
Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Release date: 11.11.11

Genre: Role Playing Game

Platform: Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3

Developer: Bethesda Game Studios


Skyrim is the fifth installment in the Elder Scrolls series. For those who don't know, it has evolved into a first-person/third-person open world RPG. Skyrim takes place 200 years after its predecessor, Oblivion. The province of Skyrim has erupted into civil war after the assassination of its king. During this time, the God Alduin has risen in the form of a dragon, whose sole purpose is to destroy the world. The player takes control of the last Dragonborn and must face Alduin to save Skyrim from destruction.

List of some features

  • Perk system (similar to fallout 3)
  • Dual wielding
  • Skills level up the more they are used
  • Activities such as farming, mining, woodcutting and cooking
  • Vastly improved AI and graphics
  • Dynamically conditioned quests

  • Traditionally in an assassination quest, we would pick someone of interest and have you assassinate them," Howard explained. "Now there is a template for an assassination mission and the game can conditionalize all the roles – where it happens, under what conditions does it take place, who wants someone assassinated, and who they want assassinated. All this can be generated based on where the character is, who he's met. They can conditionalize that someone who you've done a quest for before wants someone assassinated, and the target could be someone with whom you've spent a lot of time before

Engine advancements

By looking at previous Bethesda titles, it is evident to see a refinement in the game engine and consequently the graphics. Below is an image that shows the evolution of character models.


(Left to right) Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas

Compare this image to some pictures in the media section to see the improvement.


Gameplay trailer

Gameplay trailer analysis (IGN)





The Elder Scrolls Evolved: What's new in Skyrim


More screenshots

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Nice one. I was gonna make this thread, but since i made the last one on igta, i just got lazy and hoped someone else would start one!

I'm really looking forward to this game. I haven't had an engrossing RPG game like this since Oblivion, so lets hope this game is as good if not better! ^_^

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I have nerdgasms every time I think about this game. There's easily 100+ hours of my gameplay/life in this game.

Same here friend. Well kinda...

Morrowind was my favorite so far, I didn't like Arena, Daggerfall was pretty good but too hard, and Oblivion was watered down.

My biggest fear is that this is going to get watered down even more than Oblivion did. I played 350+ hours on Morrowind over a year straight, I always seemed to find something new I hadn't found before, there were tons of factions to join, it was just great.

Oblivion I played a couple months at a time. I have literally done every quest in that game...and the factions...My god they were terrible...I mean, more dynamic but what was 5 of them you could join? I missed the Faction warfare that was in Morrowind, how the Fighters guild didn't like the Theives guild, and the fighters and mages weren't happy with each other....then there was the Imperial Cult and the Dunmer temple that were going at it, then the Legion...I loved the legion.

All the areas in Morrowind were diverse too, it was exciting to go to them, Oblivion was pretty, but so bland.

I know I'm talking a lot about oblivion, but its only because I'm afraid Skyrim will be more of the same.

BTW, they're using a completely new game engine.

Edited by TFT

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I think Oblivion was Good for a casual leave-and-go-back-to sort of game when compared to morrowind. But that's just down to the big companies forcing the developers to get games out for the set deadlines these days, meaning there isn't always time to add new layers of depth, which is pretty saddening. But that's just how the games industry works these days.

i think there is also that trade-off, graphics or content, which has always been around. Most RPG games are renowned for epic content, but not so much in recent years. they're trying to get the graphic bar up and trading that off for less gameplay features... Not good, but they have to make things look relevant to current trends.

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The final version of Minecraft comes out the same day. As much as I enjoy Minecraft, all my faith in the gaming community will be lost if it gets more attention than Skyrim.

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i've read a couple previews in the past few days about this game... while i am quite impressed with what i have read, really impressed to be honest, and the pictures i have seen are amazing, but i am still not sure if i really want to play this... i am just not sure if this is the world i want to be a part of... now, there might not be much else in the way of new releases when this comes out so, that could factor into the decision... but lets just say it's not high on my list...

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i've read a couple previews in the past few days about this game... while i am quite impressed with what i have read, really impressed to be honest, and the pictures i have seen are amazing, but i am still not sure if i really want to play this... i am just not sure if this is the world i want to be a part of... now, there might not be much else in the way of new releases when this comes out so, that could factor into the decision... but lets just say it's not high on my list...


It's like fallout, but with swords! Why on earth wouldn't you want to play that?

Personally, if there isn't at least one reference to rimming in this game, I'll be disappointed.

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i'll explain my reasoning once again for the new board because it is NOT just fallout with swords for me, not even close...

i don't really like the whole swords and elves fantasy games all that much to begin with, i just don't get into that kind of fantasy world... i like my fantasy games grounded in reality, or in space... i mean come on, there's lizard people and cat people, WTF?!?

plus, i didn't really like oblivion and i am very selective when it comes to RPG's because of it... but i am not going to toss skyrim to the side because of my experience with oblivion, i am willing to wait it out and see if it grows on me... just because i am not enamored over it, doesn't mean i am not interested in it... i am holding judgment for a much later date... like near release...

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i'll explain my reasoning once again for the new board because it is NOT just fallout with swords for me, not even close...

i don't really like the whole swords and elves fantasy games all that much to begin with, i just don't get into that kind of fantasy world... i like my fantasy games grounded in reality, or in space... i mean come on, there's lizard people and cat people, WTF?!?

ok mr dragon age :P

Yeah, i get what you mean. You like fantasy to an extent. so you like medieval style fantasy but not sci-fi fantasy?

