The Mad Dooby

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Everything posted by The Mad Dooby

  1. Black ops is the worst COD they ever produced.
  2. The Phenoix was my favorite GTA SA car. Extremely rare, really good performance, and looked sweet
  3. It wouldnt be high on there priority list. And does VIS even exist anymore? I know they make good body kits for cars
  4. Its a shame that was a civilian vehichle. I quite liked its design
  5. Ah. Not one of Rockstars glory moments, thats for sure. The Government really hates them but they can't ban them because that would just cause a massive riot. But really, whats a Rockstar game without controversy. Speaking of which. Have they ever made a game that wasnt rated M?
  6. Well Tahoma's from SA were a mixture of a Buick, Impalla and a Crown Vic.
  7. Was it any good I just looked it up and it looks like a bit of a shit show of a game
  8. I'd prefer if the cars werent all modeled off of chevelles, nova's and GNX's. At least the Dukes looked remerkably like a Charger. Thats why It was my favorite car. And because they didnt model any other cars after any other mopars
  9. I made sure to make frequent saves. And my vynil roof part was already done so it was basicly adding on to an older paint job I had done for my other Challenger
  10. Thats a Rockstar game? I've never even heard of it
  11. And if we are lucky, A sweet GnR song to kick it off. I still remeber that trailer. Im pretty sure I wacked off after
  12. Thats a good idea. I've always liked the Grand Nationals look but wasn't quite sure what to do with it. So I made it into a race car. Although I turned the R/T Challenger into a T/A. That took me in total probably 4 hours
  13. I have the feeling with Massacre. i still voted 10 but I have a feeling it will be the small appetizer you feed to alittle African child and then starve him alittle more. Fucking Rockstar marketing strategies
  14. Which leads us to multiple discs. My theroy is have one for multiplayer, one for story, or one for the freakishly huge map and great graphics (Which is required to install, not play), and one for all the goodies
  15. Buick. Check out my Car Modification. On topic of LA noire, Rockstar isn't usually just a publisher, but lets face it, they probably did change somethings for the better. Except for the driving. I wish I could get a modern car to handle that well
  16. Oh I know, I love my 440 too but fuel prices are alittle steep when you like doing smoke shows in front of your neighbours house at 3 am. Plus the massive amounts of tickets I get for speeding, but come on, If you have a car like that, you gotta drive it for what it was made for
  17. Idea for my car is to have it an Orangey Yellow, T/A replica with the correct striping, vynil roof, rear window louvers, power disc brakes, fiber glass hood... etc etc. Changes will include the 440, the 727 tranny, custom built chassis, custom interior, and instead of it saying 340, i'll order two 4s instead. And maybe somewhere down the road, I'll pick up a SRT 10 Viper engine. The car is originally a numbers matching, kansas liscenced SE 318 auto, but fuck that. If I have a upgraded engine, I might as well go all out
  18. Id tell you to check out my Challenger on rate my ride but I dont know how to forward you there
  19. There is a 440 making my baby purr. Got the 727 4 speed pistol grip attached to it
  20. I was more or less exaggerating 80 percent. And in the northen part of Canada, people dont even know electricity has been invented
  21. New theroy. Five actually stands for how many characters your going to be playing
  22. *Does Best Viceman Impression* Downt be trowling awll ova ower foruwms browskiy *Clearly Fails at impression*
  23. So I have the ideal car between you two?