
Assassin's Creed

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I looked at the wiki and apparently there are at least 7 and several ambiguous ones that are mentioned. Some were destroyed though like the one in the beginning of Syndicate. Coincidentally I should start playing that again.

Edited by ViceMan
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I'm not getting it at release, i'll wait a bit until it goes down in price. I'm still replaying Syndicate and i'm in no rush to finish.

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I am also in, but like Vicey I might wait for the price to drop. I just spent money on an external hard drive dedicated for the PS4, so at least I'll be able to add new games without having to delete others. :P

In the meantime I still have to finish Syndicate, replay Uncharted 4, start a new file on Fallout, go through my clips from the last three weeks of crew night...but I definitely will be exploring Egypt soon!

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AC has been a bargain bin special for me for years. Freedom Cry is a PS+ game this month anyway. That'll tide me over.

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well i'm jumping in day one, and i'll try and share some spoiler free images here when i can... and my own personal experience reviews... yea it's usually a great bargain bin purchase, i snatched up syndicate late last year for like $15, and i actually found it to be my favorite city and story...


but this one comes with a photo mode and new combat and game mechanics... an RPG perk system that actually works, among other new features... plus that map!! i am definitely gonna pony up and buy this day one, haven't done that since black flag lol...

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7 hours ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

well i'm jumping in day one, and i'll try and share some spoiler free images here when i can... and my own personal experience reviews... yea it's usually a great bargain bin purchase, i snatched up syndicate late last year for like $15, and i actually found it to be my favorite city and story...


but this one comes with a photo mode and new combat and game mechanics... an RPG perk system that actually works, among other new features... plus that map!! i am definitely gonna pony up and buy this day one, haven't done that since black flag lol...


I await your thoughts! ;) 


I do intend on getting it at some point but want to make sure it's not another AC3 or Unity!

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I don't know when or why Amazon stopped successfully delivering games on release day, but I'm stuck waiting until Tuesday to play this.


Have fun, bOnEs. You black asshole.

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lol, i'm am pretty much done with waiting for game deliveries or doing midnight releases... i'm at the point that i am so picky with buying games that getting digital means i am commited to the experience... like i said in some topic elsewhere, it has to be a bad ass collectors edition box for me to get a physical copy again...


i didn't think i would, but i've embraced the digital age of gaming... it's just convenient...

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wow, horrible start to my play... the controls have been completely changed... combat was off, and i basically had no clue what the fuck i was doing... wow, let's hope a fresh mind in the day will be sharper than a buzzed one at midnight... but holy hell, i got thrown a curveball tonight... plus i seriously had some audio issue as well...the clip i saved was in combat, so it cut out the chatter, but every action most of the night sounded like it was in slow motion... and the cutscenes were muffled as fuck, it was hard to hear voices over the ambiance of the map... i'll just chalk that up to being 1st night launch issues, but if i hear it again tomorrow, i am gonna have a big problem with trying to embrace the atmosphere... but other than that, the game looks amazing! :lol::P...



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the game got better yesterday, thank the gods... i am still unsure whether i like the new combat or not... it's frustrating at times, but so was the old one...


here's the audio issue i had launch night...



a few screens...









gotta love the randomness of open world games :lol:...



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Fuck, it's nearly a week later and you only just got it.


Still playing Syndicate and don't feel in the slightest like i'm missing out on anything by not having Origins. From the little i've seen of the game the protag sounded like another dull, characterless Altair type.

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i haven't played it in a few days thanks to projects, crew night, etc... not gonna lie, i am starting to see the mundane grind ahead... it's slowly reminding me more and more of why i didn't really want to play ghost recon wildlands... i've been in 3 areas now, and they're all the same rinse and repeat missions... i'd love to advance the story, but i have to gain a buttload of levels to even attempt it... which means i have to focus on the grind and the crafting... and the map is YUUUGE so there's going to be a lot of that...


i am also still not sold on the combat...


we'll see, but for now, i am seeing this as a long term commitment over the next couple of months to beat the campaign...


the camera mode is fun tho :)...

