
RDR2 Mapping [Interiors & Out of Map inc.]

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After further analysis i feel like i miss-placed a few locations. I created this panorama of the Heartlands, and it's helped put things into perspective. I feel Emerald Ranch is behind the hill in he East, and the settlement we can see is Aberdeen Pig Farm.


I also think Cornwell Kerosene & Tar is behind Arthur in that middle shot because it's fairly close to the oil fields, which i think makes sense.

And then I've plotted other nearby locations i think reside in their general locations.




Let me know if you think I'm wrong. This is progressive, and it might lead to better results.

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Aye not bad. I did think your Emerald Ranch placement was off in the last annotation, it looks closer to where I think it would be now.

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I was trying to make out the sign on the barn in the main pic for ages the other day, all I could read was "stable".


Actually can that be Downes Ranch? Wouldn't you see the big rock features in that establishing shot from the second trailer a few pages back?

Edited by ViceMan

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On ‎8‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 5:35 PM, ViceMan said:

I was trying to make out the sign on the barn in the main pic for ages the other day, all I could read was "stable".


Actually can that be Downes Ranch? Wouldn't you see the big rock features in that establishing shot from the second trailer a few pages back?


What if that big thing in the background of the window shot *is* the large rock? The smaller one would be off to the left.



Just adding this other scene (bottom right) to Van Horn...




Some older shots we can link to Van Horn:



1151.jpg <--- Assuming this is the same scene as previous...





Also if you want another place that seems to be shown a lot in the gameplay trailer, these rock formations are in a few shots (obvious and background):






Lots-o-pics ahead while I revisit Valentine...


On ‎8‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 10:32 AM, DuPz0r said:

And here is some facts which helps plot another location on the map.


You see the sign on the church? says "Valentines Church"

We've seen this town in many shots from previous trailers and screenshots too.





This is all Valentine:


1397.jpg <--- Dutch was in this saloon (see far below). Blue building on right is connected below.


1392.jpg <--- Church connection for these 3 fight shots.




^Note buildings on left are same as quoted above right-hand side including the blue one from my first pic. Sheriff and doctor on right.



^This is farther down the street as the previous.



^Church again and Sheriff/Drug store from 2 pics above



^Same gun fight, down the street a little more



^Worths General Store from above. Also shown in previous trailers.



^Inside Farrier at opposite end of street from church.


Pics from the past of Valentine...











1160.jpg <--- Dutch is in a saloon

1146.jpg <--- Doctor office




50th edit for this hours later: made a map...



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12 hours ago, TreeFitty said:

What if that big thing in the background of the window shot *is* the large rock? The smaller one would be off to the left.


I mean where are those rocks in this shot?



The top of that mesa is quite heavily forested, whereas Dupz proposed Downes Ranch area looks pretty free from trees. It could be between the mesa and the small butte nearest the bend in the river I guess, but the background topology doesn't match up in those shots to me.

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Yeah i see what you're saying... Hmm. Where ever it is it has to be somewhere between that large snowy mountain and the heartlands. So it could be a number of locations. Lone Mule Steed seems a bit far off.

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What of the reports of the Rebel fleet massing near Sullust of an article saying this is R*s biggest map to date? I haven't read it myself, just seen a couple of mentions around. That kinda lends credence to the desert being in a new area, but at the same time I think we can reliably place 99% of stuff we've seen so far into this current space.

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I really need to go through older pics again. Some of what we got didn't mean much until now since we can link little things between big things.


8 hours ago, ViceMan said:


I mean where are those rocks in this shot?



The top of that mesa is quite heavily forested, whereas Dupz proposed Downes Ranch area looks pretty free from trees. It could be between the mesa and the small butte nearest the bend in the river I guess, but the background topology doesn't match up in those shots to me.



The rocks are these here:




The small rock might be south of the trail but the final shot of the first trailer looks like there is a trail in front of it. Hard to tell with the tall grass in the way for most of it.



Also, I tried looking into the spanish island thing for hints it may be the desert. Two of the names are spanish. "Le Vilaj" is Haitian. So it's probably an island but maybe not a Mexican one... If it is based on Hispaniola that would take us well away from the mainland US for some reason. Haiti does have some desert but I can't find pics that look as cliche as the RDR2 shot.




Plus the Gila Monster is a southwest US/northwest Mexico creature.

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Those rocks are too far away for it to be Downes Ranch, which is what I was getting at. What's that purple place name south east of Horseshoe Overlook? Could that be where Dupz stable buildings are? Probably not since the mountains would be in the wrong place I imagine.

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I was going with the not-Downes updated theory. :P I'm wondering if the ranch Dup pointed out is Lucky's Cabin or nearby and the large rock we see is that third large mound in the wide shot from the previous trailer.


