CaPn bOnEs

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Everything posted by CaPn bOnEs

  1. you didn't save it somewhere?? lol... i always uploaded mine to photobucket so they stuck around forever...
  2. CaPn bOnEs


    @shabbagaz - yea saw the news earlier today... my post about it is up to like 30 RTs and 175 likes... there's plenty of people pissed off about the lack of mod support that they're also like me in that, what's the point of buying skyrim again if there isn't mod support?? sony is fools for abandoning this... this is the start of the future of console gaming, and sony pissed on it...
  3. i dunno where these kids got the idea that bigger maps are better... it makes worlds feel empty...
  4. i guess i'll try that next time i waste a couple hours in the creator ... it'd be amazing if it just worked as advertised... #RockstarLogic
  5. prop snapping still sucks ... when it starts spinning, i'm fucked and can't add more to the stack... i started over on the loop a few times before i settled with just putting power circles in between... not being able to stack props while on foot is stupid ... soooo, a remake of a classic that i was told i should update like a year ago... added rockets like dio suggested a year ago... Highway Half-De-Loop
  6. dude, i like that center idea...
  7. ^baron never know gtagrl, maybe he's trying to stake claim on a plot of land in this topic for his pics ...
  8. CaPn bOnEs


    fuck that fucking bloodbug!!! i hate it more than stingwings... mosquitos freak me out, now there's terrifying 3 foot ones...
  9. so did you guys have fun last night?? ....
  10. i got a job that needs some re-tooling with the new stunt tools, perhaps i can get that done for next week ... also, i might wanna borrow a few of you at some point between this weekend and the next weekend... i got a video idea featuring my 4 characters, might need some extras to fill in the background clutter ...
  11. i don't see how this fucked me over, lol, i enjoyed my time in nuka world last night ...
  12. try doing some stranger quests, that might trigger the game into fixing that... i remember hearing about this a couple years ago... are you sure there's not another mission on the map for one of the characters to finish first??
  13. oh, i was thinking like 30-60 minutes later... we'll see, i hope it's not that long or we'll just postpone dapper animals for next week then ...
  14. CaPn bOnEs


    oh man, i had to buy lots of radaway, while i was there... should of went back to starlight because i had like a hundred stashed away lol... those rad sprays were the DEVIL!! i was constantly fighting that battle while trying to navigate, i got lost so many times trying to walk about, it's why the rads were a big issue for me...
  15. give it a bit, we'll just have to probably start later than usual...
  16. CaPn bOnEs


    yea i've been up that way... bradberton... that's where the tie in to kiddie kingdom comes from... but then again, you said you haven't played much of the story... actually, now that you know her fate, i wonder if that would add any dialog options... hmmm...
  17. it'll prolly pop up on cars during races lol...
  18. CaPn bOnEs


    yea that's where i got mine too, in the scrapyard... someone on twitter shared a video of them getting it from the very same exact machine... so i dunno, maybe there's something special with that particular machine, or all 3 of us got lucky lol... happened on my first try too...
  19. CaPn bOnEs


    will keep that in mind, about the power thingy... and yes, i did the hubology quest today, super funny ... cleared the 4th zone, safari adventure... the only one left is dry rock gulch ... and this FINALLY fucking happened... took nearly a year but i finally got a perfectly preserved pie ...
  20. CaPn bOnEs


    whats so special about the one at star control?? paint job??