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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Audio jacks are fully encased, there is plastic covering all the other sides http://thumbs4.picclick.com/d/l400/pict/390611649895_/10-Pcs-PCB-Mount-Female-25mm-Headphone-Stereo.jpg I actually found a pic of the audio jack on adafruit... The top pin is left channel audio Also, dupzor the controller detects resistance between the mic and speaker and their grounds... In this case there is infinite resistance so the controller won't detect a headphone plugged in
  2. I don't think using superglue or melted plastic on electronics is a great idea... Sewing needle Thanks, but it wasn't my idea. I saw on the news once
  3. Not using superglue would be my suggestion... Taking it apart probably won't get you at the goods either. I think you could get a needle and pick at it (a lot) until it comes out. If your really confident with your drilling skills you could get small drill bit and drill it out.. It's really thin metal so it should rip right out once the drill tip hits it. Or you could bash it on the skull of your A-hole kid till it drops out.
  4. I think there will be a patch to make it easier to level up in a week or two...
  5. Sell it I'd just use Craigslist though... After eBay and PayPal take there cut, and after you pay for shipping, what ever you'd end up getting would be less that what you can get locally, especially in Chicago... Also, eBay holds payments for a while and will take money right out of your bank account if the buyer has any issues...
  6. Qdeathstar


    I agree with dupz0r
  7. that doesn't look that great tbh,,, snot and something dry.
  8. The best part of that statement is the lack of hashtags
  9. that's kinda cool then..... seems expensive.
  10. so, your saying this won't be cgi? I didn't notice the cgi in avengers, so I'd say that was done pretty well. cgi or lack of cgi doesn't make a difference to me..l
  11. Really? The trailers they're showing make it look like a rediculously poor acting 1980s flashback... I was considering skipping it. I think I'll reconsider...
  12. being gay isn't a reason to assault proud americans?
  13. for me, it happens mainly after I post a reply.
  14. I think the first one was only the three main fansites, gta gaming, gta-forums and gta4.tv
  15. there's no better way to get visitors to your site, than to redirect them away from your site
  16. I was just about to brag on you for staying above board, treefitty... :shakeshead: I think it might have been that I went on gta forums and spammed up the place. I know he got mad about that once, after his first trip to new york to see gta 4.... I guess it's different when you actually gotta meet people face to face.
  17. I actually just didn't want to be moderator anymore. I gave up the position. I can't remember why I was de admined, but I remember doing something that pissed psy off on a personal level. Can't remember what it was. Its probably in the mod board tho.
  18. If I was admin, you'd already be a mod.
  19. I think the work the staff has done more than speaks for itself. Keep wanking each other off, though.
  20. It is foolish to make it difficult to post topics for new users, even if means, occasionally, you have to, oh my god, push a button. I know how you moderators hate to have to push buttons. But, congratulations on being right,
  21. why not. kinda like... when your dying of hunger, you might not like a cock roach, but you would still eat it.