I don't think it's the unknown purple location south of the large rock soley based on the sun position in the ranch shot. Assuming it's sunrise, then the ranch needs to be west of the rock.





On ‎8‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 4:24 AM, DuPz0r said:

So we finally have a location in the Scarlett Meadows region!





Just adding these to Rhodes...


1403.jpg <--- this whole scene is next to the red hotel (seen through window), horses ride by the hotel after this shot

1335.jpg  <--- backside of green grocery

1319.jpg <--- pans over to the Gray Woolen Mill to the left

1214.jpg <--- red hotel behind the green grocery

1212.jpg <--- front of grocery, probably related to getting Arthur out in gameplay trailer

1101.jpg <--- gunsmith on right, blue building left

1098.jpg <--- this might be the large house in the right far background of Dup's pic. Same window style and colors. edit hours later: There's actually another similar structure behind the blue building/gunsmith you can see 4 pics above.





On ‎8‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 2:46 PM, DuPz0r said:

I Think i found Downes Ranch too.



So my placement on the panorama was off by a fair bit.


You can add this shot into the mix. That's the [not Downes] ranch in the background:



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^Dup posted in that thread. Maybe he'll learn to put his name on things... and age apparently. :P



Maps I've been putting together with radar shots where available

Gray parts = estimated





Van Horn








I'm going to bed now. x_x

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My name's all over my map. It says DuPz0r in the Corner, and a massive  DUPZ0R across the entire map at 5% transparency, i always watermark these days.


Good job on the town maps Fitty. I'm in agreement that the location probably isn't Downes Ranch. Wait are you saying that shot with the track is the same place? Nice.



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Whatever that ranch is it's on or near the rail line. Part of me thinks the large rock we can see isn't the same one that we've been looking at, but the profile looks somewhat similar. The ranch nearest a railway is Emerald Ranch which is pretty far from the two nubbin rocks.


(But then the terrain and background mountains don't match up with the screencap of the guy being threatened on the railway line. Ugh, fuck knows.)


((From the minimap in that screencap it looks as if the railway line splits off just before the ranch, judging by the orientation of the minimap i'd say it was the rail junction south of Horseshoe, but there are no settlements there. At least not on the map we have, R* could have easily added dozens of places since that was leaked.))

Edited by ViceMan

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Could this still be a part of Valentine, but in the outskirts? It doesnt look like a Lucky Cabin sort of location. And it could be to the South East side of Valentine, closer to the railway... Could it be what the grey path on your Map leads to Fitty?


9 hours ago, TreeFitty said:





14 hours ago, TreeFitty said:




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I wouldn't have said Valentine myself, assuming the darker line on the minimap is the rail it splits off into two lines. Unless darker lines represent trails and railways too...? Even then there aren't any trails on the map near Valentine that bisect the railway at that angle.

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3 hours ago, DuPz0r said:

My name's all over my map. It says DuPz0r in the Corner, and a massive  DUPZ0R across the entire map at 5% transparency, i always watermark these days.


Good job on the town maps Fitty. I'm in agreement that the location probably isn't Downes Ranch. Wait are you saying that shot with the track is the same place? Nice.




Make it BIGGER for the n00bs to see. :P


And yes, it is the same. Made a pic now that I have sleep:





58 minutes ago, ViceMan said:

I wouldn't have said Valentine myself, assuming the darker line on the minimap is the rail it splits off into two lines. Unless darker lines represent trails and railways too...? Even then there aren't any trails on the map near Valentine that bisect the railway at that angle.


I've been trying to decipher the difference between roads and railways on the minimap but there doesn't seem to be a definite or obvious system. "Trails" are dashed lines but roads/rails seem to be almost the same line. I have noticed circles on railways. You can see the same thing on this shot:




But this one is literally on the tracks while they rob people and there are no circles:




Only other thing I see is that the railways are wider than roads. Maybe when we get more in-game screenshots we'll see something better.

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Yeah i just took some time to look at your 4k images. I discovered the same things that also link it to Valentine.




Also, Someone has uploaded a RAW uncompressed version of the trailer in 4K. It's a 3GB file. I dont have a 4k display for my PC, so i can't use it. But that might clear up some of those smaller details...http://www.gamersyde.com/download_red_dead_redemption_2_gameplay_introduction_4k_shq_-42608_en.html

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Oh wow didn't realize that rock was exactly the same. haha cool shit. So that links two more places together...


And looking at the original leaked map there are some buildings south of Valentine, and they would be in the right area for that third mound mentioned previously to their east.



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Well I guess that proves that the leaked map roads/rails aren't 100% up to date. While looking at the leaked map earlier I noticed there's more further north of it, there's a place name that's half cut off in the top right middle and the map boundary isn't fully enclosed. Also that weird Hispaniola peninsula, who knows where that'll end up and what joins onto it.

Edited by ViceMan

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