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8 hours ago, Qdeathstar said:

i play the flute most every night, so i think i am.

Is that what you call it? How much of a tune can you get out of it?

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well there are musical instruments in the game, like a tuba and such... i wonder if we can strike up a band... my hope is there's banjos, and we can sit on a porch playing dueling banjos teasing other players passing by, yelling, "where you going, city boy?!" :lol:

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4 hours ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

well there are musical instruments in the game, like a tuba and such... i wonder if we can strike up a band... my hope is there's banjos, and we can sit on a porch playing dueling banjos teasing other players passing by, yelling, "where you going, city boy?!" :lol:



“If yah gotta a purty mouth, you can be a big star”

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BETA starts on fallout day, october 23 for xbox... then on the 30th for PS4 and PC... a bit later than i expected to be honest...



Fallout 76 officially releases on November 14, but your first chance to experience the game can begin much earlier than that.

We’re excited to announce that our B.E.T.A. (Break-It Early Test Application) will arrive first on Xbox One on Tuesday, October 23, and one week later for PlayStation 4 and PC players on Tuesday, October 30.
During the B.E.T.A. one of our primary goals is to stress test and break the game. As such, the servers will not be running 24/7; instead, they’ll be online during targeted timeframes so we can get as many people as possible playing at the same time. Why? Because that’s the best way to put all our systems to the test and see how they respond.
On any given day the game might be up for anywhere between four to eight hours. Focusing as many players as we can into these windows is our prime objective. Then we’ll fix what we need to fix and do it again and again from the start of B.E.T.A. until a few days before launch. We’ll give you as much heads up as possible because we need you to log in during these times and play the game. We’ll also keep you posted through our official @Fallout and @bethesdastudios on Twitter as well as the forums and our Status Page to learn when servers will be online.
While the adventures you and your friends will experience will all be unique, you’ll start the same as everyone else: within the safe confines of Vault 76 on Reclamation Day. For the very first time, we’re excited to share how your journey will begin...
And we’d like for you to share your own journeys. From the very start of the B.E.T.A., beginning on October 23, you will be free to stream and talk about all your experiences with Fallout 76 with the rest of the world.
This is an exciting new journey for Fallout – and for us! During the B.E.T.A., you will likely see a glorious array of issues; many we know about, and many we don’t. We need your help in getting the game ready for launch and beyond. We think you will love playing the game as much as we do – and your continued feedback is critical to craft the long-term experience over the years to come. For additional details on the B.E.T.A., please see our updated B.E.T.A. FAQ.
As you wait for B.E.T.A. to begin, we will be showcasing much more of the game in the next few weeks, including tips for multiplayer, wasteland survival, character builds & customization and more! Plus gameplay. Lots and lots of gameplay. Keep an eye on the Fallout website and social channels for news and updates about Fallout 76.
Our future begins... together.
Note: Country Roads Under Construction
In preparation for B.E.T.A., we have already begun hosting smaller, timed stress tests. These tests include randomly selected players who are under NDA playing in top secret vaults. Our friends at Vault-Tec deemed these tests necessary for readying the servers for players around the world – both for B.E.T.A. and launch.


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Shit, oh well it was a waste of time me preordering so early then. Won't get a chance to play with RDR coming out before. Was hoping it would be beginning of October, luckily I just bought the GTA trilogy so that'll keep me busy in the meantime.

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i'll find time, i just took the rest of the week off from my job :lol:... since they're setting specific windows to game in, it'll give me time to keep playing RDR2 while getting ready for the window from bethesda... i'll be fine with it for the most part... the good thing is it sounds like this BETA is gonna last for a couple of weeks, which you don't see that often...

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call of duty and battlefield do betas every year... i never buy them, but i always hear about them... it's usually a weekend thing... of course, they know what they're doing as far a stability is concerned... i guess bethesda wants us to test their servers for a couple weeks and see if we can break them lol... sadly i am not sure if they're too concerned about gameplay at the moment lol... i'm sure improvements to that will come over the months and years...


i know there's gonna be issues with 76, but if it is enjoyable, i'll be in it for the long run...

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Bethesda games at release are beta in all but name anyway. Basically you're preordering to get the game two-three weeks early.

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While you play Fallout 76, you’ll earn a currency called Atoms by completing various gameplay challenges and achievements. This currency can be used to acquire in-game cosmetic customization items for your character, earnable entirely by playing the game.

Once Fallout 76 officially launches on November 14, Atoms can also be purchased separately for real money if you so choose.


Yeah,but nah...

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41 minutes ago, CaPn bOnEs said:

that's pretty standard nowadays... nothing about that statement surprises me... it's just cosmetics anyways, not a pay to win thing...






