
Snowstorm 2018

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Wow, quite a snowfall to remember! We got about 12" and it is still comming down, based on radar we still got an hour of two of steady snow, then another few hours of snowshowers, maybe another 2-4".  My pond is almost frozen over. Never happened before. I would have taken more pics but I'm still in my tighty-whities.





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since new years eve, we've accumulated about 12-16 inches, on top of like about 8 inches we already had... on monday it was -3F, cold as balls lol... it's been a cold week, so days like today when it's like 18F feels real nice lol... i snapped a few pics myself...


last friday...



frigid monday at the paper...



last night at the brewery...



we're estimated for another 2 feet by the end... but we have this thing called "lake effect" so we could get 2 feet and 5 miles north they get 2 inches... its tough to predict snowfall here...

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First big nor'easter of the season, we're getting around 40 cm/16" of snow, hurricane-speed winds, some places it's mixing between snow, rain, ice pellets, freezing rain and back to snow. Many will lose power, some for days. That's when heating your house with a wood stove is an advantage. 

We'll see how long it takes to dig out my shitty trough of a driveway in the morning. Bless thy snowblower. 



Also, I've seen my share of blizzards, and have never heard the term "weather bomb" before...

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Pfffftt that's weak af


We've been getting dumped on since Christmas, and there's a fucking blizzard outside giving it to us rn

Edit: Gtagrl bout to get our leftovers

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On the other side of the world, we've just had more rain yesterday than the past 2 months combined mixed with gale force winds... still, the temperature is 60-70F, so not too bad as long as that tree doesn't fall on my house...

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here's what a number of us here on the forums deal with every year lol...



the great lakes are no joke in the winter, they cause most of the problems here around the great lake states, ontario, and to the northeast coast...

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Hello, I live in Sweden in the north and I had over 2 meters of snow back then, it was probably the harshest winter since then, because now there are winters up to a meter of snow, but then it was almost raining all the time, unfortunately, you had to walk and remove snow many times

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Hello, I remember that snowstorm I had 1.5 meters of snow, it was probably the biggest winter I remember, now, unfortunately, there are no such ones, which is a pity because I like snow in winter

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