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Everything posted by Bronson

  1. Bronson

    Uncharted Series

    Lets be honest, we all saw this coming.
  2. Ahhhhh Baseball is starting back up again
  3. Good episode tonight. The preview for next episode gets me excited though. Things are gonna start getting crazy.
  4. Bronson

    Until Dawn

    That's the point though mass. Its sort of a satirical take on horror movies and the inbred dumbass in it.
  5. Bronson

    Until Dawn

    Don't know about you guys but I'm pretty excited for this game.
  6. Yeah it really is. I'm really digging this show. I think I got into this faster then I did breaking bad.
  7. So what did you people think of the premiere? I loved it!!!
  8. Well when you get the chance I recommend it. One of my favorite DLC's.
  9. Did you play the Left Behind DLC too?
  10. Watch it be another Midnight Club.... I like the games but what a buzzkill that would be.
  11. Red Dead and Bully are the only two game franchises I really care about other then GTA.
  12. When do you guys think Rockstar will announce their next game?
  13. Charlie Hunnam needs to play Kurt Cobain in a biopic movie. That is all.
  14. Opps... I didn't mean to say you. LOL I meant to say "For people". My bad.
  15. Well if you like Lil Wayne you need to change your taste because he sucks. He was okay back in the day but not anymore.
  16. Compared to good rappers like Nas he does... Now compared to Lil Wayne or Paul Wall.... Yeah he's good.
  17. He was just a slight retard.... Like Forrest Gump. The only difference is Forrest Gump got all the breaks and.... Well.... He didn't. He even tried to pull a Kurt cobian and failed. Poor guy.
  18. I was probably the only one who felt bad for twisty...