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of its such a big spoiler how come you didnt use spoiler tags just now lol

It's already been spoiled on here prior to my post.

well fuck

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Caught a rerun. Not bad. Almost makes the previous episodes in the season worth the time.

Also, I have no idea who the fuck any of these people are, other than Tyrion, John Snow, and the chick with the dragons.

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Also, I have no idea who the fuck any of these people are, other than Tyrion, John Snow, and the chick with the dragons.

Maybe because you didn't watch season 1 or 2 lol

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All of the last page ^

This is why i like Game of Thrones. There is no clear protagonists, or archetypes that come to mind. It's all a new concept that I've not really seen in any other book. You can't get attached to any of the characters, because G. R. R. Martin is so unforgiving!

No-one ever gets what you expect, and it's as ruthless as the medieval times them self.

About S3's episode 09:

I must admit, although I've read it before in the book, i felt more empathy for the characters at the wedding in the TV version, because I've become so attached to the character's/actors. I knew it was coming, but it still felt too soon.

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Yah unpredictable stories are a must these days.

All the normal shit has been done.

probably dont have to spoiler this but i will anyway

Rockstar is actually good at this. The ending of RDR is very very memorable with John Dying.

To a lesser extent, but still pretty good, is Roman or Kate dying in GTA 4. More effective with Roman dying.

I wont be surprised if one of the character die in gta 5

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One of the things I like about GOT is that there are no good or bad characters, everyone is morally ambiguous like in real life. This isn't a cookie cutter fantasy where everyone has a happy ending, I would say its more a reality based one where bad things happen to people who make stupid decisions based on emotion instead of logic. Someone like Ned Stark may have been an extremely honorable person but that is what lead to his downfall, in the real world you have to make some questionable decisions to survive. That's why I would consider Tyrion, Jon Snow, Daenerys, Arya, etc. to be the true "heroes" of this story because they are the imperfect characters who learn to adapt.

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the only real "bad" character would be Joffrey. His mom is a bit of a bitch, and Grandpa Lannister is a bit of an asshole too. Jamie in recent episodes seems to not be as bad as he seemed

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The Stark family must be Jewish, I've never seen anyone get so fucking persecuted. Anyway, Daenerys' story line is my favourite at the moment. She seems to really be gathering steam.

Same here, but knowing GoT once something starts to get a move on they get violently shot down. Hopefully it doesn't happen in this case, she has motherfucking dragons to protect her.

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I wonder if Westeros will end up being a democracy. That would be anti-climatic.

Doubt that, they will have to get rid of not just the King but all the Lords, so can't see that happening.

The Lord of Light is the only God who has some sort of 'real power' so I'm inclined towards Stannis. But who knows.

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Any word of what month season 4 releases? After this next episode I have no idea what to watch until July when Suits comes back.

Just go to IMDB (Top TV series) and watch in descending order. Including, Planet Earth by David Attenborough. That's basically my life so far.

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Can anybody who has read the all of the books so far tell me if the story quality degrades after book 3? I was planning on reading past book 2 now but i've heard rumours that quality severely dropped on 4 and 5.

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Can anybody who has read the all of the books so far tell me if the story quality degrades after book 3? I was planning on reading past book 2 now but i've heard rumours that quality severely dropped on 4 and 5.

Who are you getting these rumours from? I don't think the quality degrades at all. It's just a continuation of the epic awesomeness further along the storyline. Can't read it fast enough when a new book comes out.

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Can anybody who has read the all of the books so far tell me if the story quality degrades after book 3? I was planning on reading past book 2 now but i've heard rumours that quality severely dropped on 4 and 5.

Who are you getting these rumours from? I don't think the quality degrades at all. It's just a continuation of the epic awesomeness further along the storyline. Can't read it fast enough when a new book comes out.

I just heard a lot of people saying that book 5 is the worst in the series and that 4 is pretty bad as well but you've reassured me. I just didn't want to read on and find the epic storyline begin to rapidly roll downhill.

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I'm reading Book 4 now and I can safely say it's the worst one so far purely because so many characters are missing. And the plots of some of the characters aren't that good but it still keeps me interested.

I haven't read Book 5 yet but I have a feeling that will be the best one.

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Agreed - there's nothing more frustrating that wanting to turn the page and see your favourite character's name at the front of a new chapter, then half-way through the book realize they aren't going to show up. We saw some of Theon Greyjoy's story in Season 3, but he's not even in the third book.

George R.R. Martin does address this in the foreword or postscript of one of the books, about how the timelines aren't exactly linear, or that sometimes he has to take us backwards to see what was happening in another location, even if you've already read the outcome through another character. It sounds more confusing than it is when you read the books, and lends context after the fact.

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The season finale was tonight. It was dull. The season finale was dull. The previous episode was the only decent one the entire season. I don't understand the popularity. Until someone gets killed, it's just a show about various people sitting around various tables talking about how they sat at a table and talked to other people the week before.

I would've quit watching after Drogo died in season 1 if there were anything else on TV on Sunday. Oh yeah, that's a spoiler alert for anyone who hasn't seen the show. One of only three decent characters dies in the first season.

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I liked the finale; it's a harbinger of things to come. Not all finales have to be extravagant.

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