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Everything posted by Ginginho

  1. If they do add more land in the form of an island, it would be cool if a construction site randomly appeared on a part of the coast with a sign saying "San Fierro Bridge Construction Site: Completion date xx/xx/xxxx" as a sort of easter egg announcement of the dlc... A throwback to the old days of locked bridges...
  2. Does the camera glitch cost a sticky bomb every time you do it?
  3. Courtesy of Wildstyle Pirate Radio... I loved the way R* did this with the missions leading up to it... and I hate to admit that I love the song...
  4. It costs around $1,070,000 to buy every item of clothing and every accessory.... (I already had some so can't give the exact figure) It costs around $540,000 to buy every mask.... $1.6m gone in 10 minutes but I've got a fucking big wardrobe now...
  5. Rainy day... The Hills on a hot, steamy day... The sun falling out of God's arsehole... Weazel... Fun with filters 1.... Fun with filters 2...
  6. I will be following live via Snapmatic while pretending to work.... have fun!!
  7. Photo dump time... Trying to be arty... Nigga wot?? Not sure why I like this one... Zentorno Sunset... Well, I suppose in a video game world, God would be Pac-Man wearing sunglasses... Told you I liked clouds...
  8. I only joined in last time so there could be a league and ended up enjoying it.... especially when I won it with a team of "rape victims" according to some guy who hasn't posted since I beat him
  9. I feel obligated as reigning iGTA Fantasy Football champion..... MIA CIN NYJ JAX PIT KC NO WSH CHI MIN DAL CAR SEA (3-0 Seahawks - 3 mins to play 1st quarter when I made this prediction) DEN DET SD
  10. I still get the "Your max health has increased" message when ranking up over 100....
  11. I've had a play with the demo (couldn't work it out properly though) and I would agree that the headset would work incredibly well... I couldn't play it though because I reckon I would have a heart attack... intensely creepy
  12. That was the first example I saw... I would go for a more vanilla look if I had the $$
  13. Thanks but I think I'll be ok... I am quite loyal to iGTA (even though the crew is weak on the Xbox side) Someone from GTAP actually went through my gallery and liked a whole lot of pics but I can't remember who it was so I couldn't return the favour... I'll save my thumbs up for the iGTA shenanigans.... at least then I feel like I was at least there in spirit
  14. If I had any car skills, I would go for an immaculate 60's EH Holden...
  15. it's cool, it's for stoners... and you only merely have to survive the playlist, you get it even if you put the controller down for 30 minutes and come back later... you literally only have to finish it, hopefully all the issues with trying to keep everyone in the lobby in the first one has been cleared up... Sold...
  16. All I seem to do these days is look for photo ops.... here's what caught my eye lately... I like clouds... And moons... And filters... And purple... And Fallout 3... Did I say that I like moons?
  17. Hmmm... Is the parachute worth enduring a playlist for, I wonder?
  18. Stoned Ginginho sporting football injury...
  19. I agree about the fluff (where are the crime related updates? gangs and shit like that...) and story DLC although I think the online heists will end up being disappointing and I don't really give a fuck about them anyway... I reckon I will get more entertainment from reading the kids whining on the Social Club about no heists than I will from the heists themselves... I wouldn't say no to more single player heists though... using your online characters as back-up..
  20. For me, GTA is about the single player game, always has and always will be... GTAO is a nice extra and I would only consider R* sellouts if they focused on that, rather than developing an entirely new game. I have no problem with them hanging the hook out for idiots who will pay them extra to play a free game so my hope is that they will use the majority of the Shark card cash as development funds for GTA VI, and not for padding GTAO... A movie would most likely be shit but there is a part of me that would like to see the actual cast of GTAV reprise their roles in a live action movie...
  21. I seem to prefer a certain frame What do christians call all the fun they miss out on?? But there is always light at the end of the tunnel... Billboard angel... Blah blah blah...