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American Horror Story

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Holy shit.... I'm at a loss for words.... That was incredible.

My only gripe is that they showed the clown too much..... That whole trailer sequence was a little too much.

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for sure.

awesome opening.

wondering how the clown fits into the show.

hopefully in this episode, that was the first and last musical scene. i cant stand those. probably not

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The producers said that there will be hints of the next season in the first two episodes.

The only thing I came away with is the song she was singing is called "Life on Mars".

Could the next season deal with life on other planets?

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They already tried that in season 2 and IMO it didn't work.

Did you see anything in the first episode that could hint toward the next season?

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No, but I didn't know to look for anything. FX always does an encore of the previous week's episode, so I'll watch both episodes and look for common themes.

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All I came away with was the song. I'll re-watch it and look more closely.

Speaking of songs... at least this was better then the "Name Game" scene in asylum. :P

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Thought's on this episode?

My initial thoughts:

- Musical number was shit

- Twisty is still fucking awesome

- Strongman is an asshole (poor Meep)

- Diner scene was FUCKING awesome!

- Dandy is a little whiny bitch (but I like him)

Overall great episode. A tad below the first episode but still great!


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I cracked the code for Season 5 AHS. It will deal with Aliens / Area 51.

- Her name is Elsa Mars

- Set in Jupiter, Florida

- Landlord has a tie with planets on it

- Song is "Life on Mars"

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I think the sound in general has been poor this year.... The mixing made it almost impossible to hear the dialog over the over amplified ambient sounds.

I cracked the code for Season 5 AHS. It will deal with Aliens / Area 51.

- Her name is Elsa Mars

- Set in Jupiter, Florida

- Landlord has a tie with planets on it

- Song is "Life on Mars"

I think I called that...

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I didn't mind the first musical number. I actually kinda liked it but this one was awful.

And I think an Area 51 AHS could be really interesting.

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another music number. this one was actually less annoying if it were by itself. since its the 3rd one tho, more annoying

the ghost freak dude with the 2 faces thing was stupid

the clown isn't torturing his captives nearly enough. though on the 2nd episode we saw what was under the mask. pretty fucked looking.

I hope he kills the rich little shit. that would be pretty great.

despite my nit piking i am liking the freak show theme

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