Personally i wouldn't mind purchasing some in-game currency if it is reasonably priced. 100 dollars for an airplane is not reasonably priced. I think you should be able to buy any thing like that for like 5 bucks TOPS. R* wants 100 dollars for almost anything, i think there bullet cost like 1 real dollar a magazine. NO THANKS.  On the other hand, if Fallout 76 were completely free, and sole relied on micro transactions i would be a little more. But not a lot more, say 10 dollars max for any single item. R* GTAO currency is ridiculously over priced.


I understand it is working for them, and thats why they are doing it, but they aren't getting any of my money and I'm not grinding away either. So, i think the next GTA i might just wait and see before preordering it. The problem with reviews nowadays is they really don't consider the micro transaction part of the game, they just take it for granted that what the developer is saying is true. Things change with demand. I have no doubt some people will love the idea of spending 50/mo on GTAO currency. Im not one of those people. If Bethesda chooses to go that route, i don't blame them, but I won't be pouring money into it. Just depends on how they play it.

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if you can earn the currency in game, then of course the item(s) will be priced just enough to get you to consider buying currency, that's how a market works... if there's something cool i really want, i might pony up for it, i've done it with games before... some people think that they have to have everything when they're only just giving you options, options that you don't even have to get and it won't effect the game in any way...


rockstar completely fucked their shit up in the last 3 years... selling you items that, like you said, literally cost $100... and these items are quite beneficial for people that are trying to make money, therefor, they become must haves... then that drove the rest of the market into more expensive counter items and more grindy same old bullshit jobs to keep you playing their game forever, or buy their cards (or glitch free money like most of iGTA lol)...


if bethesda just sticks to their guns on just cosmetic stuff (like kind of what fortnite does with skins) but keeps the price reasonable, then i will have no problem with forking over a few bucks for quest packs, smaller DLCs, and huge far harbor ones too when the time comes for adding serious content to the game...

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so bethesda rented out the famous greenbrier hotel in west virginia and did a whole private event there showing off the game to a bunch of people... it was kind of a cool presser to be honest, it looked like a fun event...








also, there's gonna be like 400 hours of footage being released this week or next week...

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Previews are out. Seems like a lot of ums and erms going on. “Fallout 76 isn’t fallout 5. But it does have mouth man, and that’s something” sums up the first impressions pretty well.

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i saw a lot of positive marks actually... it is basically what i thought it would be, fallout 4.5 online... people say it's definitely fun with a group, but pretty lonely by yourself since there aren't other NPCs to interact with... and my gawd does the palette look beautiful, it looks so vibrant... the nuke footage was cool as well...


here's a place that has a roundup of all the previews that hit the net...

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I think i'm getting less interested for 76 as time goes on, I saw a comment that described it as 4 but after you've killed all NPCs on the map. One of the reviewers described frame drops and crashes but "he hoped they'd be ironed out before the BETA," I laughed, if it's anything like 4 those same frame drops and crashes will be in the game years after release. Bethesda needs a new engine, Creation is a piece of shit it seems. I probably won't cancel my preorder - it's going to be a bit of fun, but at the same time it's probably going to be hollow and unfulfilling.


This game won't hold a candle to Red Dead, Rockstar games run smooth as silk 99% of the time, Bethesda games run like, like... a hobo on a pogo stick trying to push a trolley of bricks up a flight of stairs...(?) I dunno, make up your own analogy that describes something that feels like it's being hastily held together with duct tape and prone to breaking down at any second.

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dude, the more time that passes, the more my interest picks up!


those videos didn't show me anything to sway my mind... bethesda told everyone before the event that it was an earlier build, and the frame rate was only optimized around vault 76, as they didn't expect many to wander much further in the 3 hours... a few definitely took off as far as they could, other's pushed out to the boundaries and a bit beyond, but most stayed near the vault, questing and getting a sense of the game... the crashes were expected, too... and i am betting it will crash when i try the BETA too... our hope tho is they get most of that sorted out by launch... i can handle occasional crashes, a few of my games do that to me already lol... of course rockstar will have their game on point, but this is also bethesda's first venture into the online unknown with their creation engine... 


i am just sitting here, rounding up friends, fellow forum dwellers, thinking about character builds, and hopefully DnD'n the shit out of some roleplaying in a few weeks!

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The game would be a lot better with persistent, eg, you play with the same people on the same server for a period of time.... without persistence I think it’s gonna miss some feels.



Essentially, vault dwellers will be reduced to raiders with friends. 




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i've been considering the thought of playing a certain character with certain people... have my overall explorer guy, but with a few groups of my friends, us having a different one that we only play the game with them when we're just playing as a same group... i think that would help the immersion a bit, that's the DnD aspect i was talking about...

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