The Mad Dooby

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Everything posted by The Mad Dooby

  1. Can you even get out of your car in the next driver? if not fuck that i aint buying it
  2. We keep buying them, in my opinion, they have their marketing set extremely well, and its not like your buying a shitty game. They could littarlly release GTA 5 tomorrow, not tell anyone, and 80% of the world who has access to this game will know within the day
  3. True enough, a T-V series would actually not be too bad, considering the multiple fallouts, multiple characters, wiered shit thats always happening and a shit load of violence. This fan based series is corny but its one of the better fallout remakes ive seen
  4. Fuck that was a cool short. The best spin off yet, i wonder why they don't do a Fallout movie? I'd go and see it
  5. The original had signal lights, right there was a game changer
  6. The new Driver is coming out and im not to sure about there whole swaping vehicles thing. makes the game seem less like a driving game and more like a strategy game. Although, in the past there have been some pretty sweet Driver games, in my opinion, number 3 was the best
  7. I'm always wearing a merc trouble maker outfit, Fallout 3 or New Vegas, and there are a select few armors that can't be repaired using other armors, i cant remember off the top of my head.
  8. The Ranger Sequoia actually isn't a unique weapon, its found on a few different Rangers across the Mojave. Plus I have the jury rigging perk, i wont need the same gun to repair the new ones, and i have probably about 20 weapon repair kits and the 35 (2 are on display) gold bars so I am certainly set for some new guns
  9. Good, Good, the tests are going very smoothly
  10. Sweet, ill get the laser pistol anyway, I put them on display in my house. I dont use them unless its the mysterious magnum
  11. While im there. And I already use the Wiki when doing things in fallout, I hate missing stuff
  12. Before i go to Zion Canyon, is there any unique Revolvers or pistols?
  13. My guy only usually uses a hunting revolver, I bought the most deadliest revolver/pistol i could get and I love it, it is an amazing gun up close but is shit a long range
  14. The car part idea blends nicely into my Car Modification section. So i agree with you *thumbs up*
  15. Oh i see, because i laid down my only demolition charge that i made, figuring alittle extra explosives couldnt hurt. maybe thats why it worked for me. Plus I think the fire hydrant/oxygen tank has something to do with it
  16. Quick, Vicey, pretend your an American Congressman
  17. Doesn't Jzip work with rar files anyway?
  18. bOnEs: it does work, i did it, and i'm looking and 37 very shiney gold bars, now money is no longer a problem. the only hard part is walking back. Because I didnt have the longhaul perk, I ended up walking to Novac and shipping my stuff with the Mojave drop boxes
  19. Im kinda on board with the sleep deprovation thing, just not the lengthy sleeping, keep it how it is, it would also encourage the player to make frequenct saves so him/her didnt lose as much game data if the game crashed.
  20. I wonder if Vicey does.... *Slowly stalks Vicey down back alley*
  21. Just like the Firebird is the poor mans Camaro
  22. Thats what i look like in the morning, trust me