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Exciting to watch, yes, but if they played in a descent conference they would be making their yearly appearance in the Bowl, not the Orange Bowl like their coach seems to think.

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i beg to differ... they seem to play well against tough competition when they have the rare opportunity to do so... they're a good team, just not championship quality, but bowl quality for sure... they have lots of future NFL prospects enrolled because of that pedigree... i got nothing against boise except for that fugly blue field...

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I agree, once a year they play a 9-10 win team, but if they had to play them weekly, they wouldn't win 10 or 11 games. Hell, they could play in the weak ass big ten and only finish 9-3 in a good year.

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what's wrong with 9-3? it's still BCS eligible... but the problem for boise is if they go 11-1 they miss out on a BCS bowl... the stakes are too high for them in the mountain west, they'd could away with having a 9-3 record in a tougher conference like the big ten and still possibly make a BCS bowl game...

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what's wrong with 9-3? it's still BCS eligible... but the problem for boise is if they go 11-1 they miss out on a BCS bowl... the stakes are too high for them in the mountain west, they'd could away with having a 9-3 record in a tougher conference like the big ten and still possibly make a BCS bowl game...

9-3 in the b10 is capital one bowl worthy at best now that osu isnt on a bowl ban, which let trash teams like wisky make the rose bowl. i cant think of 1 at large bcs bid with less than 10 wins.

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Dude, your football priorities are fucked up. Not all of football is about making an at large BCS bid. Like I said before, with a little luck (and Nebraska completely shitting the bed) even a 7-5 team can make the rise bowl. Jesus Christ, college football has gone from where a winning season is a reason to celebrate, to the point where 1 loss is a reason to give up. The BCS system is fucked up, and until a playoff greater than 4 teams exists, it will continue to be. I wish I say I could remember a time where people could shamelessly cheer for their team, regardless of record. Now everyone is on the Alabama/SEC bandwagon, and I am not even able to post a fucking comment about Nebraska on a Nebraska article without a a dozen "Big 10 sux" or "S-E-C" following comments. Fuck the way college football has become. Fuck bandwagoners. And fuck sports media and fuck the BCS system that leads people to believe that a single loss by their favorite team means the end of all fucking things.


Oh yeah, fuck OSU too, because I can.

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I agree with pretty much everything you said there. But I never said 1 loss is a reason to give up nor did I say that someone shouldn't cheer for a team if they aren't good. I don't know where the hell you got that.

PS- Fuck the SEC, the SEC cocksuckers in the media, fuck Alabama and there cheating cunt asses, and most of all, fuck nebraska and there shitty defense and wannabe braxton miller at qb.

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Fuck Boise because they win games in a less than BCS division and are sad when they play in the Macco Bowl every year against some 6-6 team? I'm sorry, they would like to play better teams. Boise offers a home and home deal with anyone who will take it. Every once in a while a BCS team will get off it's high horse and accept that, Oklahoma State and Florida State have recently signed home and homes with Boise. They don't act like spoiled children though. They have stated countless times that they realize the importance of winning all their games and what it means if they don't.

They are 9-3 since 2007 against BCS teams; losing to Michigan State last year, and Washington and East Carolina in 2007. Chris Peterson has a record of 61-5 overall at Boise. Also, you are right when you said he recruits nobodys. He gets players other teams over look. We are usually around the 40-60 area in recruiting ranking yet we are usually a top 15 team, 20 or so this year. Haven't checked recently. Boise gets players that are going to work hard on and off the field and, other then Titus Young, avoid players that cause distractions. Just this year they dismissed two of their best defensive players, Sam Ukwuachu (Now with Baylor) and Lee Hightower (Now with Houston) for team violations. Even Titus Young was suspended for almost his entire Sophomore. Boise State is often criticized for lacking in academics, which is just stupid. Look up any academic ranking of football programs and Boise football team is likely in the top five. Obviously this way of recruiting does alright. Boise currently has 21 former players in the NFL and has had 10 drafted in the last 3 years including 6 in 2012. Not overly impressive but obviously the talent is there.

TCU was also doing fine in the Big 12 before their QB went to rehab. If he can stay on the field this year then I'd bet on them winning the Big 12. Unless Texas finally plays like Texas.

Also, Nebraska sucks. What ranked team get beat 70-31 by an unranked team? Also, it seems like Taylor Martinez has been their quarterback for like 8 years.

Also, why hasn't anyone told me that the Dolphins suck yet?

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Also, Nebraska sucks. What ranked team get beat 70-31 by an unranked team? Also, it seems like Taylor Martinez has been their quarterback for like 8 years.

You're treading on thin ice, fucker. Sure, they lost their conference championship, but they kept up with Georgia for 3 solid quarters before Aaron Murray pulled a magic wand out of his ass. One game does not a team define.

Unless its OSU. Fuck OSU

I agree with pretty much everything you said there. But I never said 1 loss is a reason to give up nor did I say that someone shouldn't cheer for a team if they aren't good. I don't know where the hell you got that.

