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fallout online... as simple as that... a branch off, as i have mentioned before, but still maintaining it's single player core for other future games in the series... elder scrolls online did it, and it seems to now be a great success, and they're still going to release part 6 as a single player adventure... so, you can do both... i said fallout 76 was the testing grounds for an online fallout, and if they get it right, we'll be seeing both single player games and online games in this series... 


bethesda said they'd never abandon single player, so let's not think zenimax wants to either...


now granted, if every kid and adult buys the latest skins then it will surely make zenimax think long and hard about what could happen... and if they agree, then i guess bethesda will join the very very long list of publishers that have come face to face of what is reality... online microtransactions work, because people actually buy them...


the gaming landscape has, and will forever be changed by miscrotransactions... because people really do buy them!

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i still haven't received confirmation that i'm in or not... others have... perhaps it's because i didn't register immediately like others did and it took me a couple weeks to do it lol...

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So if I preorder once the beta is announced that is too late? I got to buy an xbox one x first and I’m trying to push it out a bit.... 

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I'm guessing it'll drop the end of July.


   - Some Fallout fan, 5th of July 2018


There... that's a newsworthy story, the gaming sites will be all over that shit. Officially official.

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VATS and fast travel confirmed. Apparently you can’t die under level 5, whatever that means...


Also,  fallout 76s version of country roads released on iTunes, proceeds going to charity.

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Like a permanent passive mode for the under 5s I assume, until people find an exploit like they can bail out of their car while driving towards you, or ram NPC cars into you. Dunno how that'd work in Fallout anyway, perhaps they can try it with a vertibird.

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But then how will we be griefed? I'm sure Bethesda will find a way, there's bound to be dozens of new bugs in it in addition to the dozens already carried over from the old games.

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No I want Bethesda to produce a game that isn't riddled with bugs, doesn't feel like the engine is being held together with duct tape which could collapse at any minute and can run on my PS4 without making it sound like a jump jet taking off (while simultaneously being able to run at more than 20fps in built up areas of the map.)


Basically the things I hate about Bethesda are the things I like about Rockstar and vice versa.

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Well, I mean, Bethesda did use a bug in Fallout shelter to prove someone stole code from them, so maybe the bugs are on purpose.

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It's more the engine that worries me. It was fine(ish, for a Bethesda game) in Skyrim but in 4 it definitely felt like the game could crash at any moment, especially in the denser parts of Boston. Now they're slapping a load of multiplayer shite on top of that pile, I doubt they've addressed any of the existing engine issues because hey, if it's broken why fix it?

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It's great that they are innovating and trying a new direction, I applaud that, and it's a great idea to go in with "it won't be perfect at first" in mind. But I personally doubt that I'll slap down my $80 until after they test it and get feedback post-launch, and fix or figure out a viable solution to the public griefing problem. 

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the fact they're willing to jump in without a paddle and figure it out is encouraging, and definitely a huge learning experience... i guess i am willing to be the test dummy, so long as the game is still enjoyable outside of the funny stuff... if griefing is a problem, then i am gonna have a problem too... it will need to be addressed... the rest tho? i am not too bothered if there's quest breaking glitches or weird pop-ins...


frame rate will be a concern, but i thought todd said this is running on a brand new engine?? let me go back to the E3 presser...


ok he said that it runs on brand new rendering, lighting, and landscape tech, allowing 16x the amount of detail... which means if they didn't figure out their frame rate issues going forward, this will nearly cripple it :lol:... and something that happens in GTAO is others can slow down the frame rate, and if they have a shit connection, it effects the rest of us... i can see it already, people with lag switches collecting bounties...

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Bro, this is what they get paid to do. It’s not a hobby, they aren’t starting an apprenticeship. They are taking your money. At a minimum, id expect a game that works for that, they get no credit from me for “trying to figure it out”



Its like, you hired an electrician to install some lights, you come home, there are a few holes in your ceiling and some extension cord wrapped from hole to hole, along with just a small spray of water from the copper pipe they drilled through. Now, you could give them credit for trying to figure it out, or you could tell them to get the fuck out your house....

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I'm glad other people are willing to be the test dummies.


I would've gladly played the B.E.T.A., but I say nay nay to pre-orders.

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That's why I pre-ordered at my local games shop, and not on-line.  If I don't like the beta, I will cancel my pre-order and transfer the deposit to my RDR account.


I have gone back to the Mojave Wasteland... I am having trouble figuring out where I had left the game and which factions I was intending to help.  So I went and saw the Boomers... I think there is about another 100 hours left in this one...  


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well GTAV has taken our money, twice, and their online is still broken 5 years later... like i said, i am fine with the approach, and i know others aren't... bethesda has never made an online game of this scale, so i would assume there will be issues... and my hope is they figure it out or else no one will be playing it next year, and years to come as they have stated they will be supporting it for many years...

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Rockstar's online is broken voluntarily through their newfound greed, the only problems that are fixed are the ones that could prevent people buying shark cards. I think Bethesda's strategy is more like "if it only breaks 50% of the time then that's good enough for us." Playing Fallout 4 sometimes does feel like flipping a coin - am I gonna load up an area that the game decides it doesn't like so it'll just crash instead.


I understand that all companies need to be greedy to an extent, that's capitalism after all, but I hope Bethesda find a way not to be so overtly arrogant with their greed in 76, pricing things so ridiculously and making the game unbearably grindy to play that your only option is to pay your way past it (or making silly arbitrary rules that mean other people can easily fuck you over when you are trying to make money.) They said there were microtransactions but they were just for weapon/armour reskins didn't they? I actually feel that they won't make them an invasive aspect of the game, I at least have faith in Bethesda for that.


And i'm pretty sure 76 is running on the same engine because all the assets and models looks exactly the same; the wrecked cars on the overpasses, the super mutants, half the stuff in the workshop etc. etc.

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yea they said the microtransactions are all esthetics, not upgrades or more powerful items... and to be honest, i have found all of their DLC to be modestly priced... then again, i got all of fallout 4's for $30, and that was quite frankly a steal as i would of paid that just for far harbor... so i am very curious about their post launch content as they said their first priority will be stabilizing the online experience... then comes the DLC, which if their projections are correct, we'll be seeing a whole lot of additional quests and stuff to keep us from getting bored...


i got faith, too... i am not ready to abandon this project of theirs yet, because i haven't even played it yet... and even the beta will be stripped down of probably most of the story content and nukes... so even with the beta, i probably won't get a good feel for the game...

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yup, i'll be tuning in... i submitted a question too, would be awesome to have them answer it... when obsidian did one of those in a podcast, chris avelone answered my question, which there were only a few answered, so that was pretty cool ?

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