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L.A. Noire

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Guest Marney1

It's not like I did it. I don't recall voting you down at all yet.

I don't really care about my rep count, you know that. In fact I'm quite curious to see what happens if it reaches -100. :huh:

Anyway, there won't be a special edition for L.A. Noire. Can't remember the source of that info but it's official, so if anyone's holding out before pre-ordering in the hope that it will be available, it won't. Might as well pre-order one of these to save yourself buying the DLC in future:

L.A. Noire Pre-order

Also, I hope we get to see Elsa's tits, a space monkey told me that nakedness is not limited to dead women only. :)


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It's not like I did it. I don't recall voting you down at all yet.

I don't really care about my rep count, you know that. In fact I'm quite curious to see what happens if it reaches -100. :huh:

Insta-ban. You hit -100, you get an insta-ban, but are still able to be downvoted. If you hit -1000, you lose your home and car, and at -10000, you cease to exist.*

*Existence destruction ray courtesy of Warlord Industries.

Anyway, there won't be a special edition for L.A. Noire. Can't remember the source of that info but it's official, so if anyone's holding out before pre-ordering in the hope that it will be available, it won't. Might as well pre-order one of these to save yourself buying the DLC in future:

L.A. Noire Pre-order

Also, I hope we get to see Elsa's tits, a space monkey told me that nakedness is not limited to dead women only. :)


Tits, indeed. That Elsa is a "fly bitch," as the blacks would say.

And I'm not pre-ordering at all. I've finally decided that I'm just not excited enough about this game to buy it on release day. I'll be waiting on a substantial price drop before I buy it.

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they do look like wax models... i guess i'll head to gamestop someday soon to place the pre-order then... too bad there won't be a collector's edition... i was really looking forward to getting a fedora...

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they do look like wax models... i guess i'll head to gamestop someday soon to place the pre-order then... too bad there won't be a collector's edition... i was really looking forward to getting a fedora...

Clearly you must stop by a hat shop on your way home from Gamestop.

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tommy vercetti's mansion in vice city with the garage on the opposite side?

What does this one remind you of?


I'm starting to get a little worried about the hype surrounding this game now that I've seen this screen, as mentioned the crash looks very non-realistic the driver looks almost glued in place and the front fender on the drivers side almost stops dead in a straight line, no broken shards of glass from the windows, piss poor engine detail and has anyone else noticed the weird shadow effect going on in the flat bed?

Also something else this makes me wonder is assuming this is one of the cases we have to investigate and this screen shows the actual event then I'm wondering if upon completion of a case do we get a "flash back" of the event itself, a la C.S.I?

The screen showing the dead woman with her throat cut something about the nose and ears just doesn't seem right also I notice a very pronounced outline around the whole body.

That said ill still be putting in my pre-order based on concept alone I'm also looking forward to seeing the city. It still looks like, based on concept alone, this title will be worth the money as far as my wages are concerned. I guess we'll just have to see what we'll see.


That's a surprisingly non-realistic crash with the door placement.

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Guest Marney1

@XBOXEDDY - Rockstar and Team Bondi are still tidying up the little things and I'm sure the likes of what you pointed out are included so I wouldn't be too picky just yet. Most people are still looking at it as if it's the next GTA when what we should be taking notice of is how well the facial expressions come across plus as Jeronimo Barrera said, "It's not GTA with fucking fedoras". That screenshot with the train and truck is just that, a screenshot, it will probably look convincing when we see it in motion.

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i'm not worried at what XBOXEDDY said... what i want to see work is the detective system... i could care less about minor grips like outlines and collision detection... as long as it doesn't interfere with the detective system then i am fine with unpolished edges... and as long as the driving feels similar to GTAIV then, i will be fine with it as well... i am one of those that doesn't get bothered by visuals as long as the gameplay feels right and the characters suck me into the world of hollywoodland :D...

plus, i loved the movie "the cell" and it seems like cole phelps will be attempting to enter the mind of a serial killer in this game... that kind of shit is right up my alley :D...

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See, I wasn't going crazy ^

Also -

L.A. Noire gets the Australian rating of:


You lucky b*****ds!


btw, the latest Mortal Kombat got banned here. A shame for the 10 people who were anticipating it. :lol:

Anyway, L.A Noire is looking quite interesting, although i hope they don't rush it and release a partially unfinished game.

