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RIP beautiful kitty. Thanks for being a good buddy to our friend bOnEs.

Shedding a couple of tears here, bOnEs. When they are that sick, helping them to not suffer any more is the last loving gift we can give them. May that bring you some small comfort. Sending big hugs from afar. :(

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thanks gtagrl, you've always been a good friend to me, i really appreciate your kind words...



So sorry to read that, bOnEs. You can see the concern on her face in the second pic, you obviously gave her a lot of love to earn that devotion. How old was she?



she was only 8 :(... she had many good years left, that's what hurts more than anything... she was too young to have to be dealing with this stuff, but when i look back at her over the past month, she looked like she was like 12-15...

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It was similar at the end with my guy Teddy (there's posts of him here somewhere pages back), he had lost so much weight by the end, and was so's heartbreaking to watch any friend go through that, furry or not. 

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I don't know how Director mode works but you should make a tribute video on GTA for her...  I don't know exactly how it works but I know you can use animals and your online character...  it just seems right somehow...

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Sorry for your loss Bones, remember the good times, and don't reflect too hardly on the end. 




Here's a photo of Hunter on a walk.



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Sorry for your loss bones.. Was in here a few days ago and saw but couldn't come up with any snide remarks... Still can't..

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Late to the party, but sorry for your loss, Bones. It's fucking tough. 


This was Buzz. Greatest dog you could hope for. He passed over Easter this year. I have two new Goldens now, but I don't have any photos on my PC so I will post them tomorrow or something.  



Who am I kidding? I have nothing else to do. 


Candy (front) is 11, and her daughter Bella is 6. 



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My cats, Moogle (left) & Tifa (right).

They love the outdoors. Always running about as a team. Moogle follows me half way to work every morning as it's only a 10 minute walk away. She's more like a dog, than a

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Speaking of dog-like behaviour...Both my kitties play fetch. Not like a half-assed feline interpretation of fetch, either, where the cat brings a ball back once, then languishes on the floor while the silly human retrieves it on their behalf. My boys will bring a fav toy ball, drop it right at your feet, then either meow at you or tap your foot with a paw until you oblige. Rinse and repeat. One of them will even drop the ball right in the palm of your hand, on a good day. B)

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Vinnie, an indoor cat, expanding his mind with fresh outdoor air and fresh outdoor catnip:






He did not want to go back inside after this. Big mistake.

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Just rescued her from a nasty run down house today. She did not like me at all at first, put a few good size holes in my hands. Now she's sprawled out in my chair with me while I trim :weed:

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