
Health and Fitness

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Making this topic as a place to discuss health and fitness in general. Sports, lifting, general exercise, diet, etc.


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Sure why not. Started going to the gym again after about a 3 year hiatus! Went from 183 lbs to 192 lbs of mostly clean bulk in about 8 weeks. But the 2 weeks of winter festivities has pushed me to 197 lbs, and the extra 5 lbs is mostly fat!


I'm trying to get my bench to 220, but I'm on about 175 lbs at the moment. I think i can probably do 200 lbs as my 1 rep max. But I'm quite impressed, I remember I used to struggle with 110 lbs when I first began!!!


My squat is about 175 lbs on 5x5

Deadlift is 250 lbs 5x5


I normally do a 4 day split: Chest/Biceps, Back, Legs, Shoulders/Triceps


Biceps normally gets neglected because I've noticed them getting bigger without doing too much. I'm a strong believer in working out large muscle groups to stimulate as much growth hormone as possible. I think i'm starting to max out my beginner gains, but luckily i'm quite a big build naturally so it's not too bad.


Come February I think i'll start a 6 week cutting phase, and then re-assess. I'm at about 13-14% body fat, but that's mostly due to central fat. My legs are at about 12% and my arms are 7%, so my fat tummy is keeping me down. I'd love to make the push and finally get them abs! 


Work is starting to get in the way now though, I have a 12 hour shift some days, and I don't like working out on weekends.

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Why would you start a topic and not have anything to say yourself.


I went to the gym for the first time after a 3 week hiatus.


Leg press gains are still good, moving up 20 a week. Around 260 right now. 

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Indy, try chest+tris. Bench will hit your tris quite hard, so after you're done with your tris the burn is insane! Last exercise: dips. Your triceps will be crying.

I used to do chest+bis like most people (we used to call it "copacabana training") but i switched it up the last couple of years with great results!

Edit: I don't lift anymore :(

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I havent been lifting any weights in a while but I exercise often.  I do pullups and pushups and leg lifts, along with mtn biking and canoeing/kayaking.   I can do 15 pullups and around 60 pushups on any given day. (I'm 6' 3" tall and 202 lbs.)

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Indy, try chest+tris. Bench will hit your tris quite hard, so after you're done with your tris the burn is insane! Last exercise: dips. Your triceps will be crying.

I used to do chest+bis like most people (we used to call it "copacabana training") but i switched it up the last couple of years with great results!

Edit: I don't lift anymore :(

Yeah I might do dips to failure after my chest workout. Chest day takes so long, so I normally get bored and leave before I hit the arms!

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Got my deadlift to 120 kg (~265 lbs). Next target is three plates (140 kg/ ~310 lbs) on my 5x5. Not sure if I should go up in 2.5 kg increments, or 5 kg. per week. I only deadlift once a week, so thinking the former. Gonna start cutting from next week, the worst part of life. Any tips?

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Got my deadlift to 120 kg (~265 lbs). Next target is three plates (140 kg/ ~310 lbs) on my 5x5. Not sure if I should go up in 2.5 kg increments, or 5 kg. per week. I only deadlift once a week, so thinking the former. Gonna start cutting from next week, the worst part of life. Any tips?


Cutting is honestly really easy. Stick to a mostly high protein diet for best results. Eat a lot of fish and chicken, avacado is good for fats, and eat a fruit or something for carbs. This is what I did. Ate around 5 chicken breast, 2 avacados, and some fruit daily. Have one day set where you'll eat a little more in the carb area. Should work fine. Once in a while throw in some red meat.

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Increasing weights each week is unnecessary if you are performing the exercises correctly and know your strength. No one gains the strength to increase their lifts like that each week, it's all about finding the correct weight. The deadlift especially, it took me ages to increase my lifts after a few years -  I could add more, but I'd be sacrificing form, and when it comes to deadlifts... one way ticket to snap city! 

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I've noticed after dead lifting the soreness from lifting is in my lower back, traps, and upper chest. Not that I mind this, but is it normal to feel it in the traps and chest a bit?

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Similar question...everyday I do a half hour on the elliptical, about 45 minutes on the treadmill, and sometimes 20 minutes on the bike. I've been doing this for a week, and haven't been to the gym a year before that. I am sore! I'll stretch after (i know I'm doing it all wrong) but for like two seconds before it hurts. whens this going to stop?!

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I've noticed after dead lifting the soreness from lifting is in my lower back, traps, and upper chest. Not that I mind this, but is it normal to feel it in the traps and chest a bit?


Traps is totally normal, chest is odd, lower back is dangerous and you should take care of your form.

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I've noticed after dead lifting the soreness from lifting is in my lower back, traps, and upper chest. Not that I mind this, but is it normal to feel it in the traps and chest a bit?


Traps is totally normal, chest is odd, lower back is dangerous and you should take care of your form.



Chest could have been from other stuff and I just noticed it after the deadlift. 


I read on a lot of places lower back is okay. Like I said, no pain, just a little bit of soreness. 

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You're both experiencing 'delayed-onset muscle soreness' (DOMS). I personally tend to feel it most 2 days after a workout. However, the more you go to the gym the less you'll experience it. It'll come back if you take a break from the gym, start doing different exercises, or increase the intensity of your workout.


With the deadlift, it's a full compound exercise so you'll feel it in a lot of muscle groups. Just make sure your form is good, have someone check it for you. I know that my form starts to go when I fatigue, so I have to be more conscious. Not sure why you'd feel it in your chest, might be from another exercise.

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Benched 100 kg (220 lbs) for the first time last week. I can only do 1-2 reps, but I've been aiming for this benchmark since I began gym in October, which was the first time I'd ever bench pressed. I'm pleased to be making progress. 

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When I dead lift 215 I have no problem but when I dead lift 225 my grip loosens and I feel it in my forearms.


My gym teacher said I could even pop something.


Any input?

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