Darth Sexy

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Posts posted by Darth Sexy

  1. Am I the only person left alive who thinks Machine Head are awful? I don't understand the appeal. They jumped to every shitty trend they could, and now that thrash is back, they make shitty thrash and everyone raves.

    Dio, that photo is the best. Combines dogs and Immortal, two of my favourite things.

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  2. I gotta be honest, I'm not loving the new Sabbath. Ozzy just sounds too processed. It also doesn't help that when they played live, Ozzy looked like a demented old lady stumbling about her hospital ward looking for her teeth.

    I'm a Megadeth fan, but I didn't listen to 13 and I have no intention of listening to the new album. I cry for Chris Broderick.

    I listened to Ghost BC after hearing great things, and I thought it was a joke. What the fuck. I actually think the costumes are cool...but the music is so boring.

    Alan Averill from Primordial's Doom band. Pretty good.

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  3. Hmmm. I'm running a 360, and aside from a RRoD on my old console, I've never had any problems. I'd check exclusives, but go for the console which is either cheaper or comes with a bundle you prefer. Also try playing with both controllers and decide which you prefer - the controller is big reason that I replaced my 360. That and already owning the games, obviously.

    That said, if Blu-Ray playback interests or an online subscription fee is unappealing, go for the PS3.

    Better still you could get a Wii-U so you could tell me exactly what the fuck it does.