PS- Fuck the SEC, the SEC cocksuckers in the media, fuck Alabama and there cheating cunt asses, and most of all, fuck nebraska and there shitty defense and wannabe braxton miller at qb.

Most of that rant evolved into a point where it was no longer directed at you.

Taylor Martinez is twice the passer Miller will ever be. I don't know where you get this Braxton wannabe stuff from. Martinez has been playing college ball before Miller, and actually makes an effort to be a better passer. 2000 yards, lol.

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Martinez is the better passer? I dont watch Nebraska football much, but when I do, he is usually coughing the ball up at a pretty high rate. I would have Miller over Martinez passing and running any day.

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Martinez is just as fast as Miller, just a little less muscular, and more elusive. And Martinez hardly fumbled the ball this year, it was mostly that butterfingers (albeit pretty good) running back Abdullah.

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a wannabe braxton miller? sorry but martinez came first, so if anything, miller is a wannabe martinez... plus, with you being a OSU fan, i am surprised you didn't bring up your boy prior... or are you upset because he tarnished the program and ruined your chance at a championship last year? he was a good spread QB for you guys too... i would know, he torched michigan on more than one occasion...

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Fuck Pryor, kind of pointless to bring that idiot into an unrelated conversation. And I don't even hate him for the tattoo scandal, it's cause he bolted for the NFL after saying he would stay and serve the suspension. And maybe wannabe isn't the right word, how about poor man's Braxton Miller.

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this rams fella gets pretty agitated when you talk good about any team but his... it's stirred up about 10 pages of convo...

i brought pryor into the convo because we were talking about braxton, who's another spread QB in a long line of spread QB's from ohio... pryor also took the team places, he even has a rose bowl MVP... he's clearly your most decorated QB since, troy smith i think... but it's not like being a QB from ohio means anything... i can't think of anyone making any noise at the next level except for potentially pryor...

and my bears rolled with craig krenzel for a bit, who actually did some good things with his limited time in the NFL... pryor has the chance to run the raider's offense and he's really their best option at the moment...

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Miller and Martinez are NOT the same quarterbacks. First of all, Martinez can throw. It may not always be pretty, but he still threw for damn near 3000 yards last season, and almost got Kenny Bell to 1000 receiving. Then running style: from what I've seen of Miller, he makes a lot less moves than Martinez, but can break more tackles because he's bigger--he generally just takes off and runs, whereas Martinez typically has to juke out or evade damn near everyone on the field, because he's not big enough to take a lot of hits. For the record, Martinez's high school 40 time is only 0.01 behind Miller's. That comes down to timer, not runner.

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Pryor won't be anything in the NFL and probably won't even get a chance. Matt Flynn was brought in for a reason.

matt who? oh the guy that seattle gave a lot of money too in the offseason last year, who got outplayed by some rookie named russell wilson...

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And Pryor is no Russell Wilson. He's bigger, but he really has no accuracy and has very little pocket presence. Pryor will have to play great to take the starting job, and he isn't capable of that. His success in college came purely from being too big for DBs and too fast for linebackers, but you can't take advantage of that in the NFL.

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No, Pryor isn't a fatass with no work ethic that doesn't care about football. Plus Pryor is taller and weighs less than Russell did at LSU. And Russell's career was destroyed because his fatass could do whatever he wanted since he already got paid millions, while Pryor avtually has to play for his money.

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pryor has a shot... the raiders could use help anywhere, i would know, one of my good friends is a die hard raiders fan :lol:... they'll take anybody that proves worth a damn... and pryor has that extra skill set that NFL teams covet these days at the QB position... even if he game manages he can be successful... he doesn't need to be mike vick, he needs to be more like kapernickerdoodle and just take what the defense gives him...

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Even if he does get a shot, I doubt he will succeed. I mean he plays for the Raiders lol. They are right there with Jacksonville as the NFLs worst team. Although a McFadden-Pryor backfield sounds like fun to watch and a nightmare for defensive coordinators to gameplan for if Pryor develops into a descent passer and McFadden stays healthy.

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Even if he does get a shot, I doubt he will succeed. I mean he plays for the Raiders lol. They are right there with Jacksonville as the NFLs worst team. Although a McFadden-Pryor backfield sounds like fun to watch and a nightmare for defensive coordinators to gameplan for if Pryor develops into a descent passer and McFadden stays healthy.

like i said, if he can learn how to game manage, they'll be fine... they're usually blessed with ridiculously good athletes, but most of them are raw... but if the QB shows the swagger, the rest of the team responds...

i am now a jacksonville fan myself... and it's because they drafted denard robinson!! the jags created a new position called "OW", offensive weapon :lol:.. they plan to use him everywhere... look, i know he's not gonna be a superstar, but teams better look out, he will have to be game-planned against... he's just too elusive and quick, he reminds me a lot of devin hester... he's not 40 yard dash fast, but he's definitely NFL fast... i can't wait to see if he can return kicks in the NFL... their offense might be OK, but their defense will cost them most of their games...

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