
Assassin's Creed

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i think it will be decent and a bit entertaining... if it can pull that off, perhaps it will encourage hollywood to enlist the actual gaming companies into making their movies... i don't know what went wrong with hitman, but the last movie wasn't even hitman, just a guy in a suit with a red tie :mellow:... timothy olyphant's version was ok, but lacked the story it needed, plus the whole damsel in distress part, which 47 never gets attached to anyone except diana at the agency... just do it right ffs...


with ubisoft a the helm, they can make the movie they want to make... i remember reading somewhere that ubisoft isn't trying to make bank on this film either... they're trying to put out a true representation of their franchise... apparently they're prepared to take a loss, or not get much in return... but at least they'll be showing people their version, and not the fucked up hollywood version that has ruined 99% of all video game movies...


the first silent hill is still the best video game movie IMO... let's hope we can finally get some new contenders to that list :rolleyes:...

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I picked up Syndicate a couple of weekends ago, found a secondhand copy for a song. I've probably worked my way through 3/4 of the map now. Gameplay is what you'd expect from an AC game. I really like creeping around London, the era is gritty and smoky and well done. I always like looking for the buildings from the game when watching current movies and TV shows.


It's fun switching between Jacob and Evie, although I haven't really noticed much difference between the two; she's supposed to be more stealthy and he's supposed to be better at brawling. I usually try going in like a ninja and end up fighting my way out. There are main storyline missions that you have to do as one or the other, I've been focusing on clearing the map and will work my way through the main story afterwards.


As a general observation...I'm surprised there aren't many soldiers on the rooftops as before - perhaps they didn't want to clutter up the rooftops with unrealistic hiding places this time around? - but this time you only have to worry about enemies on rooftops in their own camps or if you're being pursued, since they will chase you up there. The grappling hook has made short work of getting to a rooftop quickly. Glad I didn't pay full price for all the bells and whistles but it's a worthy entry in the series. 


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I've been playing AC Syndicate over the past month or so - I'm happy to say it's a return to form and a million times better than AC Unity.  That said though, I'm glad they're finally giving the game a rest this year.


The combat is a lot better and I've really enjoyed all the side stuff like fight club, races, sabotaging shipments etc.  Only real criticisms is that I think the running is a little slow and the horse riding is a little on the slow side too - thoroughly enjoy ramming other carriages though!

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i've joined the brotherhood, once again... it was $15 in the PSN store, downloading syndicate now... i'll probably jump on after the walking dead tonight... it's a shame i never beat black flag, perhaps i'll go back to that after this one, which i will beat... i am determined to get thru my holiday purchases and not leave them unfinished... far cry primal and just cause 3 were my other grabs...

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oh, and i don't expect much out of just cause 3 either except blow shit up and look cool doing it... i'm doing it right by playing syndicate first... the other two games sounds like they'll be a fun romp... i might of exaggerated in that i will beat those two because those feel like plug and play games, whereas syndicate is a fully fleshed out story, and tbh, i really do like the AC storyline...

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13 hours ago, Massacre said:

Syndicate is phenomenal. It really gave Black Flag a run for its money.


I agree and now that I've finished it for the time being (I've platinumed it) I can safely say it ranks up there as one of the best.  Two great play-able side quests, great structure missions and plenty of side stuff to get stuck into.


Syndicate was developed by Ubisoft Quebec whilst Black Flag was by Ubisoft Montreal.  All that tells us is, just leave it to the Canadians in future! ;) 

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Geeez, three months ago uninstalled it as my gd wanted to save our relationship.


Well a lot of thing's changed since then, so... welcome back, victorian London!

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Movie critics are pseudo-intellectual pricks with terrible taste. Their job is to praise what they're paid to praise and badmouth everything else. Same goes for game reviewers and food critics. Success depends on how much money you throw around once the product is finished.


This movie was gold. Bonus points for not disputing the established storyline from the game. I wouldn't be surprised to see this new Animus - which is the only real difference - in a future game, if we ever get any real-world gameplay segments again.

