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20 US states petitioning to secede from the US

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see what happens when you cheat Ron Paul out of a nomination GOP? if you were paying attention to the primaries it is obvios that Ron paul got most of the votes. i believe without a doubt that the GOP rigged the primaries for Romney, and he lost...

btw. fuck romney and obama.

The nomination is decided by the parties chairman not votes.

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All this talk about not needing a federal government. You do realize that for several years after the revolution we operated under the Articles of Confederation? During that time, the federal government was a weak government like you're all talking about. The states were still reeling from the war and feared a strong national government would get too powerful and start suppressing the rights of the people like England did to the colonies.

It wasn't until after that problems started arising with a weak government. That's when delegates started meeting in secret, for their actions were in fact treasonous, to draft the Constitution. To think that our present government came about through a coup d'état basically.

Anyway, back to the point. Yes today's government is not "of the people, by the people, and for the people" anymore, but our government is not behaving in a manner that would warrant states seceding or calling for a new government.

The people demanding to secede are just mad because the government supports gay marriage, requires health insurance, and demands taxes especially on the wealthy and the president is black -- most of those folks are white, middle aged to older, Bible thumping Christians who have no desire to change their thinking.

Now don't get me wrong, the government does have problems that need to be fixed but that's exactly why the founding fathers creating a living Constitution. They knew issues would arise in the future that they can't account for. But the problem isn't really the Constitution, or the government itself, it's the people running the government that need to be fixed. To fix that problem, well, go to the polls and vote or get up and start trying to run for office yourself.

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dosnet need to be lig


apparently Texas has 80000+ signatures so far...

They aren't legitimate. I know of two UK based people who are using their botnets to sign it just for jokes.

dosent need to be legitimate, because anyone can sign it. lol and signing in for jokes?!?! thats a really lame joke dude. maybe a flaming bag of shit but signing up a state for succsession is not a joke

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dosnet need to be lig


apparently Texas has 80000+ signatures so far...

They aren't legitimate. I know of two UK based people who are using their botnets to sign it just for jokes.

dosent need to be legitimate, because anyone can sign it. lol and signing in for jokes?!?! thats a really lame joke dude. maybe a flaming bag of shit but signing up a state for succsession is not a joke

Of course anybody could sign it, but somebody using a proxy based in China surely doesn't have their vote count for shit.

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This topic has moved from spam topic to shit topic to topic of proud americanry..

Someone please put an end to this.debaccle.

I mean, on cnbc the people were actually debating if texas should be allowed to succeed from the union.


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I hope these states secede so when the US doesn't fund them and they have to create a whole new economy, currency, and way to fund highways, schools, hospitals, etc. they fail.

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Well, whada'ya know.

you know, dr. paul was right in that video... the only problem is this;

The people demanding to secede are just mad because the government supports gay marriage, requires health insurance, and demands taxes especially on the wealthy and the president is black -- most of those folks are white, middle aged to older, Bible thumping Christians who have no desire to change their thinking.

that's the reason behind the succession, and it's just downright laughable... what about over-policing, or over-spending?? what about limiting more freedoms or trying to control the citizen?? most people are missing the point, and it's downright laughable... fuck abortion or gay marriage... that's a state thing... fuck religion, that has no part in any aspect of politics or government...

sadly, however, religion has been the driving force of just about every single empire... and it's a power that needs to just give up... religion has always been about controlling the follower... and sadly, most of us sheeps following the herder...

not a lot of you here though, you guys always question shit... i have healthier debates here than i do with the world i converse with... it's pathetic out there, thank god for GTA...

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Well, not all religious rules are a bad thing, A world where ppl are free to murder is not a world I want to live in.

Yes, because without religious rules people are free to murder whenever they feel like.

. :rolleyes:

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A civil war should do the trick. Can you imagine the battle with only sticks n stones? Half the population fighting 300 style, only difference would be that most of them can't even carry their own weight.

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Well, not all religious rules are a bad thing, A world where ppl are free to murder is not a world I want to live in.

And you play Grand Theft Auto?

(sarcasm implied)

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A civil war should do the trick. Can you imagine the battle with only sticks n stones? Half the population fighting 300 style

C'mon, I need a chance to use all these guns for something other than target practice.

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A civil war should do the trick. Can you imagine the battle with only sticks n stones? Half the population fighting 300 style

C'mon, I need a chance to use all these guns for something other than target practice.

That would be hardcore, considerin america has the largest population of gun owners :jumpy:

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Who owns Americas national grid? Is it Govt controlled or Privatized? And if Privatized is it one company or many?

Surely whoever owns the power wins hands down.

On the reverse side, depends on which side the computer world (ie. hackers) sides on.

*Remembers Die Hard 4* (It could happen)

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Who owns Americas national grid? Is it Govt controlled or Privatized? And if Privatized is it one company or many?

Surely whoever owns the power wins hands down.

On the reverse side, depends on which side the computer world (ie. hackers) sides on.

*Remembers Die Hard 4* (It could happen)

Well, I'm not 100% on the ownership of US power grids, but I do know this much: the US is broken up into 3 massive grids, each completely independent of each other. One for the Eastern half of the United States, one for the Western half, and one for, you guessed it, Texas. So Texas would be set electrically, especially with all the oil refineries in the Houston/Galveston area, as well as the Port of Houston, which is already taking in massive amounts of oil. I haven't even covered Texas' large natural gas and oil reserves. In no way do I support the secession of Texas, but, at least from an energy standpoint, we'd be pretty well off.

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Ownership of power grids varies state to state. In my state it is a private company.

Here in Tennessee, it's government owned. The TVA. However, I think the local power companies that distribute the power amongst customers are determined by the municipality. Where I live, its owned by the county electric department. While another town 45 minutes away from me the company is privately owned, and basically has a monopoly on all of the other public utility services, too.

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