
The Food Topic

Recommended Posts lot. With all your lovely, mouth-watering well prepared food...I will learn to cook. It will not be this night. Fuckin' chips 'n egg init.


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It's getting very cold and dark these days, so I'm getting back into soup mode. Today it was butternut squash. This is my favourite recipe:


Pretty simple to make. I halve the recipe, or else roast two squash but put the second one in the freezer, the soup is much faster to make if the squash is ready in advance. Protip: if you use an immersion blender, make sure the base is metal and not plastic, else the heat of the liquid can warp the bottom. 




The real reason I bothered to post this is because I noticed an odd side effect every time I cut up a squash, and finally decided to look it up. See this:



A butternut squash, when cut, secretes a strong astringent sap as a self defense mechanism to help 'scab' over a 'wound', sealing off the innards against spoilage by drying out rapidly, and increasing its chances of ripening. It's difficult not to get any on your hands when prepping a squash, the side effect wherever you touch it is extremely dry, tight skin on your hands. 


The more you know!  (Y)

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*waxes moustache* Ma'donn', the Christmas lasagne...



Nothing celebrates Christ quite like a load of carbs and fat.



Also, caramel chicken:




Closest I've come to duplicating Asian flavors. God bless Chef John.

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Hot, buttery ham on homemade rye. My spirit has never been so conflicted:






Also, I helped my buddy decorate a few thousand (or something) cookies. I mostly did the dazzlingly creative star shapes, she did the rest of the work.



Edited by GunSmith
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Speaking of cookies, my girlfriend's mom works in that business, and decorates thousands upon thousands a year. She gave me this as a gift for the new year.



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Wow, a lot of work went into that one. 'Dem layers.


There are lots of cool one's she's done. Next time I'm by the store I'll take some pics.

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I haven't had too many issues with the diet I'm forced to follow, but this topic makes me want to die. So many wonderful things I can never eat. If anyone needs advice on fructose free, low gluten bullshit I'm your man. 

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I haven't had too many issues with the diet I'm forced to follow, but this topic makes me want to die. So many wonderful things I can never eat. If anyone needs advice on fructose free, low gluten bullshit I'm your man. 


Yup - any gluten-free ideas that actually tastes good? I've learned to bake around egg and dairy issues, but gluten-free so far comes out like hockey pucks, no matter what I'm trying to make.

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Luckily I'm low gluten, not gluten free so I manage. I'm not much of a baker, but gluten free self-raising flour sucks as it is not the real thing. Best I've found is to use almond meal instead. Makes the cake very heavy, though. Like cutting through cheese, rather than a cake.


Almost all gluten free products I've store bought fucking suck. It's like eating cardboard. I'm lucky I found a cafe near me which bakes decent gluten free bread, but that doesn't help a Canadian. Unless you're really curious about Ivanhoe...I guess there's a first time for everything but no one is curious about Ivanhoe.


The short version of this is to ignore your gluten free friends requests. They're better going hungry. Or you could look online, as I'm sure someone more competent than me can put you onto some decent gluten free recipes. 


Edit: Also, please don't make hockey references. The Sharks are topping off a decade of frustration in perfect style.  

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Well, thanks for nothing...more trial and error baking for me, I suppose. And, I'm Canadian, and therefore exempt from hockey-reference exemptions, it's in our DNA. Plus now, I'm curious about Ivanhoe. :mellow:

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Again, the internet is your friend. Some good recipes out there, I'm just too much of a spastic to follow them. You just need to accept that gluten free baking will never taste as good as gluten baking...I'm guessing there's coke in gluten. 


I'm usually fine with hockey references but come on...4-1 loss to the home...and they call this an improvement on last season? Delusional. 25th anniversary jersey is cool, at least.   


And don't be. It's a suburb which is entirely unremarkable save the gluten free bakery. You'd be better served going to Croydon. You'll get a good experience of the Australian wildlife we call citizens...and potentially raped and assaulted in other ways...fuck, I'm a snob. I'm also right. 

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Fructose free? Good call! Probably one of the worst chemicals for the human body.

Here is why



I'm studying an AP Environmental course this year, and it talks about a range of topics from biological diversity, human health, agriculture, pollution, etc. It's an incredible subject I think everyone should be required to take. 


We recently discussed sugar and its effects on the human body, and how it is almost literally a poison. I'll still enjoy cakes and cookies and delicious diabetes giving food, but I've recently shifted my diet to include a lot more vegetables, legumes, grains, etc. Basically eat a lot more natural, less red meat, more chicken and fish, added EVOO, and so on. I'm somewhat following a Mediterranean diet, but I'm just buying good foods low in sugar that I enjoy.


We are hardwired to like two things, sweet and salty, two rare flavors in nature. But now that salt and sugar are in literally everything, it's taking a huge toll on our health. 

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Fructose is not glucose. While I agree that the less sugar in your diet the better, this isn't my issue. I could eat a bag of sugar and be fine. Well, relatively. If I eat broccoli, I spend the next 24 hours shitting and vomiting. Fructose (and all the other crazy things in natural foods which make me sick) is found in many common fruits and vegetables. Makes eating healthily a monotonous chore. I am so sick of carrots, green beans and potatoes.    


I must confess I didn't watch the video, so my post is about my health issues rather than a debate about the safety of sugar. 

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so is the about fructose corn syrup? because that's just a fancy name for sugar.. yeah. lot of sugar ain't great. BREAKING FUCKING NEWS now hand me a candy bar and back off.

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Happy pancake day everyone.

I've had just about everything you can think of on a pancake today. Blueberries, strawberries, maple syrup, peanut butter, chocolate,jam/jelly, etc...

Not all on the same serving of course.

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I made pancakes today. 8936095.jpg They're susposed to be the American style ones, so they're ment to be much smaller but I hate small pancakes, besides, American pancakes seem to be more like crumpets I think. Think it was this recipe I used, although I obviously made mine thinner and much bigger. Honestly couldn't have made them much more perfect. Parts look undercooked/burnt but I assure you they weren't. Tonight is Takeaway night. So I'll probably end up getting Donner meat or s/t lmao

I know this post is older than your mum, but wtf American pancake? Google IHOP pancake and you'll get somethings closer to an American pancake. tho ihop is shit,

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May long weekend, spring is here with a vengeance. First dinner party in our gazebo...I grilled hot Italian and honey garlic sausages, along with bell peppers, zucchini and red onions, topped with feta and balsamic vinegar; sides of potato salad and garden salad; oodles of beer and wine; and a baba au rhum for dessert, which is a vanilla sponge cake soaked in rum syrup, topped with fresh berries and homemade whipped cream. I'm so stuffed I can't move. Will post cake pics later.

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I've really started to expand the cheeses I like the past few months for some reason, and being lucky enough to live near Manhattan I've tried some awesome stuff at an Italian market in the city

The cheese is called Castelbelbo. In appearance it's like a Brie but firmer and it's somewhat mild to me, but has an earthy flavor and a nice tang. It's a sheep, goats, and cows milk mix.

The meats are 18 month aged Prosciutto and Bresaola, a cured Beef which has now become my favorite type of cured meat.


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