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i don't want to spoil anything for gtagrl, but she might end up seeing it on twitter anyways :lol:... this game, which is probably the best AC i've played, including black flag, just added another cool new tidbit... this was totally worth $15, bravo, ubi...



i just now started a memory sequence that feels like a DLC, i was warped into the future, playing as jacob's grandaughter during WORLD WAR 1 LONDON!!! i was super shocked to see that it was more than just a memory... definitely want to play this more tomorrow now B)... what a cool addition to this fine game...



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I did see it (but didn't click the video) on Twitter. :P I have to get back into Syndicate - been distracted by holidays, GTAO and Just Cause 3 lately, but am looking forward to returning to this world. Now when we watch shows/movies that are set in London, I'm starting to clock buildings that exist in the game map, same as I do with NYC and LA because of GTA. :lol:


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how far were you before you started playing other games?? i reached sequence 7 (of 8) last night... every district in london has been liberated as well... now i can focus on playing the story to the end...

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I think I've cleared most of the city except for the two highest level districts. As usual, I've worked more on liberation than the main story, it's easier to do main quests when you've already liberated that region. I think I was just starting to do more train missions to advance the story as a way to level up. I actually can't recall where I am in the DNA sequence map, I don't think I've played it since November. :mellow:  I'll let you know next time I'm online. :)

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the further along i've gotten lately, the more i find myself wanting to play... in the early stages i was kind of bored of the repetitive nature of liberating, finding chests and helix/flower/books/etc collectibles... but once i started unlocking more upgrades and really understanding the new parkour and combat system, it started to grow on me... the long distance traveling still bugs me, but with the new carriages, it certainly can speed up the time...


i gotta say, i didn't think i'd really get into it... i bought it just to see the story, but i think i'll be walking away quite satisfied once it's all said and done...

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Shit, I never saw that spoiler. I know I finished the main story, but I guess I must have missed some side stuff.


You know what that means. Time to start a completely new file and knock out 100% of it.

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oh shit, really?!? it stood out to me on the map, it's on the right side edge of the map in the thames river.. wow, you're missing out then!! maybe it's still there on your finished file... i also want to see what that jack the ripper DLC is aboot as well...

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well shit, i thought i thought the season pass came with my $15 purchase, i got jack (the ripper) shit, no extra DLC or items... i'm not paying $15 for a probably short and ok DLC... oh well, nearly finished with sequence 7, and all side missions are done for dickens, marx, bell, darwin, etc... this is what i probably love the most about AC, dabbling with some of history's famous faces B)... definitely gonna have this beat over the weekend...


is it just me, or does this game crash a lot?? :( 

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On 06/01/2017 at 7:02 AM, CaPn bOnEs said:

well shit, i thought i thought the season pass came with my $15 purchase, i got jack (the ripper) shit, no extra DLC or items... i'm not paying $15 for a probably short and ok DLC... oh well, nearly finished with sequence 7, and all side missions are done for dickens, marx, bell, darwin, etc... this is what i probably love the most about AC, dabbling with some of history's famous faces B)... definitely gonna have this beat over the weekend...


is it just me, or does this game crash a lot?? :( 


It used to be fine until they released the last update - then it kept crashing on a regular basis.   Alerted Ubisoft Support about it but they did nothing...


Still a great game though and definitely ranks alongside Black Flag for me.

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done B)...


i thoroughly enjoyed my time in victorian london, outside of the game constantly crashing :rolleyes:... any rumors on the next location? any confirmed ones anyways? i've heard they're going to ancient egypt or china... both sound cool tbh...

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Ancient Egypt is what I've heard most. Personally, I think that would be a mistake. Ancient Egypt was almost entirely lacking the high rooftops and narrow alleyways that Assassin's Creed has become known for. The people who have been clamoring for Egypt for years don't realize how boring it actually was. It's like they imagined climbing a pyramid and gave it no thought beyond that.


Moving the time period forward little by little is the best option.

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