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Bought this on Monday during a PS+ sale, got the bottom level game at 30% off. Going to launch it for the first time tonight, will post pics when I get into it!! :)

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really getting into exploring now... missions, especially side ones, are quick and easy to knock out, which are also getting me to explore more now that i met cleopatra... no spoilers, but she officially officially helps you to open up the map more... here's a couple new screens of mine...


the land is pretty diverse...



also, i am now being hunted by these warriors called, phylakes... they've literally ruined a couple of quests of mine where i have to either avoid the quest until they move, or i have to tip toe around them and not let them know i am near... i reached level 17 last night, and the first one i have to be at least 20 to even have a chance... yikes, these guys mean business...

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I've spent the weekend playing this, it's fucking amazing. It's an immersive throwback to the quality of the Ezio series, but the gameplay is not as repetitive - there is more variety in the side missions than the rinse, repeat format from older editions. I like that the micro-transactions are listed as 'Time Savers', but are still completely optional, there's room to earn items and levels merely by playing what's available in the game. No regrets about going for the base level game, there is plenty to keep me occupied. 


Also, having a pet eagle is the tits. Senu is awesome, I'm using her a lot to scout locations, tag items and enemies, and plan my entry a result, I'm finding more success at being stealthy and not blundering into melee wars with a crowd of soldiers. Excellent evolution of the whole eagle vision trope. 


I've only taken a few quick pics so far with the in-game photo mode, but it's a great option to have, especially since the settings are all so spectacular. 


One thing I'm missing in Origins that was present in most of the other AC games - perhaps I haven't spend enough time outside of the Animus?? - is historical blurbs on people and buildings/locations. 

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there's stuff outside of the animus... not for long tho, but i have had a couple instances...


yea, being able to actually play stealthy is a nice welcome... a lot of previous games just turned into a giant battle after a bit... and that still happens here too, but not even nearly as much as it used to... i am now more used to clearing hideouts without anyone even knowing i was there, outside of a few dead bodies lying around to get their attention :lol:...


EDIT: Side Tip (just the tip): if you find a weapon you like, just pay to level that up at the blacksmith... if you need coins, sell off all the items you'll probably never use... i found a rare sickle sword that deals out poison damage... there's times when enemies low on health just drop dead after a second.. and it leaves an eerie purple cloud of smoke in it's wake... sometimes i get out of battle and i am covered in purple dust :lol:... just don't level it up after each level you gain... well i mean you probably can if you want, it just seems like it might cost more in the end if you do it that way...

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Yeah, so far I haven't sold any weapons at all, keeping what I find until I decide what I like the most, there's quite a range to choose from between dual blades, single blades and long-handled bashers. (Y) The one thing I have done is dismantle lower-grade weapons if/when I find an identical higher-level version, it's an easy way to get raw materials for upgrades to my current kit. The only items I've bothered to purchase upgrades on so far are a stealth predator bow I'm rather fond of, and the Medjay shield to keep him looking in character. Gonna save up all loot items until I have 100 to sell at once, for the trophy. B)


LOVE LOVE LOVE this game. It's even better than I was hoping. 

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Bought this last Thursday while it was cheaper, wasn't expecting it to be delivered until today but Amazon's overefficient delivery service decided to get it to me by Sunday evening, (and that's using the free cheapskate delivery, dunno why you'd ever bother with the first class option.) Anyway just leaving Alexandria; taken down the first phylake, which i'm assuming would be pronounced as "fee-LAH-kay"? He wiped me out a few times due to other guards interfering but once I had him alone I just lobbed 6 fire bombs at him and rushed him with my spear, he only managed to get in one attack before he died. I'm off to see some geezer in Giza.


The whole level system makes you do more side quests and actually explore, which is nice.

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Think this will be my 'Christmas game'!   Have been holding back as the past few AC games have been hit and miss and wanted to gauge other people's opinions first.

Planning on getting the novel too but I'm expecting that as a present. 

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