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Back in the day halo was amazing. Halo 2 I'd my favorite just a great game. When they took the chief out! I was done.

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Halo 3 Multiplayer was the reason I went with a 360 over a PS3 four years ago. After playing it a few times with my friends in college, I was hooked. The 360 controller felt great in my hands and was a natural at the MP. I got into the storyline of Halo 3 - as much as possible for someone who hadn't played any games or knew what a Halo was or anything was before getting the game. I got into the different armor permutations available (like the katana and Hayabusa helmet) for MP and played the game in full to unlock the requirements for desired armor. No matter what other games were released, I would still make time for Halo 3, mostly playing late at night and trolling kids online. Out of the entire MP experience, my favorite thing has to be teabagging. Just unleashing a fury of nutsack on someone after you've taken them out is the greatest thing in gaming.

I looked forward to the new maps when they were released and bought ODST when it came out, mostly for the Halo 3 MP maps included. I told myself I didn't want the game, but I was pretty hyped up by release day. I ended up playing the ODST storyline and actually enjoyed it more than Halo 3, it was a little more gritty in terms of storyline and was a new character from the Master Chief, who I really had no connection with as a character since I hadn't played the first two games. I didn't really care for Firefight and wasted a lot of time playing for an hour or two, just to be overrun and out of ammo before the level was over or achievment-getting score was reached. I mostly stuck with the Halo 3 MP but played it less and less overtime.

According to Halo Waypoint, for Halo 3, I played 899 MP games, with a .91 K/D ratio and logged over 5 days (121 hours) of playtime.

I heard about Halo Reach coming out and initially, I decided I wasn't that interested in it; much like I had told myself with ODST. My mind changed when I saw the Deliver Hope trailer. It was a live action-ish trailer that pulled me right into the storyline. I had heard about the invasion of Reach storyline and I watched the trailer on my computer multiple times, then downloaded it on the 360 to watch it in HD at home. I got a sign up for the beta and was given a chance to participate in some multiplayer before the game came out. During the Beta, Reach MP was the only game I played.

I liked the different armor abilities and became a master of illusion with the hologram. I am a close-quarters player with the majority of my kills in Reach coming from melee and the hologram allows for the dispatch of a replica of your Spartan to appear to other players as though they are running to a set point on the map. Enemies mistakenly will try and sneak up on you, allowing you to get the drop on them and perform an assassination or beatdown. The other armor abilities were fun as well and offered different strategies and possibilities for play.

I pre-ordered the game and scheduled a day off of work for release day. Most of my friends got Reach as well and for awhile I had a set group of people to play with. It wasn't the same as Halo 3 MP for them and that kind of put them off to continuing to play on a regular basis. Most of them didn't even touch the campaign as they were more MP players to begin with. I thought the campaign was the best of the series (for me). I found myself engaged in a storyline similar to how I felt with GTAIV, part of the game. I liked the team atmosphere which added to the story and the blank slate character that you portray. I also liked how armor selected in MP was transferred to your Campaign Spartan. I got caught up in the Armor Permutations again and wanted to unlock the SKULL helmet (Emile's), but usually ended up wasting points on new knee pads or something. I purchased a code for the flaming helmet from a friend who had bought the Legendary edition and while it makes me a bigger target, looks bad as fuck. I recently got back into Reach and will probably be playing it for awhile. I have a black friend who is new to the 360, he got it so he could play Reach so I will be playing with him for awhile.

I picked up Halo Anniversary, a few months after it was released, but I only got through half of the campaign before I traded the game away as it wasn't the top of my radar at the time. I will probably pick it up again and complete the campaign and random achievements. I can't say I am as concerned with the storyline as I was with ODST or Reach since I know it was an older game from 10 years ago, just spruced up. The game wasn't as fast paced as the other ones and lost my attention - maybe it gets better towards the end.

I've owned a copy of Halo: Wars, but it's never made it's way into my 360. I traded it off and don't have any plans to play it.

I've told myself again that I am not going to get Halo 4 and for the first time, I think I might stick to it. I wasn't dying to know what happens to MC at the end of 3. I was satisfied. I am sure the game will be great and I will get into it at some point, but as for now I am wanting to go back and finish the campaigns for ODST and Reach on the hardest difficulty, mostly for the sake of achievements. With ACIII and my backlog, the last thing I need is another Halo game.

I'll let you know when I get it.

Ah meant to post t-bag videos as well. None of these are mine.

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Halo 4, best Halo ever. It has completely been revamped, the game is brilliant.

I thought the Multiplayer was rather bland/sucked It's all about the DMR or who can get to the power weapons first. I'm just glad that MP wasn't being whore'd with the player traits like Reach was.

"Oh I'm getting shot better go into armor lock."

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Halo 4, best Halo ever. It has completely been revamped, the game is brilliant.

I thought the Multiplayer was rather bland/sucked It's all about the DMR or who can get to the power weapons first. I'm just glad that MP wasn't being whore'd with the player traits like Reach was.

"Oh I'm getting shot better go into armor lock."

I've not played online, I was talking solely about the campaign.

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Halo 4, best Halo ever. It has completely been revamped, the game is brilliant.

I thought the Multiplayer was rather bland/sucked It's all about the DMR or who can get to the power weapons first. I'm just glad that MP wasn't being whore'd with the player traits like Reach was.

"Oh I'm getting shot better go into armor lock."

I've not played online, I was talking solely about the campaign.

The single player is amazing, I will give it that. I wasn't aware you were solely talking about campaign only.

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