand argument. There followers are just going to come in and outnumber you anyway, repeating the same CoD-like fanboy shit there Shepherd just typed. You can't change status quo
  10. I think the word your looking for is; Negative "Nope, we're just being fucking negative." Yup, much more accurate
  11. Ahem.... 7:23pm When whoever wins, wins.. How do you plan to get them a copy of the game?
  12. The website clock for Eastern time has been an hour late sence Febuary. Is it just me, or is it like that for all Eastern time users?
  13. I want trials or votes for warnings. DuffMan won't get his head outa his ass.
  14. This reminds me of Uncharted 3 alot, for some reason Reminds me more of RDR - grab the bag tbh. Im not sure why, but whatever.
  15. I thought gtagrl and I ended this argument. Good job Indy, you just had to poor gas on a campfire.