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Everything posted by Brian

  1. I was discussing it with Dio, need a bracket made as I suck at them but I'd love to host it.
  2. Loving that frog photo you have on your page.
  3. Really appreciate the answer there I'll think of any more questions in due time, but I'm good for now, thanks!
  4. I like the character of Carl as said, and Chandler Riggs has his moments in acting, but he's pretty shitty compared to other "child" actors.
  5. Can you give a general rundown of the Pax? I'd appreciate it. I already know it usually takes more than one time to actually feel the high. I figured vaping would be a better alternative and easier for me, but my friend insists I smoke a bowl.
  6. It's not that I hate the character of Carl as much as Chandler Riggs himself. The terrible acting ruins every scene with him in it.
  7. Took some career aptitude test in school today, this is what was recommended to me.
  8. The ginger part was a joke, redheads weren't. Two different types of women to me.
  9. I love me a nice redhead what can I say
  10. If the edited photos were loaded onto the card this is probably your problem as the camera can't read external changes. Basically the info line could be changed, so yeah he can still view it in gimp but the photo itself is changed, making it unreadable to anything else. It's corrupted in other words.
  11. The files are corrupted, Q.
  12. It would in most cases, while I can't garuntee anything (as even I ran the risk of losing it all) you'll most likely get everything back. These programs are meant for deleted and/or corrupted files.
  13. What kind of camera do you have? Your best bet might be getting a card recovery software, I did this and it saved me once when I accdiently formatted the SD. If that doesn't work then remember to follow the world of photography's #1 rule, always back up originals.
  14. I think I'm gonna buy a vaporizer, sounds best for me, no smoke, little carcinogens, easier to maintain, etc. The second I saw a video on, looks easy to use and has lots of great reviews, however the Pax is a lot smaller and also has good reviews.
  15. I'd blaze with you If I blazed...
  16. Pot smells like ass what are you talking about
  17. It could be done with two guys, I don't get what you're trying to point out.
  18. That guy had them in the bed of his truck, and he set them up himself. Keeping them in a shed or garage is no issue.
  19. Those tracks can be driven into
  20. Saw a Jeep with these today doing about 60 down the highway