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i didn't even really like dragons age once i got to the end :lol:... i gave it a shot and came away not impressed when it was all said and done... so much so that i don't even want to play DA2... the world felt like lord of the rings and quite honestly started to annoy me after i reached level 15...

i like sci-fi fantasy, which is why i am interested in playing mass effect 2... but i am not into the dungeon and dragons kind of world much anymore... too geeky for me i guess...

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This is like the wizard robe and hat version of Fallout isn't it? Another Tolkeinesque fantasy that brings no originality to a bloated genre. I don't understand why, mainly PC gamers, fall so cheaply for this kind of thing. Outside of LOTR, High Fantasy has always pissed me off.

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This is like the wizard robe and hat version of Fallout isn't it? Another Tolkeinesque fantasy that brings no originality to a bloated genre. I don't understand why, mainly PC gamers, fall so cheaply for this kind of thing. Outside of LOTR, High Fantasy has always pissed me off.

Actually, The Elders Scrolls came before Fallout, so Fallout is a guns 'n wasteland Elder Scrolls game.

And I am an Elder Scrolls nerd to the MAX, and I'm even questioning this title.

They've dropped so much shit that been in there since the first game its ridiculous.

The Athletics skill, the Acrobatics skill, the Mysticism School of Magic, and worst of all, no more classes.

Mind you Fallout hasn't had a class list, but that isn't a game that needs one.

I want to assume they have done away with birthsigns as well.(again only an assumption)

If so fuck this game.

In oblivion they took away Mark and Recall spells and put in a fast travel system BULLSHIT!

That was part of the fun of the other games, having to travel everywhere, it really put you into the world, immersed you. I mean, you could fast travel via boat or silt strider, but only to other ports and silt strider docks.

This game used to be deep, a real RPG, and I mean, I do like some of the improvements but a lot of them I see trying to bring the game to the mainstream. Its sad that it is all about money these days. Make bullshit games that don't require you to think...The old games? You get a quest, they tell you where it is, you find it on your own. They'll mark it on your map, but that doesn't mean its easy to get there.

New games? Quest, fast travel to spot close to it, done, fast travel back. BULLSHIT.

Fuck Joe Anybody and John Q. Public, and maybe Jane Doe if she is hot!

My nerd reactor is overheating. :angry:

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I'm not looking forward to upgrading my PC for this, but it will be worth it once I rock this shit at full graphics settings. What's that, you say? An orc in golden armor firing massive fireballs at legions of undead near a huge waterfall while dragons fly overhead and spew molten lava onto the rooftops of a nearby village, all in the middle of a blizzard? And that's supposed to lag on my PC? Fuck that.

Also, infinite props to the Hotel Figueroa for always having massive video game murals instead of billboards for boring shit.

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New info

New Dragon Shouts: "Yol Toor"- Fire breath, "Iiz Slen" - Ice crystals, "Strun Bah Qo" - Lightning Storm. There are two others mentioned, not in the Dragon Language, Slow Time and Whirlwhind Spirit (Move quickly in one direction)


If injured enough, they can't fly

randomly appear

battles are unscripted

Dual weilding:

Weapon and Shield, Weapon and Torch (Yes, Torch as a weapon), Weapon and Weapon, Spell and Weapon, Spell and Spell, Two Handed Weapon

Random Quests:

Were inspired by Fallout 3's random encounters

Didn't like how fake some quests in Oblivion felt, Bethesda wants to make it feel mor real with these


13 different types of ore


60,000 line of recorded dialogue, more voice actors

The Game World:

Each city has a unique economy, which the player can sabatoge

Guards no longer as powerful as they could end up being as Oblivion

9 seperate bounties, one for each hold, wanted criminal in one place; "Who's that" in another.


Horses - More detailed then Oblivion, actually handle like horses

Fast Travel - Oblivion and Morrowind style


Hand to Hand has been removed


Three confirmed so far: Thieves' Guild, College of Winterhold (Mage) and Compainions (Warrior), their storylines are no longer unaware of other events in the world

I'm particularly excited about the faction thing.

No more of this "Crisis in the world? Hogwash! You need to kill rats/gather herbs/steal something/assassinate someone."

And for those of you wanting to know why the Mages guild is no more, let your resident ES nerd inform you!

Sometime after the Oblivion crisis the Empire fell completely, the mages guild went with it.

I'm not sure if the Fighters Guild shared the same fate though...I read the book, but that was over a year I don't remember what they said about them.

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I wish the Morag Tong would make a return, but I'm almost positive thats a Dunmer/Morrwind exclusive faction.

If you're wondering, it was an assassin's guild like the Dark Brotherhood(the DB is actually a splinter of the Morag Tong) but it was legal. They gave you writs of execution, and you could kill someone in broad daylight, give your writ to the guard and be on your way. Was beautiful.

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Sounds too awesome to actually appear in multiple games. <_< On the subject of Morrowind, though, I'd just be happy to have the Dunmer in Skyrim look more like they did in Morrowind. In Oblivion, the only difference between the elves was skin/eye color, and height in the case of the wood elves. It would be nice to get my scarred/tattooed/eyepatch-sporting Dunmer assassin from Morrowind back.

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