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OMG GRAPHIC IMAGES! I liked the video though. Even though it was a hidden handycam, I now have a sense of how this game will be, which is awesome. I'm glad the cases are graphic, it adds the detective realism. Now, how many more weeks until this is released?!

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OMG GRAPHIC IMAGES! I liked the video though. Even though it was a hidden handycam, I now have a sense of how this game will be, which is awesome. I'm glad the cases are graphic, it adds the detective realism. Now, how many more weeks until this is released?!

Yah hidden handy cam....I'm just gonna wait for the actual vid or game.

Or beat up D-O and take his.

Like you could beat me up. lol

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yea, there's about 2 months to go... i'll just stick to the videos R* releases until then... no need to watch a mission spoiler... on another note though, those old-school photos and articles are pretty sweet...

and since we're chasing a cereal killer in LA noire, my friend let me borrow her "A to Z cereal killers" book :D... i flipped through it last night and lets just say i have already been grossed out in the 5 minutes i spent flipping through... but i'll read up on some of the killers of that era like the black dahlia... i am starting to get into the mode of being a detective too... it's the same transformation i went through last year for RDR... i was watching a bunch of western movies and reading up on the history of the wild west... for LA noire, i think i'll watch a few noir films but, i'll also try to catch some episodes of the rockford files and columbo... those are some good old school PI shows :)... i can't stand CSI so, i'll pass on those detective shows... plus, CSI is too new-school for LA noire research...

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Guest Marney1

@bOnEs Check this thread out, it's dedicated to Los Angeles noir period, it has a gazillion photos showing L.A's transformation. Warning though, it's addictive!

Also, I love how Rockstar games turn me into a history buff, I was never interested in the wild west until RDR came out (or rather - during the pre-launch build up) and now I'm fascinated by it. Same now goes for Los Angeles' noir period, I even bought a book the other week called "The Lady Killers" - although it's set in modern times, reading it takes you into the mind of a serial killer and the detectives who are investigating.

When I was at school I loved history but these days I'd rather Rockstar be my teacher, they make it so much more interesting.

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yea, there's about 2 months to go... i'll just stick to the videos R* releases until then... no need to watch a mission spoiler... on another note though, those old-school photos and articles are pretty sweet...

and since we're chasing a cereal killer in LA noire, my friend let me borrow her "A to Z cereal killers" book :D... i flipped through it last night and lets just say i have already been grossed out in the 5 minutes i spent flipping through... but i'll read up on some of the killers of that era like the black dahlia... i am starting to get into the mode of being a detective too... it's the same transformation i went through last year for RDR... i was watching a bunch of western movies and reading up on the history of the wild west... for LA noire, i think i'll watch a few noir films but, i'll also try to catch some episodes of the rockford files and columbo... those are some good old school PI shows :)... i can't stand CSI so, i'll pass on those detective shows... plus, CSI is too new-school for LA noire research...


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@bOnEs Check this thread out, it's dedicated to Los Angeles noir period, it has a gazillion photos showing L.A's transformation. Warning though, it's addictive!

Too late, I'm addicted!

This photo-diagram shows where a beautiful blonde girl was found stabbed to death at 721 Turner Street, downtown, east of Alameda, in the industrial area, south of where the 101 freeway would be now, adjacent to the Arts District. Dotted lines shows the path of the car of her slayer. Cross shows where her nude body was found. Marks on the ground indicated that she had put up a terrific struggle for life. Photo dated: December 26, 1939.


interesting stuff.

Inglewood, 1951


Two honky boi's in ingle! Possible drive by?

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Guest Marney1

Love these pics:

Photograph caption reads, "Photo-diagram of yesterday's holdup at Grauman's Chinese Theater, in which robbers escaped with two days' receipts of $15,000. Officer Crowley is shown firing at the trio, who return the fusillade, wounding James P. Thorpe, a bystander." Photograph dated July 16, 1929.



And here's Grauman's Chinese Theater in L.A. Noire:


Just come across this one:

Pacific Electric mail car vs. automobile 1951


And thought of this one:


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