The Mad Dooby

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Everything posted by The Mad Dooby

  1. I went through the old forum, still didnt find him, oh well
  2. Better be carefull a christian doesnt pull up next to you, they may do more to you than "perv on a hot chick"
  3. Dear juden, No one can see guest posts except the staff. signed, The Natzis You spelt "Nazi" wrong
  4. Why not just re do SA with GTA graphics and throw in the POSSIBLE extras we have suggested. Maybe a secret island way out in the ocean would be cool though, something to fly into the sea for
  5. *lands helicopter on ship, makes upgrades like bigger guns and a mini nuke launcher*
  6. Theres only so many places I can hide those... Guitar Hero? Surprised he didn't have the NES Light Gun & Duck Hunt in that shot too. Donald Hunting?
  7. For someone who finds the new Like system to be 'gay' you certainly have no problem using it. I have to use it because there's no alternative. You havent liked me yet, Im offended Dammit, now i cant say that anymore
  8. Where the hell do you think i came from? I popped out D-O's ass 2 years ago, he's ashamed to be in any of our discussions because of me
  9. Im going to need to get Sims 2 back from that bitch i borowed it to
  10. Theres only so many places I can hide those...
  11. Im sure if you googled it, it would come up, even with a place where you could download it... Vicey, that stuff aint good for your health
  12. *creates helicopter* oh fuck, wrong era *flies away*
  13. And TS2 has script and animation modding for whatever else you want to make your sims do that isn't at all inapropriate...
  14. Yes i wouldn't want to hurt you at all *hides 8 inch attack blade behind back*
  15. Well it just depends what you buy, if your buying a DB9, those are great european vehicles, same with BMW's those are very popular family cars over here now. But some of our more standard vehicles do suck I full heartedly agree.
  16. It was. I like the customization in Sims 3, but I'll never spend as much time with 3 as I did with 2. I was actually glad to see the city was empty, now I get to make the characters myself. Well I wouldnt mind a few people. And the only place i can live is Little Hati (legitamtly) And Wheres San Andreas?
  17. Those cars are foldable like pieces of paper compared to the cars here heres a 2010 odge Challenger
  18. Hey look its the castle me a Vicey built
  19. Well i just installed this map and it is freaking sweet, problem is there isnt anyone living in it